Sleepy Creepy Joe
Former Vice President and Senator Joe Biden has had a lot of nicknames over the years including “Uncle Joe,” “Blue Collar Joe,” and “Lunch Bucket Joe.”
He is called ‘Creepy Joe’ because of his habit of groping and sniffing females of all ages. President Trump recently dubbed Biden “Sleepy Joe,” which inspired this cartoon. Biden is not the brightest bulb, but he is considered a ‘moderate’ Democrat and some think that might make him more electable than the other gaggle of crazy socialists currently running.
Biden is 76 years old–just a year younger than that old commie crank, Bernie Sanders. I remember when the Democrats shamelessly attacked Ronald Reagan for his age—he was 73 when he was elected president. If elected, Biden would easily eclipse Reagan’s record–but being old and white may not be in Sleepy Joe’s favor. He also carries plenty of baggage including the Ukraine scandal, in which Vice President Biden pulled strings to make a deal that included his son raking in big money after being appointed to a board of a top Ukraine gas company. Biden plagiarized material for his speeches and called Obama ‘clean.’ Obama has not even endorsed him.
Sleepy Joe’s announcement came with the usual and predictable attack on Trump. Biden claimed Trump supports ‘white supremacists’ which is clearly not true except to those brainwashed with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
A election strategy of ad hominem attacks is all the Democrats have. They have no fresh ideas other than the ridiculous ‘Green New Deal,’ so they instead try to drum up anti-Trump hatred by calling him a racist, bigot, and homophobe. Without any evidence, logic, or reason of course.
Sleepy Joe may be dreaming of the White House, but his game plan is weak. Using empty platitudes and slogans will not serve Biden well—just like they didn’t help Hillary.
Sleepy Joe will put the voters to sleep.
—Ben Garrison