Anyone else think the mossad massacre finally broke the shills??
Now all they can do is post both sides of JQ attempting to control the topic.
Its funny. Thats their only move nowadays. They broken.
Anyone else think the mossad massacre finally broke the shills??
Now all they can do is post both sides of JQ attempting to control the topic.
Its funny. Thats their only move nowadays. They broken.
Here’s your short summary faggot. Main global conflict for last 2000 years explained here
The jews, without fail, have historically been at conflict with all of their nonjewish neighbors… which is why they didnt have a nation state in 2000 years. It’s parasitic.
amen. Dub trips confirm.
free Masonry is a jewish construct. Are you advocating for the drowning of jews?
Yeah its amazing how dangerous a good baker like clam can be to the (((cabal)))… and tyb too!
Did Hitler kill 6 million jews in the holocaust? Come on Doug, just admit that ur a faggot.
Look at Deniro’s nose…. is he italian or is he a jewish guy acting like an american italian tough guy?