Anonymous ID: 8c2896 April 27, 2019, 3:16 p.m. No.6338134   🗄️.is 🔗kun

God Bless you, Q team. Some of my favorite white-hats are Seth Rich, Andrew Breitbart, General Flynn, and Admiral Rogers.


It's too late for us to provide Seth or Andrew anything more than JUSTICE, but Admiral Rogers and General Flynn are two of the most amazing patriots still walking this Earth. I feel that Admiral Rogers is safe, but we could definitely do much better by General Flynn as far as his current situation. I am fully confident that in the due course of these events, his good name will be restored and those responsible for railroading him will find themselves going up the river or standing in front of a brick wall full of bullet holes wearing an (optional) blindfold.


Many eyes have been opened, and while cognitive dissonance and conditioning are still strong, we have worked hard these past few years alongside Q and Q Team to make this happen. Anons, please take a moment to pump your fist. The fight isn't over by a damn sight, but we're getting there.


Anons, pray for the 4-6% that we will never be able to reach. They are the ongoing casualties of the Cabal's insidious war against humankind. I pray that God will help them reach the Light and the Truth before they do something regrettable and unforgivable.

Anonymous ID: 8c2896 April 27, 2019, 3:24 p.m. No.6338246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8319



To be honest, it's not a requirement to be White to be a part of this. Nor are White people the only targets\victims of the Cabal. We are all in this together, and the stakes have never been this high.


I want to restore the right of all people to be proud of who they are, too. But we must not divide ourselves from our allies by focusing too much on White identity in this fight.


Supremacist ideologies are all doomed to fail. Zionism, Nazism, Islam, and anyone else who feels that their race or religion is so great that others must suffer, disappear, or die for its sake will find that there is no future for those who want to take the future away from others.

Anonymous ID: 8c2896 April 27, 2019, 3:27 p.m. No.6338280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8342



Uh huh. Q talks about Cabal. So what are you trying to say? That you are a dividefag and\or shill and don't belong on this board? Yeah, that's what it looked like to me, too.

Anonymous ID: 8c2896 April 27, 2019, 3:34 p.m. No.6338367   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That guy isn't JIDF or a shill. He believes what he's posting, he's just a misguided idiot who either doesn't know or doesn't care what actual effect his posts are having. You will find him or someone like him on just about every single unmoderated internet forum in existence.


BO and BV choose not to remove him, and Q chooses not to address the topics he continually posts. The only thing I've seen Q say about Zionists\Israel is that we're "saving them for last"


Anyone with a third of a functional brain can see for themselves that some of what that guy posts is basically true–the important thing to me, is not to focus on the race or religion of the perpetrators; they purposely selected Judaism and infiltrated and took over its identity and they purposely manipulated events to create WW2 and maneuvered themselves into what is now Israel specifically to provide themselves the smoke-screen of shouting "anti-semitism!" whenever anyone criticizes anything they do. It was not an accident. Face reality and the evidence out there. Don't blame regular peaceful Jews for what the Zionist Cabal have been doing. But don't ignore what the Zionist Cabal have been doing, either.