isn't it true that masons on the battlefield had an advantage because they could wave their arms the right way to get a chopper to pick them up? I read a tidbit from an anon who had a teacher that said he did masonic gestures to save himself on the battlefield in viet nam.
Fuck it its one kike it could have been worse.
it looked like /pol/ when i saw
>keep up the redpill threads keep them going.
I knew something was up. For one on /pol/ the redpill threads are usually just nazi infographics a bunch of trash usually. There are good threads on designated topics but overall redpill threads have always been kind of trash.
He was a nurse? Yea a nurse in california is trying to take out his anger on jews or is being paid to do it.
openly buying and shilling the brenton tarrant bullshit. Most likely related to the NZ attack.