Anonymous ID: 51ab7f April 27, 2019, 8:21 p.m. No.6342788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2809 >>2818

Sparrow Red = SPA[RR]OW ROD?

(I was going to try to write this all up before posting, but now I think I'll just post as I go...

prior stuff to be rewritten and incorporated...

>>6306701 (pb)

>>6331880 (pb)

I'll keep workin throught the weekend as a "self-employed carpet installer". TOP F'IN KEK!)


I've put out a few pieces of this over the past few days and now I am increasingly convinced that I'm onto something big here, so I'll try to pull a bunch of different angles together. Basically, I suspect Q team is now overtly signalling that Rod Rosenstein is a white hat, although the groundwork for this has seemingly been there all along.


Obviously, Q has repeatedly insinuated that RR is up to no good. Think of the images where he is behind bars with the other bad players. But ANYTHING Q says can be disinfo: DISINFO IS NECESSARY.


Does it make sense to think of RR as a white hat? Others know more about this than I do. Take Brian Cates, for instance. Q has linked to him multiple times. He makes a plausible case that RR "is going to deserve a medal". He argues that RR is eventually going to need to leave his post because he will be a prosecution witness in the trials of many of the malefactors. It all sounds at least plausible to me:


I am not going to focus on RR's actual actions, or on how this portion of "the show" might be meant to function if I am right, but rather on the clues in the Q drops and elsewhere and what they seem to be telling us.


Let's start with 4 Jan 2018. The first hint that Q is focusing on the departure of RR comes at 12:43 AM. Then at 12:44 Q drops "What makes a move GOOD? GREAT actors?". Coincidence? I'd say it might be a sign that the RR departure drama is ACTING.



Anonymous ID: 51ab7f April 27, 2019, 8:22 p.m. No.6342809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2825 >>2887 >>3004


Now let's take a look at the term: Sparrow Red.


SpaRRow has the RR. And "rod" literally means "red" in multiple European languages. (And we'll see that this "red" angle gets exploited further.)


But what does Sparrow Red mean? Many anons when these dropped settled on the answer that the meaning was related to the recent film Red Sparrow, but was meant to suggest an inversion. The film involves a Russian spy, working for Russia, who is a honeypot sucking up information. But eventually she ends up working against Russia. Consider how this might apply to RR in an inverted way: on the surface, Q readers might take him to be working AGAINST the US, conspiring with coupfags and cabalists. But, perhaps, in reality, he is sucking up their information and actually working FOR America.


Now look at the timing of the two Sparrow Red drops. The 8 Apr 18 drop is followed one day later by the "RR problems" drop. Then the second Sparrow Red drop on 12 Apr 18 is preceded one day earlier by a second "RR problems" drop. That's called: SYMMETRY.


But there's MOAR. Look at the second Sparrow Red drop. It starts with: Trust POTUS. And then: Sparrow Red. Is Q telling us to trust POTUS when it comes to hiring and firing? (That would make sense, given the prior public persona of DJT…) Trust POTUS even if he SEEMS to have enemies working againts him? Maybe…


And look at the first Sparrow Red drop. If you read it in its temporal context, it seems to relate to Syria, and recalls HUSSEIN blustering about "red lines". Perhaps "Prevent at all costs" has a double meaning, suggesting that POTUS will ACTUALLY prevent any red lines from being crossed in Syria, while also raising the question of whether POTUS needs to refrain from crossing "red lines" when it comes to "Sparrow Red" aka RR. Is the DS getting duped into thinking that RR is /theirguy/ and that firing him would be crossing a "red line"? Multiple later Q drops push the idea that the DS is trying to bait POTUS into firing RR and thus crossing a "red line".



Anonymous ID: 51ab7f April 27, 2019, 8:34 p.m. No.6342949   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The timeline matters when it comes to ascertaining what Q is actually saying. (Q uses times and dates heavily…) I agree that the coup was in motion. This actually helps the case the RR was not a player in it, but a white hat.