Green Valley Christian School
may be next?
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The dream couple is just emerging from ruins again.
I have already reported that more and more organizations in Berlin profess and solidify their views on open RAF proximity. Various student representations at the universities in Berlin have changed their logo to look very similar to the old RAF logo.
The other day, I'm not sure anymore if I wrote this in the blog or just wanted to write it, a "RAF Berlin" appeared, which appears with a RAF-like logo, which looks very similar to the one in question (instead of Red Army). Fraction) now called "Red Aufbruch Friedrichshain / Kreuzberg" and the direct reference to Ulrike Meinhof takes. "The fight goes on."
That's when the new terror is emerging. They will kill again.
FOCUS reports that they are not monitored by police despite open confessions to terror.
This fits in perfectly with the fact that they are rebuilding the GDR - as often mentioned in this blog. And the GDR was indeed a shelter and support, probably even controlling the RAF.
You have recently - I had mentioned it several times - the head of the memorial Hohenschönhausen, the former Stasi jail, fired, pretext was there is something of sexual harassment or something. In fact, it was about the fact that it is no longer possible in Berlin to seriously criticize the Stasi. The win here just back on the ground.
Vera Lengsfeld is writing about it.
A film producer had called for research on a film with a former Stasi executive officer and mistakenly mistook her for a sympathizer and went off.
He came to speak of the deposition of Knabe. Finally, "we" succeeded in getting rid of Knabe. "We" would not rest until the last eyewitness from Hohenschönhausen disappeared. Finally, it should be made clear again that in Hohenschönhausen only rags and criminals would have sat.
It seems that in the year of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Stasi communities see realistic possibilities for achieving a broad revision of the GDR history picture. They have been working on it for years, especially as book authors, so far without much success.
According to this, boy was really fired by the Stasi and its connections to Berlin politics.
Do you have to imagine: The Stasi leaves about 30 years after the fall of the wall a fire that criticizes them.
I come back to my old question: is not it that the GDR has taken over the FRG by faking the collapse, instead of forcibly crushing the protests and questioning them, on the infiltration and takeover of the big neighbor Has? Because it is already striking how many ex (?) - Stasi and ex (?) - SED people have come here in politics and the media and hold high posts.
Unfortunately, I did not pay attention to it, but earlier there was a program about the GDR somewhere on the television, oh how beautiful and good it was, and that Wessis could not understand how the Ossis lived that way. Statement: All just misunderstanding the Wessis.
For me it has been a long time since that the three Berlin universities are exactly what the Humboldt already was: squad-forging the SED.
If one looks at the sociological flood and its frequent Marxism studies (together they criticize capitalism and so on) and the compulsory exercises in genderism, there is a clear indication that they have long since rebuilt old cadre universities and made Marxism-feminism a compulsory subject Has. Women's representatives everywhere, in principle political officers and block wardens.
I know that even from my time studying before the fall of the Berlin Wall, that the protection of the constitution was at the universities behind the left-wing student organizations ago, because those were already out of the GDR. Already at that time there was a direct connection between left-wing student groups and the RAF, one just did not know it yet. Came then after the fall of the wall out that the RAF squatted in the GDR and then had trained there (was?). And this is exactly where we are today again: Left student groups controlled by Stasi / SED (= left) and breeding the RAF.
I've asked several times before, if George Soros is a straw man, maybe he's not that rich at all, but the money was cashed in or washed over him. Because behind all ultra-left organizations, the "NGOs" who are doing their mischief here, is always - Soros. Even at the Amadeu Antonio Foundation - led by an ex (?) - Stasi worker - is in it.
On the other hand, it is said that the SED was one of the richest parties in Europe, writes the MDR led by an ex-SED official:
On 9 December 1989, the special party congress elected the eloquent and quick-witted, otherwise largely unknown Gregor Gysi as the new party leader. The lawyer is indeed since 1