Anonymous ID: 048b0b April 28, 2019, 8:08 a.m. No.6346964   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump told "Sunday Morning Futures" that illegal immigrants are pouring into the country at unprecedented rates "because our economy is so good," and "everyone wants a piece of it" – and, he asserted, Democrats have now provided major incentives for illegal immigrants to bring children with them as a legal shield.

"You have to have Perry Mason involved" in order to fight some immigration challenges and enforce border security, Trump said, alluding to the backlog of immigration cases and a recent Ninth Circuit ruling requiring that asylum applicants be allowed to go before a federal judge.

"We’re moving people out so fast," he added. "The problem is we have to register them, we have to bring them to court. Another country just says sorry, you can’t come into our country and they walk them out. In our country you have to bring them to court, you have to have Perry Mason involved, I mean, you know, it’s all legal. You have lawyers standing at the border, our people, lawyers, wise guys standing at the border, signing people up."

Trump continued: "Every time they catch a cold they try and blame Border Patrol. It’s a disgrace what’s going on, and it could be solved in 15 minutes if the Democrats would give us the votes, it would be over."

"We – we go out and we stop the separation," Trump said. "The problem is you have 10 times more people coming up with their families. It’s like Disneyland now. You know, before you’d get separated so people would say let’s not go up. Now you don’t get separated and, you know, while that sounds nice and all, what happens is you have – literally you have 10 times more families coming up because they’re not going to be separated from their children."