Anonymous ID: 26cfdf April 28, 2019, 8:26 a.m. No.6347152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7203 >>7212 >>7228 >>7247

It's not "White men" you faggots. It's ALL MEN.



Shut up and fucking think a little. Normally I'm a nice guy. but I'm starting to piece together some of the big hits that Q has been foreshadowing.


First. It's nothing to do with Whiteness. It's really, really not. Stop being so fucking narcicistic. They want all men feminized, weak, pathetic, lashing out like children online where there is nothing that is really being done to change what causes that anger. They want you weak, pathetic, used and disposed of. They want women acting on emotionality, not logic. They want us not being able to think, to plan or to prepare. They NEED us divided. We're the product.


Why do they spray our food with chemicals? Why do they do thinks like Operation Seafoam? Do you think they only did that once or twice? Why is there obvious tampering with our genetic code? Why do they want us Feminized and weak? Why are we all being fattened up for slaughter? Why has the political system collapsed under its own weight? Why are we all allowing Psychopaths to run the world? Why do we all pretend we're just one big "Human" species? There are, at minimum, two distinct species of Man. Homo Somnius and Homo Toxicus. The sleeping masses and the Toxic Psychopaths that have tainted everything we hold dear.


Why does our "Holy Book" tell us we're SUPER special, we're the MOST SPECIAL IN FACT. We're so special, that many people here think there is nothing beyond Earth. Can you imagine, for just a moment, if Q was telling you the Truth about Aliens? Imagine there's a non-terrestrial species, that is thousands of years more advanced than us. Now imagine they went down a similar path we're on. Where they fucked with genetic sequences willy nilly and attempted to produce perfection, mocking Nature and God in the process.(If you're an atheist and are gobsmacked at the notion of God and are angrily typing out a comment, don't fucking bother, you're wasting your energy.) Imagine what they might do, if they found a sub-species that was "Beneath them", but was "similar enough" to them that they could modify us quickly using their technology and use us as a makeshift "lab".


Don't think i'ts possible? Alright, you have ten minutes to offer me up a legitimate argument for how it is Human Bodies have more NON-HUMAN cells in them than human ones and how if we didn't maintain this incredibly precise balance of bactrium, virus, etc, we would literally fucking die. We're walking, talking, living laboratories to test various forms of contagion on that affect "other" species that have a genetic line similar to our own. We ARE the Petri Dish. Human Beings are considered Inter-Galactic Cattle. We are the product. We are shipped out across the Galaxies, we are prized for our engineering talents and for our genetic make up which is stupendously advanced while also being ridiculously out of whack due to tampering on the parts of other species.


I really, REALLY don't give a fuck if you don't believe. I don't have time for the pathetic wretches who think this is simply impossible and are so fucking dogmatic that they genuinely believe (((Whiteness))) is so fucking special in the Universe that we're all speicifically targetting that one specific race for elimination. Not recognizing that it's a global prison, a meat farm, free range pharmacological testing grounds. We're the procuts. It's high fucking time we start recognizing what's REALLY going on.


If you think it's impossible, humans create Zoos all the time, we always exploit so-called "Lesser" beings than us for our own advantage. What's the difference here? Are you truly so small minded that the idea that Aliens exist and are farming us is beyond your comprehension? I can't imagine a better scam. Develop an off-world in the middle of no-where(Universally speaking, we're in the fucking sticks) pharmacology farm, have the inhabitants modified as walking petri dishes for your experimentation purposes, have the planet "Quarantined" because the species is violent and aggressive under certain circumstances, then go nuts and exploit the ever loving fuck out of them.


Best part is, you teach them all that aliens aren't real, you have the Archeologists, IE the ones studying the hiddne history, all buy into the same program that aliens aren't real, earth is a closed system and mankind has had absolutely nothing involved in its existence that in any way shape or form fucks with what's been popularized and accepted. Hell, they literally, not figuretively, LITERALLY flooded Earth about 12,500-13,000 years ago. North America was completely frozen over at the time, couple of well placed comets moved from their normal trajectory with a bit of technology and Bingo Bango there's Gods great Flood. Of which there is an abundance of evidence to support the Flood (((Myth))).


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