interdasting way off seeing the woods despite the trees for sure
CHEMIST is the puzzle that stil needs digging
>>6344798>>6344874>>6344908>>6342295>>6342306 >>6342311>>6342339>>6342351>>6342397>>6342455
>>6342493>>6342573>>6342656>>6342672>>6342687 >>6342795>>6342801>>6342850>>6342879>>6342945 >>6342983>>6342879
CHEMIST is the puzzle that stil needs digging
he has made 4 attempts
strike…. 4 times with shooters recently
all without the JIHAD result desired?
HE IS with his deep stae that has not been dug out yet…..that is the point……that is a shopping grocery list……things to do you might say…..he is only been interrupted by POTUS
was comey tweet before or after the shooting in Poway……was his tweet tiestmeped for EST or PST……did he tweet this cryptic tweet to activate or to gloat?
every anon should take four or five key black hat twitter accounts under their belts and monitor daily, so we can see the possible links as we all maintain a look on all of them, but each of us with a few we always look at everyday , then post any connections to comey as the main point.
we all may be wrong often, but it does not make us liars…..keep digging anons…..truth will be found as we continue.
keep moving soldiers
turn it up: https://youtu.be/MX1G71WK-FA