Anonymous ID: bad7d1 April 28, 2019, 1:07 p.m. No.6350191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0253

>>6338555 (PB)

Old and outdated firearms don't care that new ones exist. And neither does the target on the receiving end. ;-)

>>6338531 (PB)

I think you need to take your insinuation, wad it up, and shove it up your ass with the pointy parts facing outward.

>>6338524 (PB)

No. That's doom. Sounds like Latin but doesn't suck. Ever.

>>6338387 (PB)

Fucking bots.


That's the very first edition of the Big Book I ever carried. Glad to see that it is dog-eared. When you need a word of solace open it to the Forward to the First Edition (this is the 2nd ed). Read the first sentence there. Hospicehubanon did. It added years to his life. YEARS. And it brought life to those years. We buried my Dads first edition with him. They called him "Big Book Bill. He had been gone from Monroe, MI for over ten years. I preached his funeral service. There were 70 people there from his downline. SEVENTY people who owed, in some sense, their lives to my Dad and took time off from work, college, family to come pay respects. Many of them had never met him but only knew him from others. There were many others in Georgia who could not come due to the weather and the distance.

Your hubby affected other lives and lives on in them and those that they, in turn, help. Names are eventually forgotten as life goes into new generations. But deeds echo forever. Everytime he sat down at a table or gave a talk, he channeled Gods love and gave freely gave of it to his fellow man. You seem to have had a good relationship with him, privileged to have known him in his dark days and thus better able than most to appreciate the good ones. It is a privilege to witness one person making such a transformation. You have witnessed two and the other one will be in the mirror all of your days.

God bless you, sister.


With footnotes.

>>6338859 (PB)

Only 210 more payments and it's all ours!

>>6338569 (PB)

Bus station. Waiting for the business loop connector. Had to work late. This place seems a little empty … does anyone know what time the buses stop?

>>6338570 (PB)

Cops that only get to handle real guns once in a while might be better off not handling them at all. Are they issuing them ammunition?

>>6338476 (PB)

  1. Principle, Peter

  2. When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's a moray (sic)

  3. "Psst, hey buddy, want some of dis? Buck a hit."

  4. anti-union scab

  5. FBI Director, fired (not interrupted)

>>6338474 (PB)

The only way they are going to get a war from me is if I can strike at the head of the snake. If it's left up to me, we aren't going through this again. Not in this century and probably not in the next.

>>6338512 (PB)

Look up "Flo and Eddy".

>>6338694 (PB)

The retraction stands and, if need be, so will we.

>>6338732 (PB)

Hey Catholics … where did he get the money? Did you mean for him to use it as a weapon against the US (and Europe)?

>>6338738 (PB)

If you put a greenhouse under the glass, natural light won't be entering the rest of the church. So that's bullshit. If you put in the glass, but not the greenhouse, then far too much natural light will be hitting (and destroying) the art work.

Anything that doesn't restore it to a close approximation of what was there before destroys the base function of the church … which is to desecrate the pagan structure originally on the site.

>>6338692 (PB)

That's one of the guys who scratches "John 3:16" into the walls of shithouse stalls … right next to "Brenda -* Anytime"

>>6338812 (PB)

Maybe if he was locked in a room by himself for a while. Give him a radio, a typewriter (no internet), books … whatever might make him comfortable … but no human beings.

I don't think he would be comfortable alone. Without someone to put through hell, it wouldn't be long before he'd be there himself.

>>6339148 (PB)

"Preayers" is his only chance to feel better than someone else today.