Anonymous ID: be794b May 5, 2019, 4:34 a.m. No.6419489   🗄️.is đź”—kun



You're either a retard or a shill……Muslims don't run fuck all! Tell your JIDF/Mossad handlers that the GOYIM know!

Once the normies find out that 9/11 and ISIS were both the work of Mossad rather than Bin Laden and the Muslims….. Israel is FUCKED!

Anonymous ID: be794b May 7, 2019, 6:27 a.m. No.6436466   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6492 >>7594 >>4932

Tommys Mossad handler is back in the UK, just to make sure Tommy is on message, and to make sure he doesn't mention the Talmud or metzitzah b'peh to the GOYIM……. To late Avi, the GOYIM already know, kek.

Just in case anyone didn't know about the link between satan and the zionists, Avi is helpfully making the satanits favourite 'devil horns' handsign too!


You couldn't make this shit up!

Anonymous ID: be794b May 7, 2019, 8:28 a.m. No.6437202   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7289

Another journalist gets owned by Nigel. Maybe we should get some badges made up for them to wear? Kek


I love how he brings up the 'collusiion with Russia narrative too' I wonder who else the corrupt FAKE NEWS media tried to do that to? Kek

On a side note, you can probably bet that he was taking memory sticks to assange from POTUS, as we discussed in a previous bread…..ALL PART OF THE PLAN!

Anonymous ID: be794b May 7, 2019, 10:02 a.m. No.6437832   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7972 >>9804


There is no 'concrete proof' as far as i know, It's just the sheer weight of evidence that builds the picture of his allegencies.

I think 'normies' need to research the rothschilds, soros and 9/11 to realise that the zionists pull all the strings in the world.

Without this knowledge of what zionism is all about, it's VERY hard to wake people up about Tommy and Avi etc. Mostly because the vast majority of what tommy says is right with regards to free speech and grooming gangs, it's just that he leaves out the 95% of the picture that is the most important part to understand why the world is the way it is.


From personal experience, if you've tried to explain and they won't accept it, i'd just leave it fren. It's not worth falling out with friends and family over it. They will wake up soon enough when it comes out that israel were behind 9/11


I think that will be the one event that wakes up the most people, it was what started me on this course to the 'Truth movement' and i know it's the same for many others. Once you realise that every country in the western world knew the truth about 9/11, but just helped cover it up, you realise they can lie to you about anything!

Anonymous ID: be794b May 7, 2019, 11:54 a.m. No.6438775   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9804 >>9808



I have fallen out with people too, mostly because if you try and discuss anything outside of their 'mainstream narrative' they roll their eyes like you're crazy without even stopping to listen to the evidence! I'm pretty sure we all feel the same and have had the same reactions from at least some of our family and friends at some point.

There is a saying that "The more you research, the crazier you sound to ignorant people!" That's not to say family and friends are stupid, they just don't have the background knowledge to understand the alternative narrative we're trying to present to them yet.


With the friends and family that haven't dismissed it out of hand, i've tried to gently nudge them into researching for themselves. With the ones that aren't willing, i've just left it until they get more woke by world events. (declas of FISA is less than a couple of weeks away in my opinion)


I now spend the time i would have spent trying to explain things to them, on twatter and YouTube trying to counter not just tommys narrative but the whole 'deepstate' narrative in general.


I like to ask questions to people such as:


Who lets all these Muslims in then?


Was it Muslims who got the police to ignore the muslim rape gangs?


Who owns all these mainstream media outlets who call you racist?


Why does every western country on earth seem to have open borders and political correctness at the same time? Coincidence?


The answer to all these questions is obvioulsy the Zionists, (or the politicains that they control through money and blackmail) rather than the Muslims that Tommy, Carl and Avi etc want to blame for everything!


Asking questions in that manner is WAY more effective than tryng to tell them the truth as you see it…..It's exactly what Q did with us and it probably has deep roots in human psychology.


You can always come here and chat with us fellow anons if the family are getting to much! I had to do that more than once over the Easter holiday,kek.

I guess that's all part of what Q means when he says WWG1WGA! All of us Anons looking out for each other, and working together towards a better world for future generations!

I never thought i'd find myself saying something that sounds like it's a line from a corny movie, but then i never thought i'd be confronted by all this corruption and evil either!

Anonymous ID: be794b May 7, 2019, 3 p.m. No.6440335   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4337 >>5187




I strongly disagree!……. It's not like we're short of bread, and Tommy Robinson is a Zionist shill, which makes him 10 levels above a normal shill in needing to be constantly called out.


The video posted here >>6439828

is great content, (if you start it from about 3 minutes, the first 3mins is pretty much just a queen tribute video) The clip with nick griffen is the most revealing about what happened with the BNP and the EDL in terms of it basically being run from a mossad bunker in Tel Aviv!


As i've said before i disagree with nick on a couple of things but the man is a true patriot. He dared to say no to the zionist scum….. hence why he was so demonised by the media that they control.


Zionism is at the very heart of nearly every single problem, not just in the UK, but across the whole world! As such it should be called out every time it rears its satanic head, be it Tommy, Avi, Katie,Ezra or any other of the mossad operatives who claim to speak the truth!


I don't disagree that Q100 isn't extremely important too, but i think i'm quite capable of dealing with 2 subjects at the same time. I'm not sure there is any connection between the 2 Q drops you're linking anyway? What are you saying the connection is other than "old news"? Am i missing something?


Sometimes it seems like people want to focus this board on anything but the zionists!……Tommy is that you.? kek

Anonymous ID: be794b May 8, 2019, 10:27 a.m. No.6446704   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6939 >>7910



Farage is our guy. He hinted yesterday that once the EU elections are out the way, he has some 'radical policies' to try and smash the 2 established parties here. I very much suspect that one of them is 'RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE" … sound familiar? Kek



Anonymous ID: be794b May 8, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6447117   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2735



I don't have the sauce to back it up, but for me i feel that the Bullingdon club is the British equivalent of Skull & Bones in the US..


I agree on boris 100% .I don't trust that floppy haired twat as far as i could kick his fat ass!


Let's not forget that he was undecided which side of the brexit campaign to back until the weekend before they started. From memory i think he'd even written two articles, one for each side?

The fat bastard was probably waiting on a phone call from Soros,The Rothschilds, or some other zionist puppetmaster (who had pics of him fucking a goat in the mouth), to tell him which side they wanted him to take to keep their puppet show going!

Luckily for us the inbred retards underestimated both the power of SuperNige, and how much the 'GOYIM' hated the EU though! ……I guess that's the kind of misjudgements you can make when you're both the spawn of incest, and still mourning the loss of your foreskin 85 years ago.


It makes me wonder if they suffer so much chaffing of the bellend, that they go on to develop psychopathic tendencies in a lot of cases?

Anonymous ID: be794b May 9, 2019, 7:43 a.m. No.6454204   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2482


This is why nigel is such a fucking legend! I love you nige (no homo)



This is hugely notable


Not only for calling out soros, but for calling out all the wankers who think that criticising anyone who is jewish is somehow worse than criticising me, you or anyone else who isn't a jew….. That's exactly how they have got away with their (((fuckery))) and (((subversion))) for so long!

Because it's so notable i've uploaded the clip here too.

Anonymous ID: be794b May 9, 2019, 3:51 p.m. No.6457183   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7258

Freddy starr is dead, cue hamster gags.


How long before ot comes out he was a nonce? He was arrested during operation yewtree after 13 (yes 13!) people made allegations that he assulted them. They decided there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute him in all but one case. In that case there WAS ENOUGH EVIDENCE, but it was decided not to be in the PUBLIC INTEREST! What a fucking joke that is! ….Take out the word public, and insert 'NONCE FILLED ESTABLISHMENT' instead!


Note the T-shirt design…coincidence?

Anonymous ID: be794b May 12, 2019, 1:28 a.m. No.6478438   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8539 >>8743

Did anyone else just watch Tony Blair get owned by sophie ridge on sky? OMG if you didn't then please do!

It was the best interview for years! She made him look at a poll of the brexit party, then triggered him multiple times over, Nigel, Trump, Globalism, Draining the swamp etc etc. It was Keks all the way!


Will upload the link later when avaliable!

Anonymous ID: be794b May 12, 2019, 3 a.m. No.6478604   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Yh, for anyone who doesn't want to sit through too much of his bullshit, the good stuff starts at about 3min 30secs…. The bit where she makes him look at the 'graph of pain' is one of the most enjoyable moments for me, in fact i think i may watch it one more time,kek

Anonymous ID: be794b May 12, 2019, 11:38 a.m. No.6480665   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Some would say the definition of 'Retardation' is someone who can't work out the odds of the numerous Q 'proofs' all being a coincidence.


Have another look at

"Do it Q"

"tippity top"

"airforce one squawking 'Q+' as its transponder code"

If those 3 alone don't help you understand it's real, then you're either a shill or a retard

Anonymous ID: be794b May 13, 2019, 12:52 p.m. No.6489576   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9650 >>9802



I've uploaded the vid for the record.


Wouldn't surprise me at all if [they} had him killed, they certainly don't look too upset about it.


If all the crimes in that article are actually true, then i think it speaks volumes that nothing was done about any of it when the conservatives got back into power. If ever anything proves that the 'establishment' are all one 'thing', then this is probably it.

Anonymous ID: be794b May 13, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.6489650   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9818


Just to clarify because i wasn't clear…When i said they had him killed, i meant the establishment not Blair and Brown themselves.


Also i couldn't resist making this when i saw the pic in the article….. seemed almost too easy,kek

Anonymous ID: be794b May 18, 2019, 7:33 a.m. No.6528131   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4432



Hopefully POTUS has sent them on an 'overwatch' mission to guard Nigel from attack by demented remoaners and/or the UK deepstate!


On a more likely explination, i guess it's possible they are transiting towards Iran given the current issues?

Anonymous ID: be794b May 19, 2019, 4:23 a.m. No.6534846   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Interesting and important video IMO. ….A Zionist vs A proper Jewish Rabbi


I guess we should consider the fact that this could be just another piece of dis-info, but for me it's further proof that there is a HUGE divide and difference between people who follow the Torah and those who follow the Talmud!


I'm far from an expert on any religion, but for me all this satanic shit (and the desire we often see from the zionists for world domination/manipulation) seems to stem from the Talmud, while the Torah seems to be the original 'un-perverted' version of Judaism?


As usual when mentioning the JQ or 'the man from E17', let the adults discuss, the shills go mental, and the 'powers that be' add another black mark on my file, kek.

Anonymous ID: be794b May 19, 2019, 2:54 p.m. No.6538153   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8374 >>8566



Just ignore >>6537214 Anon. That's 'braveheart' our resident shill. He's like the UK version of freddie benson…. just without toots and the keks!


If you mention TR in any aspect, positive or negative, he loses his shit and goes off on rants that only make sense to him!


I've got no time for Tommy and his BS narrative, but like you said, the only people to blame here were the Muslims and the police for letting them get so close!

Anonymous ID: be794b May 29, 2019, 7:01 a.m. No.6616555   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6673 >>9183




You mean the chinese wife that he accidentally said was Japanese?

Interestingly, in the picture accompanying the article she definitely looks more japanese than chinese to me.


On a side note, she also looks 'a touch masculine' on occasions… Is 'she' another contender for #penisgate ?