Anonymous ID: dae990 April 28, 2019, 3:39 p.m. No.6351761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1772 >>2034 >>2056 >>2317 >>2406

Police in Baltimore investigating 7 people shot near a church

Posted: 6:23 PM, Apr 28, 2019 Updated: 14 minutes ago

Baltimore Police are on scene investigating after seven people were shot on Sunday afternoon.

The incident occurred in the area of Perkins Square Baptist Church.

It's unclear at this time if the shooting happened inside or outside of the church.

There is no word on any of the victims condition.

Anonymous ID: dae990 April 28, 2019, 3:57 p.m. No.6351937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fergus Cullen, a GOP fixture in New Hampshire politics, sent out 150 invites to his house party for Bill Weld, the first Republican to announce a primary challenge to President Trump.

No fan of the president, Mr. Cullen didn’t go out of his way to invite diehard Trump supporters, and some simply couldn’t make it. But more than 60 people showed up and — most notably — only three declined with some version of “Thanks, but I’m with Trump.”

“I thought I’d get more,” Mr. Cullen said of Trump die-hards. “It confirmed for me that people are open to an alternative. Doesn’t mean they’ll all vote for an alternative, but they are open to hearing from someone else.”

New Hampshire is critical ground for the “Never Trumpers” who hope to defy the odds and mount an intra-party challenge to a sitting president.

Mr. Weld says he’s running because America “deserves better” than Mr. Trump, citing his belligerent manner, his attitude toward Russia and other eyebrow-raising moments, such as his comments after the riots in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Speaking at St. Anselm College, he said he’s not in a rush to beat New Hampshire’s filing deadline this November, and said he has no interest in launching a “suicide mission” while he holds his day job as governor.

Any challenge to Mr. Trump is definitely a long shot. National polls suggest he enjoys support from 90% of the party.

“President Trump received more primary votes than any nominee in Republican Party history and he now enjoys the highest approval rating in his party of almost any president in modern history,” RNC spokesman Steve Guest said. “The RNC and the Republican Party are firmly behind the president. Any effort to challenge the president’s nomination is bound to go absolutely nowhere.”

Anonymous ID: dae990 April 28, 2019, 4:08 p.m. No.6352070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2317 >>2406


A House Democrat who sits on the House Judiciary Committee admitted Sunday that his "sole focus" is unseating President Donald Trump, not passing legislation to improve the lives of Americans, the promise on which lawmakers campaign.

What happened?

During an appearance on CBS' "Face The Nation" Sunday, Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.) said he believes that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should consider brining impeachment charges against Trump.

"Do you personally think impeachment should be considered?" show host Margaret Brennan asked.

"I think it should. I think it's the best way to get all of the facts out. I also believe that at some point we have to hear from this president whether he's lying to us or not. We need to hear from him under oath," Richmond responded.

But Richmond went a step further when he admitted that unseating Trump is, at least personally, his current "sole focus."

"Look my sole focus right now is to make sure that [Trump's] not the president next term," Richmond said, adding that while Congress should further investigate whether Trump obstructed justice, the primary goal of Democrats should be "to make sure that [Trump] does not win re-election."

The Louisiana Democrat said he is supporting former Vice President Joe Biden's bid for president.