You look just like Barry! Even got the same bicycle. Seem to match his low IQ too.
Is that you Valerie?
>So far, the U.S. has contributed $2.1 million to the project, and Austria, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom have contributed $1.2 million.
So the US has paid nearly twice as much toward financing this gun grab than did 9 European countries that will be the benefactors?
If Richard Lugar was a foreign policy EXPERT then we should be VERY GLAD that he's dead.
At least now we won't have him making anymore of these expert deals!
The one on the right looks like a cross between CBF and HRC.
This is one of my all time favorites.
>Is the latest shooting a distraction from Democratic corruption?
Always is.
Also with the shootings over the weekend you can expect a renewed attempt at their perpetual gun grab.
Watch . . . you will see it start tomorrow before noon.