Anon has a tip. Teach your grandchildren that when they handle hot peppers, cut them up for their mother, to NEVER PICK THEIR NOSE.
cnn & msnbc running a history of Creepy Joe, showing photos of him as a young kid. Why's media doing this? Very creepy. Talking about group sex, sex with animals.
He can't put into words, he doesn't know what the words are? Here's the words:
He's fukked
Don't be so harsh on our Mexican neighbors. The Deep State hit them bad. Bad as bad could be. Who built up their cartals? Who gave them guns, who bought their drugs and human?
Give our brothers & sisters in Mexico a break. They suffering big time. A new day has arrived. AMLO. Let's see how AMLO and Trump work things out.
Remember: it's a centuries long problem. Maybe a long as history problem. Give it a few months please.