Anonymous ID: ef9559 April 28, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.6353762   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the interests of promoting sharing and caring, here is the text I used for my red pill memes.


Have at it.

Use all of it, part of it, whatever turns the lights on in the sleepyheads.


Q or Q Anon, is an anonymous person, or (as we followers suspect), a group of people including POTUS, dedicated to the overthrow of the ‘DEEP STATE’, one drop at a time, which has been subverting the American & World Wide way of life for a very long time. How long, and the degree of that subversion, is for Anons (free followers including the author of this message) to determine through research in conjunction with Q ‘drops’ (the cryptic messages/clues) left on a ‘wild west’ free speech website known as

The reason for ‘clues’ is because Q drops often include intelligence that cannot be revealed due to its classified nature. It is Anons’ job to assist Q by being its ‘digital army’ in seeking out and exposing the truth, as opposed to what we are told by the corrupt/fake MSM (mainstream media eg, CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc). Once we determine what the truth is, we ‘meme’ this information using small information graphics such as this graphic you are reading now and send it out into the world via social media. is where we discuss our objectives and research in detail, BUT, due to the nature of this work, the site is flooded with enemy assertions in the form of messages/memes/videos etc that paint Anons in a negative light, eg. inferring we are Nazis, racists, white supremacists, hate filled, liars, Jew haters (especially Jew haters) and so on. We are not. We are united behind our mascot Pepe who is a green frog, representing our desire to not be identified by our skin color. We don’t care what your skin colour is, or your nationality, or your faith. We care about the color of your heart.

Therefore, one of several sites we promote for curious ‘normies’ (uninitiated normal people like you) to bypass the horridness of what we have to wade through every day to do our work, is

Anonymous ID: ef9559 April 28, 2019, 7:12 p.m. No.6353965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3984


You mean organise themselves like we're doing fighting the cabal?

They are so poor.

And they are like we were before we were woken up.

What hope have they got.

At the moment they are pawns.

That's all.
