Someone please explain…
Let's pretend it's NOT happening. Why in the fuck do we have only 40 prisoners at GITMO with 1800 soldiers and civilian personnel?? That's a whole lotta worker bees.
Someone please explain…
Let's pretend it's NOT happening. Why in the fuck do we have only 40 prisoners at GITMO with 1800 soldiers and civilian personnel?? That's a whole lotta worker bees.
3 days ago it was. Still relevant though.
Monkeys aren't this stupid. APOLOGIZE!!!
I don't doubt you. I'm between halfway hopeful and enraged for the waste of more taxpayer money on stupid shit.
Let's just agree 1) he's weird and 2) POTUS would never say something bad about Pence until either Pence said something bad about him publicly (never gonna happen), or after POTUS moves on from Pence as VP.
Artistically speaking, it helps emphasize the Jewish nose while not being a nose.
>“Maybe we should all just defect to the Brexit Party. Can you imagine the chaos.”
Do you all want to MAKE history, or just read about it? DEFECT!!
He's such a jackass. It's exhausting.