>>6354786 pb
I thought Misfud was English? British spy. He's in Italy? Being brought home to London?
Recent news is that he was found living next door to the US[?} embassy in Italy Rome
So maybe hes already under arrest?
I think it's the other way around.
I didn't see the whole image.
I thought we were the racist.
They can't help themselves.
So tied up in Projection they don't even realize they aren't making sense and are actually becoming the thing they think they hate [what all the psychiatry books will tell you is what happens]
I believe that has a lot to do with it.
Either Christians have immunity or they just don't watch much TV,
A large number here are Christian.
How can it be 107 minutes when it's a year delta. Year and 3 days?
Also, different time zones
399 days
The DS creates the legends and the history.
I don't believe it.
They like to blame Russia, But play all sides
They don't live in Russia or Israel, most likely
They live in London and Germany, to a great extent. or Do their business there.
Russia is not the boogy man.
If you could nominate a Country for that role?
Maybe Switzerland.
DS has a whole industry forging documents, lying and creating "history"
Fine, but they portray POTUS with a yamulka and the dog has a star of David around it's neck.
If we did that it would definitely be "Racist"!
World Federalist Society is tied to JFK killing, by association with Cord Meyer of the C-A