Glad you got yours, Margret. You’re a woman now.
Pence is a comp’ed asshole
I’m a Hoosieranon
Look into Jestors and Pence. He is a comp’ed Neocon toady. Flush out your headgear.
She is Pretty
Dead on the bubble.The more polished, the more twisted.
lil fighter. He crossed the rainbow bridge and is Nasims cat in Valhalla
Looks like a pussy mound meme gone wrong
Holy shit, John
He’s gotta be sick and on steroids or something. This can’t happen. I’m not ready.
Feel them dubs too
Da fuck you just say, homo?
She is Pretty
6) softest mouth on the cell block (future)
There won’t be a single Jap in 100 years at the current trajectory. Jap chicks best get spreading and Jap dudes best get laying the pipe or they are doomed.
The ethologist John B. Calhoun coined the term "behavioral sink" to describe the collapse in behavior which resulted from … Calhoun's work became used as an animal model of societal collapse, and his study has …
It’s not about letting more people in, kike.
It’s about making more Japanese.
i.e. ‘fuckin’ as in to reproduce
It can’t be allowed to happen