Anonymous ID: 064782 March 11, 2018, 9:34 p.m. No.636051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6054

Gridiron Dinner (03-03-2018) - DJT Speech Speculation (PART 1 OF 3)


''[#] (Main Topic:Focus:Subject) "Statement" Speculation''


[1] (Washington:White House:Storm) "Another calm week at the White House." Calm before the storm?

[2] (Washington:White House:Control) "We finally have it running like a fine-tuned machine. It’s fine-tuned. It’s a beautiful piece of work." Fine-tuned like setup? “Piece of work” is derogatory usually meaning unpleasant or difficult

[12] (Washington:Mike Pence:Impeachment) "He starts out each morning asking everybody, has he been impeached yet? You can’t be impeached when there’s no crime!" MP should be fighting the impeachment narrative and supporting the President. Watch out.

[13] (Washington:Steve Mnuchin:Results) "Steve Mnuchin… you’ve got a lot to handle. I said, you can’t do that Steve! Steve has given us the blockbuster movie Lego Batman." SM is not focusing on the right things to help fix the economy. Days numbered?

[14] (Washington:Jeff Sessions:Recusal) "Attorney General Sessions is here with us tonight. I offered him a ride over and he recused himself. But that’s OK." Acting up the "Sleepy Sessions" bit? Performances hide the plan.

[15] (Media:News:New York Times) "…leading lights of the media here… failing New York Times." NYT failing = leading light = all news media fail?

[17] (Media:News:Arthur Sulzberger) "I especially have a place in my heart for Arthur Sulzberger. Our stories are almost mirror images. Arthur inherited billions of dollars and he turned his into millions." Think mirror and follow the money?

[18] (Media:News:Jeff Zuckers) "Jeff Zuckers… CNN, it lost a tremendous amount of credibility this year…" Media continues to lose credibility - and will as long as they keep fighting.

[19] (Washington:Steve Bannon:Leaking) "…but they [CNN] also lost one of their true stars, the guy who got you the most scoops, inside info… There was nobody like him: Steve Bannon. That guy leaked more than the Titanic…" More performances? Hints that SB setup CNN for the ultimate iceberg crash? General hints at media failure?

[21] (Washington:White House:Turnover) "So many people have been leaving the White House. It’s actually been really exciting and invigorating. I like turnover. I like chaos. It really is good." Getting people out of the WH is really good. DJT likes it. Expect more.

[22] (Washington:Steve Miller:Leaving) "Now the question everyone keeps asking is, who’s going to be the next to leave? Steve Miller or Melania? She said, Behave." Steve Miller out soon?

[27] (Media:News:Job Satisfaction) "You’re doing a good job. You know, you can’t do a great job unless you enjoy it. It’s true. You people know that as great reporters. You love what you do, and if you didn’t love what you do, you wouldn’t do it well." The media does NOT do their job well, so they must really hate what they do. They persist because they have to. DJT knows and is waiting with open arms.

[28] (Legislation:Tariffs:Protection) "…I want to just discuss the big financial story of the week. …new tariffs… very popular with people because they’re tired of getting ripped off, many dying American industries have come to the White House asking for protection. They want help. They need protection." Tariffs = protection. SERIOUS protection for all of America. Global Politics in check by increasing USA independence. Oh and Kobe Steel is the worst.

[29] (Media:Print:End of Life) "Unfortunately, I’m sorry, I fear it may be too late for the print media. That’s another bomb that I thought was going to be great." Print media - you are officially dead. Deal with it.

[30] (Washington:Opposition Party:Revelation) "…I do enjoy gatherings like these. They give me a chance to socialize with members of the opposition party. Also great to see some Democrats here." DJT just called out the REAL opposition party, not the Dems.

[31] (Washington:Opposition Party:Joe Manchin) "The opposition party, I’ve seen a few of them applauding tonight including Sen. Joe Manchin, who’s here." JM is part of the REAL opposition party? Who else? Needs some digging…

[32] (SOTU Address:Joe Manchin:Catering) "There aren’t any cameras this time Joe. And I won’t tell Chuck and Nancy what you’re doing. Because boy was he applauding me the other night. Right? At the State of the Union he was up there applauding. I don’t know who the hell he was catering to." Who was JM really catering to? The REAL opposition party? Is he next in line for an "accident"?

Anonymous ID: 064782 March 11, 2018, 9:34 p.m. No.636054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6056



Gridiron Dinner (03-03-2018) - DJT Speech Speculation (PART 2 OF 3)


''[#] (Main Topic:Focus:Subject) "Statement" Speculation''


[34] (SOTU Address:Democrats:No Standing) "I probably could have found a way to get the Democrats to stand and clap. … They didn’t. They were like frozen." Dems frozen? Seized by some other group?

[35] (SOTU Address:Democrats:Black Unemployment) "I said black unemployment is at the lowest point in history. No emotion." One of Dems biggest groups and biggest topics - no support. Judge them by their fruits - Check.

[36] (SOTU Address:Democrats:Joe Manchin) "They sat other than Manchin. He stood up. Thank you, Joe. He’s still paying the price for that." JM paying the price for looking the part… hmmm. A house divided?

[37] (SOTU Address:Democrats:Hispanic Unemployment) "I said Hispanic unemployment is at the lowest level in history, record. There was no emotion." Another of Dems biggest topics - no support. Judge them by their fruits - Check.

[38] (SOTU Address:Democrats:Fidel Castro) "But I decided I wasn’t going to change anything. I wasn’t going to get them to stand. I didn’t know how. I was not going to include a salute to Fidel Castro. They would have stood up. They would have cheered." DJT giving up on trying to save the Dems. Time for action. Oh and DJT knows, we know, Dems really want communism. Will not happen.

[44] (Washington:Government Branches:Fox News) "…But he thinks I’m going to undermine democracy. So, I have to tell him I have great respect for the various branches of government: the executive, the legislative, the judicial (very important), and last, Fox News." The Judicial Branch is given special attention here - you're all on notice! Also, Fox News as a branch of government… hinting at influence either direction?

[47] (Campaign:Strategy:Pattern) "For instance, you might have noticed that some of the best lines from my campaign followed a certain pattern. Drain the swamp → Lock Her Up → Build The Wall." Pattern intelligence drop: 1st phase was draining the swamp, 2nd phase is locking up the bad actors, 3rd phase is protection.

[49] (Washington:Nancy Pelosi:Sanity) "Man, she’s crazy, but she’s a fine woman. Her and Maxine Waters." NP is legit crazy - can someone call her out for a psych eval, please?

[50] (Washington:Maxine Waters:Impeachment) "Maxine Waters, He must be impeached! That’s all she knows how to say, He must be impeached! Impeached! …But he’s done nothing wrong. What has he done wrong? I don’t know! You got to be impeached!" MW sounds like she getting instructions from someone else and isn't really thinking about anything. Instructions from whom?

[51] (Washington:Maxine Waters:IQ Testing) "She has to immediately take an IQ test. And people go crazy. They went crazy." Seriously, can someone call her out for an IQ test - and maybe even make this a requirement for all positions?

[53] (Washington:Nancy Pelosi:Fortune) "Nancy’s worth tens of millions of dollars and she’s a populist. You know, she really considers herself that. And I really try to tell her that you can’t be a true populist unless you’re worth at least ten billion dollars …people like you better." Calling out NP for her wealth of unknown origins. Oh and people REALLY like DJT better.

[54] (Washington:Nancy Pelosi:Crumbs) "…in recognition of our massive tax cuts, Nancy suggested that …the dessert should be crumb cake. …the word crumb is not working out well for Nancy." Calling out NP showing her fruits on what she thinks about the people. Oh and 'crumbs' are not working out for her. Ahem - agreed.

[55] (Legislation:Immigration:DACA) "I love the Dreamers. …I really believe the Republicans want to solve this problem: DACA… we're all working together and I hope that somethings going to happen. I really do. I hope that somethings going to happen." Is something going to happen to force the issue? Either way - DJT is saying we ARE going to work together. No options.

[58] (Washington:Joe Biden:Easy Win) "You know what he said, I want to take him behind the barn. … Just trust me, I would kick his ass. Boy, would he be easy. Oh, would he be easy. …Guy makes outrageous statements. He’s going to be president? He doesn’t have a shot." JB's plans, up front and behind the scenes, are nothing. He is easy prey and is being warned as such. Fix yourself or else.

Anonymous ID: 064782 March 11, 2018, 9:34 p.m. No.636056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6187



Gridiron Dinner (03-03-2018) - DJT Speech Speculation (PART 3 OF 3)


''[#] (Main Topic:Focus:Subject) "Statement" Speculation''


[59] (Washington:Oprah Winfrey:The Trump Family) "Oprah, I don’t think she’s ever been hit verbally yet. Right? She’s led a charmed life. I was on one of her last shows, The Trump Family. We’re going to have to replay that for her." Who has OW been charmed by? Sounds like witchcraft. Replay The Trump Family - OW has too much contradicting her opposition.

[60] (Washington:Oprah Winfrey:Permission) "She says she’ll run only if she gets the go ahead from the Almighty. All right Oprah, go ahead and run." Who really is OW's god? And if she's working for the evil-one, then she has the go-ahead - DJT acknowledging. Or he's just showing who's the boss in USA.

[64] (Global Politics:Elizabeth Warren:Peace Pipes) "But she said that Rex Tillerson and I should sit down with the leaders of Iran and North Korea and smoke a peace pipe. I didn’t like that Pocahontas." EW still trying to tie herself to Native Americans - sad. Acting like she knows anything about Iran or NK (when DJT has already done so much behind the scenes) - pathetic.

[65] (Global Politics:Kim Jong Un:Talks) "I won't rule out direct talks with Kim Jong Un." DJT whispers in their ears, "it's already done."

[66] (Global Politics:Kim Jong Un:Madman) "As far as the risk of dealing with a madman is concerned, that's his problem, not mine." NK under control of 'madmen' and KJU has to fix it, or is DJT a 'madman' in a good way?

[67] (Global Politics:Olympics:Credit) "…we did save the Olympics. President Moon gave us a lot of credit… He said, 'Without President Trump and his strong attitude they (NK) would have never called up and said, 'Hey, we'd love to be in the Olympics together.'" Olympics = the world. Olympics are the world coming together for a greater cause - getting together, celebrating teamwork, celebrating separation / nationalism, and healthy competition. DJT is helping save the world by getting SK and NK back together again.

[68] (Global Politics:Olympics:De-nuking) "…they had a very successful Olympics. It was heading for disaster and now we're talking. And they, called up a couple of days ago and said, 'We would like to talk.' And I said, 'So would we, but you have to de-nuke, you have to de-nuke.'" The world was heading for disaster - DJT is saving it.

[74] (Washington:Leadership:Reality TV) "Many people have asked me how my time as a reality TV star prepared me for the presidency… very little overlap between the two. …I had to manage a cutthroat cast of characters desperate for TV time, totally unprepared for their jobs, and each week afraid of having their asses fired. Televisions so easy compared to this." CAST of CHARACTERS "totally unprepared" and in fear of being booted - if only they would learn, grow, and serve the people. Who casted them? What character role do they play? Who "prepared" them?

[75] (Misc.:Bants:Issues) "I know we all came here tonight to have fun and tell jokes, but I also think we need to discuss the issues. Issues are very important. " DJT calling out so many issues have already been addressed - did you catch them? YOU are the joke, bad actors.

[78] (Media:News:Years Taken) "But I do want to say this is one of the best times I can ever remember having with the media. This might be the most fun I’ve had since watching your faces on election night. Years, years, years taken off your life." DJT hinting at "years and years" being taken off the corrupt media actors' life - like years in jail?

[82] (Gridiron Dinner:Speakers:Performers) "I want to thank all of the amazing speakers and, really, performers. Some very good performers, they really are." Good / great performers. Who are they working for again? The act is exposed - you've been warned.

[83] (Media:News:Support) "I want to thank the press for all you do to support and sustain our democracy. …Some incredible people in the press. …brilliant, powerful, smart, and fair people in the press." Lots of good people out there… not YOU, but lots are out there. Time to make room for them.

[84] (Washington:American:Work Together) "My greatest wish is that we can all work together to make America safe, and just, and free for all Americans. …we all, together, will make it even better." We WILL make American great again. Get on board or get out.