On the subject of the following posts, and specifically relating to “German” and/or “Nazi” tie in’s from the second week of March of 2018, as well as during the infancy of the drops:
For quite some time now, Q group (in a rather nice way) has explained to most everyone that they are essentially a worm, and know very little regarding past history and current events. Q has explained countless times that for you, up is down, right is left; and you have been lied to for as long as you know. Keep in mind that continuing to live this lie is at issue; however, recognizing the lies for what they are, has always been the desired outcome.
For example: Is there anyone here to this day that truly does not believe that the MSM has been lying to you? Is there anyone who does not realize the intent behind the coined terminology “Fake News”? If you know that you have been lied to for as long as you have been alive, then ask yourself why you would willfully hold onto portions of the indoctrination that was forced into your mind.
The very second that the German/Nazi ties in’s arrived; most folks (/POL anons excluded) jumped right onto the very bandwagon of what was forced down their throats since childhood. At the most basic level ask yourself this: If Nazi German truly was the enemy, and the holocaust truly happened as you were told; then how is it possible that folks to this very day are imprisoned for so much as even questioning that narrative?
Some of you have been so open minded to the drops, that you check no sources nor question anything; yet at the same time your childhood indoctrination reigns king? Did you know that the Jews were expelled from 109 locations prior to Germany requesting them to leave? Do you truly think that all 109 countries/locations just happened to get it wrong? And how about that good ol “6 Million” number? Is it just coincidence that very number was pushed through the lying media throughout the world and en masse, yet well prior to any accurate death counts, or the war even ending? Over time that fancy number turned into 5 million, then 4, then 3, now its where, a few hundred thousand? What level of degeneracy would need to occur to indoctrinate schoolchildren into immortalizing phony death counts of the enemy while envisioning them as persecuted heroes? How is it possible that no one has even the slightest clue of how many Americans, Germans, British, French, and other Allies, ‘THE ACTUAL HEROES’, died in yet again another brother war?
The one thing that will always ring true is that you all have been lied to for as long as you have been alive. Perhaps it’s time to educate yourselves with the non-adulterated version of history. You likely will be unhappy with what you find, but at least you will finally understand who your enemy truly is.
I would personally suggest starting here: https:// thegreateststorynevertold.tv; but you are always welcome to reach out to your local /POL Anons for technical support as required.