Anonymous ID: a18c67 April 29, 2019, 3:31 a.m. No.6356867   🗄️.is 🔗kun


LSP is candid w/ the imagery. The lion as the head of Yaldabaoth. The All Seeing Eye is in my opinion not an eye but planet Saturn & the the lid of the eye is Saturn's rings.

Perhaps the black eye club is a showcase of privileged internment beat around one's eye(s), like the rings of Saturn.

Various names of Yaldabaoth: Satan, Ahriman, Kronos, Demiurge, Nebro. (Nebro, according to Gospel of Judas, means Rebel which is equivalent in meaning to Renegade. Imagine that.)

A major plot of Satanism is transhumanism. A.P. Sennet & Rudolf Steiner anticipated transhumanism - 8th sphere occultism.


I happen to think Stanley Kubrick left a significant clue in his film "The Shining" (pics related). The Allure is, I think, crafted to convey something about the moon & links with his movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" which per novel is about Saturn. And a monolith - a singular stone, like a single eye?

Transition to eyesight 20/20 and what is revealed? This is perhaps one of the biggest real-world slips, hidden in plain sight, ever. It's maybe necessary to put aside one's rationalization momentarily and just SEE the images. Example: Write down exactly the features as seen of the old woman and the actual processes of the scene. Just write them down without thinking or rationalizing too much.

There are instances throughout "The Shining" when images of 12 or 21 are seen. These occur mainly with the images of the twin elevators. 12-21 / 21-12 or more likely a reference to 2001 or 2-00-1.

There are many references to twins. There are the twin girls. There is Tony, Danny's subconscious. There is Jack Torrance's transition to a twin. There is the twin of the young woman in the bathtub transitioned to the old woman. Twins. 11.

Mark Frost & David Lynch's "Twin Peaks" series follow along the same theme as Kubrick, reference Moloch/Saturn.


A kind of JFK resident (former-ish) would sometimes say: Bad news doesn't get better with time.