Anonymous ID: b9688a April 29, 2019, 12:11 a.m. No.6356350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6370 >>6532 >>6695 >>6748 >>6776 >>6874 >>7005 >>7050

Prosecutor Kim Foxx Gets Subpoenaed For Jussie Smollett Case


Top Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx has been hit with a subpoena over her handling of the Jussie Smollett case.


According to The Chicago Sun-Times, that subpoena was issued by a retired appellate judge, Sheila O'Brien, who is looking to get a special prosecutor appointed to investigate Foxx's handling of the matter. In addition to Foxx, O'Brien has also subpoenaed Joseph Magats, who is Foxx's top deputy, and filed a "notice to appear" requesting that Smollett show up to the Thursday court hearing as well.


Foxx has come under fire, both locally and nationally, when her office abruptly dropped 16 felony counts of disorderly conduct against Smollett, who you no doubt know has been accused of faking a hate-crime against himself back in January.


O'Brien says that the top prosecutor's office's handling of the case is "plagued with irregularity." She is reportedly requesting that Foxx's office produce all original documents from the case as evidence "that they have not been altered or destroyed."


"Foxx’s conflict in this matter is beyond dispute," O'Brien wrote, while saying Foxx should have appointed a special prosecutor. "Instead, Foxx misled the public into believing that Smollett’s case was handled like any other prosecution and without influence."


At the moment Foxx's office is already under investigation by an independent inspector-general. Also her chief ethics officer, chief spokesman, and one other member of her team have left the office following the backlash over the Smollett fallout.


Previously, while defending her decision to drop the charges, Foxx had said that she welcomes an independent investigation.

Anonymous ID: b9688a April 29, 2019, 12:38 a.m. No.6356421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6532 >>6695 >>6748 >>6776 >>6874 >>7005 >>7050

Radio ads offer to 'help out' migrants trying to enter US, Border Patrol official says


U.S. Customs and Border Protection has claimed that radio advertisements in Central America are encouraging a wave of migrants to come to the U.S. for the "American dream."


During a ride-along tour of the southern border in El Paso, Texas, Assistant Chief Patrol Jose Martinez told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo that "the word is definitely out" among would-be immigrants.


"You listen to your radio on the way to work, on your way to the grocery store and that country is advertising, 'If you want the American dream, we'll help you out, we'll teach you how to get in the United States," Martinez said.


The assistant chief patrol said that the Border Patrol's El Paso Station is "probably the busiest area in the country at the moment with illegal entries," saying that most who cross to the U.S. are coming from the "Northern Triangle" of Central America — Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador — as well as from Cuba and Nicaragua.


Martinez also explained the details of the current steel fence along the border that was built in 2008. Showing Fox News the "bollard-style wall," he said the barrier is 18-feet-tall and initially hollow. Inside, the slats contain rebar and are filled with concrete.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan, who is also serving as acting secretary of Homeland Security, said last month that there is "an unprecedented humanitarian and border security crisis all along our Southwest border, and nowhere has that crisis manifested more acutely than here in El Paso."


Earlier this month, the El Paso sector said that its agents had apprehended more than 71,000 immigrants attempting to enter the U.S. illegally between Oct. 1 of last year and March 31 of this year. By comparison, the sector had just under 11,000 apprehensions between Oct. 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018.


President Trump claimed during his State of the Union address in February that El Paso once had "extremely high rates of violent crime" only to become one of the safest cities in the U.S. once a barrier was built.


Local officials, most notably former congressman and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke, disagreed with Trump's statement.


"We have built 600 miles of wall and fencing on a 2,000-mile border. What that has done is not in any demonstrable way made us safer," O'Rourke told MSNBC in February. "It's cost us tens of billions of dollars to build and maintain. And it's pushed migrants and asylum seekers and refugees to the most inhospitable, the most hostile stretches of the U.S.-Mexico border, ensuring their suffering and death."


Others have noted that El Paso's drop in violent crime corresponded with similar decreases nationwide and pointed out that crime in the city occasionally increased from year-to-year despite the fencing.

Anonymous ID: b9688a April 29, 2019, 12:52 a.m. No.6356451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6464 >>6525 >>6532 >>6695 >>6748 >>6776 >>6874 >>7005 >>7050

Senators Grassley & Johnson Release Letter to Attorney General William Barr, Demand Details About Investigation Into Obama’s Illegal Spying on Trump Campaign


On Sarah Carter's web page with no text from her, just a link to the document.

Anonymous ID: b9688a April 29, 2019, 1:10 a.m. No.6356478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6492 >>6532 >>6695 >>6748 >>6776 >>6874 >>7005 >>7050

Steve Hilton, Sun. night on FOX's "The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton" really laid into Joe Biden, for being so 'irredeemably swampy'.


Hilton launches into an in-depth exposé of Joe Biden's swamp-dwelling past, including his massive financial connections and conflicts of interest between China and the Biden family.


He concludes all this should disqualify him from the Presidency.


Really worth 30 min. of your time, Anons.


HILTON: “Again, let’s be precise about the point and I’m not saying Biden believes racial dissemination but anyone who speaks like that in his soul clearly thanks black and brown people are lesser than white people. We know Joe Biden is verbally incontinent and can barely open his mouth without putting his foot in it but the thing that is less well-known is how irredeemably swampy Biden is. Just for his own use he taken 29 millions dollars in donations and all those millions mean favor to special interest in here is a few highlights from his swampy career. Biden loves to doubt his foreign-policy experience and yes, plenty of experience with foreign governments or should I say — their lobbyists but foreign government lobbying one of the most inexcusable swamp practices was all part of the job for Joe Biden when he was chair of the Senate foreign relations committee. He took money from lobbyists from Dubai from the United Arab Emirates to Ethiopia to Sri Lanka to China and more on that later.”

Anonymous ID: b9688a April 29, 2019, 1:30 a.m. No.6356526   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6355671 (pb)


Who's the guy in the yellow tie. In the thumbnail here, he is just to her right (our left), and it appears, after watching the video, this must be the look on her face when seeing Jason Chaffetz, and reaching for his hand. He was just behind the guy in the yellow tie!


WTF was up with Chaffetz and HRC shaking hands for so long?

Anonymous ID: b9688a April 29, 2019, 1:42 a.m. No.6356547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6718 >>6748 >>6776 >>6863 >>6874 >>7005 >>7050

Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale on 2020 Strategy: States We Didn’t Win in 2016, Like New Hampshire, Nevada, Colorado are in Play: ‘We are Light Years Ahead of Any Campaign in History’


Revealed: This Is The Trump Team's Campaign Strategy Heading Into 2020


President Donald Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, discussed the team's 2020 strategy on Sunday's episode of "Face the Nation."


During the discussion, Parscale revealed a few key battleground states that they're targeting. The goal is simple: to win the same states they won during 2016 but expand to even more states.


"Say I'm sitting in rural Iowa. You want me to vote for President Trump. Are you targeting me specifically?" Host Margaret Brennan asked.


"Yeah," Parscale said. "So–"


"You're changing your message based on where someone is?" Brennan asked.


“I can go across America and say, ‘hey, here is a voter in Minnesota that if I know if I get, you know, 26,000 of these perfect people to show up that didn’t show up last time, I can flip that state.’ So what I do, go find them now,” Parscale explained. “We are spending millions of dollars a month, light years ahead of any campaign in history to build a foundation of who we need to market to, what we need to understand, what we need to say to them and how exactly to deliver to them.”


"Where? Where are you most focused?" Brennan asked.


“There are some key states, obviously, we have to go back and win Michigan again, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, we plan on also being in Minnesota very soon. I think New Mexico is in play in 2020," Parscale said. "I think New Hampshire. I think we continue to grow the map. I think Nevada, you know, even Colorado. And so those are states we did not win in 2016, I think are open for 2020.”


Although the Trump campaign plans to focus heavily on digital advertising and social media, the ground game, like rallies and campaign events, are still heavily in play.


"We're still building one of the largest ground games in history," Parscale said.


During the 2016 election, the Trump team had roughly 700,000 volunteers. The 2020 campaign hopes to have 1.6 million volunteers, Newsweek reported.

Anonymous ID: b9688a April 29, 2019, 2:27 a.m. No.6356686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6687 >>6698


SpouseAnon is retired JAG. Friend is retired JAG colonel, who was recruited into the StarWars program under Reagan. He was obligingly secretive about it. Many, many years later he revealed to me that my research re: aliens, space travel is leading me on the right path. Said he could discuss no more.


Good enough for me.

Anonymous ID: b9688a April 29, 2019, 2:44 a.m. No.6356746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6762 >>6776 >>6874 >>7005 >>7050

98K Illegal Aliens Graduating from U.S. High Schools Every Year


Nearly 100,000 illegal alien teenagers are graduating from American high schools every year, new research concludes.


The latest study from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) reveals the growing number of illegal alien teenagers who are enrolled and graduating from U.S. high schools. Researchers find that about 98,000 illegal aliens every year graduate from high schools across the country.


Close to 30,000 of those illegal aliens, annually, are graduating from high schools in the sanctuary state of California which has the largest illegal alien population, totaling at least 2.2 million. About 27 percent of all illegal aliens graduating high school every year are doing so in California, researchers found.


Similarly, in Texas and Florida, each with significant foreign-born and illegal populations, have thousands of illegal alien high school graduates every year. In Texas, about 17,000 illegal aliens graduate from high school every year while Florida graduates about 5,000 illegal alien high-schoolers annually.


New York, New Jersey, and Illinois each graduate about 4,000 illegal aliens from high school every year. Overall, 15 states are home to more than 80 percent of all illegal alien high school graduates.


As Breitbart News recently reported, current illegal immigration levels could bring more than one million child border crossers to the United States before the 2020 presidential election, researcher Steven Kopits has detailed.


Every year, the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million illegal and legal immigrants, with more than 70 percent arriving through the process known as “chain migration,” where newly naturalized citizens can bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country. In 2017, the foreign-born population reached a record high of 44.5 million.


By 2023, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the legal and illegal immigrant population of the U.S. will make up nearly 15 percent of the entire U.S. population.