Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 12:13 a.m. No.6356351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6386

>>6356188 (Both PB)


Dear God in Heaven, Let POTUS pick some Anons to go and represent The Deplorable Voice at GITMO. It doesn't even have to be me, we all have things to do and we can't do them all, but man, I would tune in every day to see anons talk sorta like us, TO us, and I think normies would jump in if the hosts were good enough. Seriously, are the bad guys going to testify?? That would be FULL of keks. The Daily KEK….A quick reel or two staffed by anons, and I guess you can do it from your house, you wouldn't even need to pay to house them, but the BEST would be to have them there for a least a minute.


Can you imagine Anons?? IF it was GOOD?? I'd watch every day and I don't watch SHEEET. This could be gold. But that's all I can offer. A REAL Producer and Director would have to take it from there to make it RIGHT and BEST.


Why not??

It's not like we didn't seize ALL the Cabal's assets (MORE THAN RIGHTEOUS AND FAIR) for stealing and GOD KNOWS WHAT (BIGLY PHRASE HERE) to OUR CHILDREN.


Yup….Down She Goes.

Nothing they can do.

God's Chosen….God's Elect…God's Children…God's Fans….God's Frens….Whatever we like to call them, has anyone noticed that GOOD and LOVE and LIGHT is just GROWING and CANNOT be STOPPED??


Peace Through Strength

Come Quickly Lord…..

But Thy Will Be Done.

Rules Are Rules.


'''WOW!!! Look at THAT URL Anons. How many tonight?? How many times have I gone ape like tonight?? And I was aware of ONE of those. I have looked at EVERY Youtube URL I have ever looked at, anywhere, any time (Autism Much??) and I was ALWAYS looking for "Q"s, 17's, 4's, "8's & 7's" since I was young, and I rarely saw anything CLOSE to this and now every one I have selected comes up digits somehow like I have rarely seen. Trust me on this the way you would Trust Mattis in a tank. I'm the Mental Mattis of babylonian bullshit that will seem to be of worth for about 10 seconds in the grand scheme of things (Call Your Shot & Know Your Role) and then I can fade back and be a small town farmer and shut up, but UNTIL Then, You are getting SPIRIT LED Information that I KNOW I am supposed to share.


There is also other stuff I am OVERSHARING on and fucking up, and it's not a joke, so let me ALWAYS be the first to say, I AM NOT A TEACHER


You will call NO Man Leader, Teacher, Master, or Father, for you have but One, and He is in Heaven, and Heaven Resides INSIDE OF YOU


I'm just the sometimes overzealous kid in class who's ready to stir up his fellow Americans, and do it the RIGHT WAY (#EyesOn #OpsSec #LessonLearned #o7) Until we get ALL THE WAY HOME.


I don't know what to expect, it all seems a bit unbelievable, and we needto be ready for the waves of shock t hat are going to hit all of us except the most steeled, and their are many of those as well, from POTUS to MATTIS to FLOTUS…BUT, Let us afford THEM and ALL of us our Humanity, this is, going to be something. Buckle Up America….


God Bless The United States of America, And May She FOREVER Stand


'''Weeeeeeeeee're BACCCCKKKKKK."




Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 12:23 a.m. No.6356386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6427


And here's the "Keker", that History, which is going to be VERY VERY Kind to Real AND Honest Anons, and it does NOT matter when You got here, or how long you knew any of this, although those of us who have been at this for a while are pretty scarred and torn up from this ride, YET AT THE SAME TIME, what have an of us gone through that's not the same?? I've had death threats. Who cares?? These people murder the most rich and famous in the most….telling of ways, so there's that angle, and then there's communism, which boy, we're the bourgeois about to learn some NASTY Truths about being the boot lickers when [master] is through with you, and that brings us to the whole, "It's far better to die on your feet than live on your knees" Idea, which you know, some people REALLY DO NOT WANT to stand up or be about anything and they hate people that do. It's maddening.


Well, enough for now. Let's listen to a MASTER and Good Man and I bet he was (Is??) GREAT on an old school BBQ grill.


God Bless You All

^^Basic Digits this Time^^

Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 12:39 a.m. No.6356427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6437 >>6460


Melania's plane CAUGHT ON FIRE!!!


Now…Do ANY of US REALLY believe that in a time of WAR, that HER plane, the MOST Bullied [targeted] by [them] Human Being on the planet, that HER AIRCRAFT would not have the BEST of Military Specs??


What would YOU do for Melania if YOU Were DJT??


And I'm supposed to believe that was accidental?? There are hundreds, thousands more of these stories. Stalking, vandalizing, LYING ABOUT US BEHIND OUR BACKS (FISA GOES BOTH WAYS!! #TurnAbout #FairPlay #RequestMadeOCT17 #PromisesMade #PromisesKept #ThankYouPOTUS)


So How many Military, LEO, ICE, CPB and ALL of them (I need an Umbrella word) and their FAMILIES (Oh boy, [you] did it now) have been injured, wounded, or killed [targeted for supporting] Donald J, TRUMP, in the past 36 months?? How many MIL and Private OPS lost WW, Allied forces, Natural health Doctors, Honest Journalists, killed to do ANYTHING to wipe us out and HOPEFULLY shut us up and back us down. #Didn't work.


I STILL haven't heard anything, and I can't find anything about the Marine barrocks back East that I heard was a Marine Legal Building (ANY HELP THERE ANONS as I may be missing something that got filled in, TY) But they were at least (At least…God Help us) they were at least POISONED Right?? What about their families?? What about ALL of the families of the groups I've listed, and may I need to do that, from The Marines to The Coast Guard to ICE to The Air Force Reserves To US Marshalls to RETIRED (AS IF, I KNOW, KEK!!) MARSHALLS, DOJ, FBI, and ALL of them.


Too many to name. All the investigators, case builders, pencil pushers, cooks, I mean, this has been something, AND, I KNOW that except for a select few, we have all been targeted, threatened, and WORSE, MUCH WORSE….




Let that sink in a minute.









Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 12:58 a.m. No.6356460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6470 >>6484 >>6521


And it is now VERY SAFE to say, that OUTSIDE of THE Savior, Yeshua, That in THIS STORY, The COMBINED United States Military, for all of it's very human challenges, WILL end up PROVING to Be, In Fact, Along with a LOT of Frens,


The Saviors Of All Mankind


Them and their families and wives most especially, and all support world wide. For every Patton, there are 100 nameless Anons who fought in THEIR ERAS for FREEDOM. Because THAT is what America is…Freedom. Freedom to be a Child of God. Divine.


Consider Them…The "Tip of The Spear of Freedom." And something tells me the young man standing at the Head of His Class back then, is EXACTLY where he is meant to be Right Now, At the TIPPY TOP of that Spear.




God Bless You & Keep You General, I know You never ever let down, not for Melania, not for us, not ever, it is a marvel, but we do realize that these have all been impossibly trying times for you and your family and so many others, and that I am Honored that you would even THINK of putting yourself through ALL of these horror shows, just for us. We know you could have escaped. But Just like Mr. Kennedy & Mr. Reagan, You "looped" back to get us, and for that, well, You Know.


God Bless You Donald John Trump….Wherever You Are, Your Nation, And ALL of those who have fallen before your arrival, couldn't be more astounded or impressed or thrilled by what you and your teams have accomplished. I don't think most people even come close to getting it, myself included. You're the BEST


P.S. That football toss back in the 90's, I think at the BIlls place, where you dead nailed it and grinned (NOT EASY, especially with NFL Balls) is what I think of EVERY TIME I see another WIN or any sort go up.


We REALLY Have The BEST President Don't We Folks??


Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 1:06 a.m. No.6356470   🗄️.is 🔗kun


KEK!! Listen to how the JEALOUS [bully] #FakeNews guy just HAS to shit on DJT, even back then, and THEN, POTUS just LASER BEAMS it with a SMILE on his face the whole time. It's a PURE Swish (On 2nd review I'm even more astounded, fuggin KEK Mr. President!! TOP KEK!!) And then….


When the boneheads are all befuddled at TRUMP somehow, I mean he's SO, DUMB, and isn't He BROKE, HOW could he POSSIBLY be the one to do that. And he say's I don't know.



I think a LOT of people are about to be feeling and asking the SAME Question about 400 TRILLION times over the next several months.


How did TRUMP do that???


Too funny.

Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 1:11 a.m. No.6356482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6501


What does "spare" mean anon??


If I asked you to "spare" a dime?? What does that mean??


If I asked a fool to "spare" me his foolishness, what would that mean to you??


What does "spare" mean??


What is a "spare" tire??


What is a "spare" set of keys??


What does "spare" mean??


So again for the record, You're SURE the bible told you to "whoop" your child's ass??


I look forward to hearing your Answers Anon.

God Blesss

Be Best



Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 1:14 a.m. No.6356490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6506


I love it!! I read it out loud and gave my computer some pettings. She's awesome. I do love here. I even named her a while back. She's great.


Save and thank You and God Bless Anon.

Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 1:17 a.m. No.6356496   🗄️.is 🔗kun


TY…Just trying to sum it up. I'm sure he hears it all the time, but these folks are Humans too, and we don't give our Heros that enough, at least we haven't before, it's all so remarkable, and to do it in front of the cameras for 15+ hours a day, it's unreal. So I write about it. I'm just filled with so much love for these people. We're so blessed.


Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 1:31 a.m. No.6356528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6538 >>6540 >>6713


>It occurred to me that a circle of women, with a mission, can save the world. I will never forget that moment



My Heart and Soul are touched.

I agree with you, we all need more of a woman's love. I haven't really had much, if any, except my daughter's, and that is AMAZING, we've always been close, but I have never been around really loving and GOOD women much. It sucks. I bet that child felt like they were in a bubble of love, and they were. Children are still more aware and pliable to those Subtle Forces, which REALLY aren't so subtle if one trains with a Pure Heart and Good Intent (Think Jedi)


A Wonderful Story Anon…..Thank You. Of course we are VERY Pro-Life and Pro-Family around here (Contrary to Rumors) and any time we can advance those causes and lift each other up, the better. "Media" which we ARE now, is NOT just "News", it's a LOT of things, and while we ARE a Research board, what we're searching for is Truth, and a CLEAR picture of what's going on in the world, and what ANONS would LIKE to share, is MORE than welcome.


This is Great for Morale, and I bet you will like this. This will be the cover for the, it's going to be tough, probably 200 page "QAnon/QResearch" scrapbook I'm going to do. It HAS to be. I knew it the second I saw it, back when it felt like I had already been living here for half my life (Very Happily of Couse, but look at the date, KEK!!) and I haven't seen a challenger since.


I think your post and THIS pic by our baker way back then, and we were talking PP and abortion and family in the previous breads, REALLY Sum US up. We may be rough, because we live in a rough world right now, But we are GOOD. And THIS is what WE are about.


Thank You for sharing.

If you have any more experiences that you wan to share, Please do.

God Bless You ALL. #GreatMoves


Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 1:38 a.m. No.6356542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6550


Thank You for your efforts baker. If you'd allow it, I would suggest letting us fire the meme cannons of war like we did one Sunday Night I think it was., I have a BOUNTY of MEMEs that I haven't seen too much of, and with all the new and newer eyes, it would help them load up and help meme us all deeper into this, The Best timeline ever.


Standing By.


Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 1:58 a.m. No.6356591   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6356245 (PB)

I'm learning.

I try. This is a case of exuberance and excitement and Love abounding, and I haven't had really much chance to express or share or be appreciated, LEAST of all, in my own home (Children are awesome!! All love there) and somebody warned about that once, but I'm letting the EMOTION of "Excitement"





Get the Better of me. Not the best though, so I kept the car ON the road, but still, that's no way to WIN the race, going bouncing around because instead of DRIVING, you just want to go fast. I have learned this lesson before, I'm sure of it ;)


Thank You for the Encouragement Fren.

Peace & Love to You Also.


Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 2:10 a.m. No.6356633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6669 >>6678




Kek!! This is NOT true. That's like saying Bill Belichick "runs" football. I mean, the game does sorta belong to the nerds, from the coaches to the trainers and nutrition people, BUT….


I'm STILL pretty sure that you need all those big ass men, many of whom are JUST as brilliant as any of the sideline crew, to play and win the game. Right?? And not many people are buying a ticket to see Josh McDaniels (WHO?? Right?? But that man is a HOF'er as an ASSISTANT IMO) coach or are going to buy a replica of a sweatshirt he wears 24/7 while he geeks out on rotational velocity optimization (Think Trevor Bauer of The Cleveland Indians) and what the BEST grass for the practice field for Brady is.


It's a TOTAL Team Gig, and I'm the nerd that fully admits that I'd rather be an Airborne Ranger, in theory, but I know it's GOOD men and women that win, and we all play different roles, but they all matter. But NO…Nerds do NOT rule the world.





Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 2:21 a.m. No.6356666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6673


Wow…Well there we go.

It's interesting to know how many people have known and are fully weaponized in their own ways, and how this has brought us all together. I look forward to flushing out the bad. I'm tired of war. Thanks for sharing Patriot, It makes me smile.



Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 2:39 a.m. No.6356734   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>it is accomplished through a powerful alignment of awareness and intention


All of what you said, but this!!

Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 2:41 a.m. No.6356741   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So Anons, you are able to sense and hear the Schuman through your Crown Chakra yes??


It was an LB Topic, but to be clear??

Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 2:59 a.m. No.6356787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7046


>Mandela effect, altered memories, mudflood, Tartaria, Space force, Angels, GOD. Wow, there is so much anon.


Now we're talking.


>Perhaps I'm at the point I need to be at and let nature take its course. Trust GOD!


This is where I am. I just need to keep wanting and expecting the best for myself. I think it turns out my main faults in life that got me, was failing in those areas. I had it as a child, I shined, but the world got me, I gave in. Very young, but ALL me. That's why I feel for so many folks, as "bad" as they may be, I mean, I was perfectly happy at 8 and ready to die at 9, God saved me, gave me a choice, and I chose the low road, the hard path, and I know now, part of that was getting shattered, losing my way, It was truly, and I have gathered that every soul born into corporal form MUST cross this, The River Jordan so to speak, in one incarnation or another, and while it has been commonly referred to as "The Dark Night of The Soul" another philosopher that has really helped my path, who speaks deeper and more at length with FAR More Precision and….Understanding, than I even had of what I spent 18 YEARS in (Which I guess is rather extreme) than anyone I've ever heard more Precisely deemed it, "The Dark Knight of The Sword."


And it sucked. But here I am. And like all of us, our paths led us to crazy places, but I was ALWAYS in God's hands, and I told my bestie Methodist Pastor Fren & Brother (Love YOU Methodists, I'm PROUD of my Methodist roots) that ALL I wanted was, "My Relationship with My Father, like I had as a child, back."


And I meant it. And now, and starting about December, really locking in there, I feel that more and more each day, and I feel His hand guiding me and the "angels" helping me, and all I have to do is basically stay happy and grateful (Still working on it, ugh) so that WE can channel and create realities in line with those feelings.


In fact, I gotta stop slipping. NOW.

You Inspired me anon.

Love to You and Thank You for those AMAZING MEMES. Stored with Honor in MY mind, so thanks for CREATING me. Isn't that AMAZING.

Peace & Love to You and Yours.





Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 3:02 a.m. No.6356793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6810



All saved as well.

And that woman is HAWT.

Great, I've been on here so much for so long now, that CARTOON Women are starting to look "good."


POTUS, You better drop the Hammer soon before Anons start losing it.

Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 3:16 a.m. No.6356830   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is starting to make sense to me as a long time anon. I mean, damn. I'm gonna take a break anons, I'm starting to lose grip a bit, and strange shit (And if it's strange for me, youz knowz itz fuQQed up badj ←-Sounds like "badge", which means "bad, but worse.") is starting to sorta make sense.


So yeah, time to go look at "reality", and who knows what I'll see out there.



Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 3:21 a.m. No.6356844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6931 >>7037




That's uh, my soul.

I just want to live in a Community with Anons. But I'm stuck with normies, mostly anti Trump ones at that. SIgh


But I am so thrilled you're here. What a miracle right?? Thank You Anon. I will have these on my wall or make them into puzzles some day. I swear, all my cards and art for the rest of my life will just be collections from here. I have VAULTS at this point.



Thank You for Being YOU.


Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 3:30 a.m. No.6356862   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He looks great. That German (I think) Doctor that he appointed to be the first national health big wig had given him those basic exercises for his back, and I understood he was off of pain pills and maybe, even smoked some weed.


Hard to look at.

John F. Kennedy & His Murder and This horse I guess I had in a life in Texas where these bastards got the jump on us and they shot me horse, out of everything in the world, nothing gets to me like those two things. Just instant overwhelm of emotions. So wild.


Any anons strange like that??

It's strange as all out to me.


Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 3:36 a.m. No.6356878   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Very Nice Anons!!

Keep it going.

We have MUCH to look forward to and be healthy and BEST for.

I honor your efforts.


HOW MANY Success stories from here?? Including me. What a Deal.

And it was FREE.


Ahead of Schedule w/ NO Budget Needed


That's the Man.



Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 3:52 a.m. No.6356919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6990


Yes. At least.

I tell my children that ALL the time, about the BS "overnight" sensations. Generally it was nothing but grinding, trying, failing, refining, getting better, and so on and so forth. You have to love the process, or it will eat you up.


Good words.

Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 4:16 a.m. No.6357015   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shills seem to have gotten their panties in a bunch. Reading comprehension either escapes them or they feign ignorance in order to justify being a [bully]


Your hate will not win, nor will it get any of my energy other than to pray for you all. It's sad to see so many broken people with so little to do in this great big world, that all they can come up with is to talk shit on an NSA controlled chat board ran my a LARP.



Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 4:23 a.m. No.6357036   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Reading comprehension and grasp of our comms and what and how the board works would help.


Now…Maybe you DO understand and you just want to stir it up, well, that's going to be a NO GO. All I'm going to do is pray for you and tell you that you have a LOT of worth to God, and that YOU were, and are, and could be HIS Dream Come True (Because before something is created in the manifest, it is, even for us, conceived in the Spiritual right??


So God Dreamed you up, gave you life, and gave you this Earth and US as a family, a perfect body, and ALL you can do is come here and [bully] others?? I feel, compassion. No pity, that's arrogant on my part, and no anger, and no sadness, just compassion and hope that you will see and Feel the LIGHT, and from now on, I'm not responding to ANY of you, BUT WE WILL PRAY FOR ALL OF YOU EACH TIME.


So let's keep going until you get all the venom out. But please tell me, when did it start to make "sense" that treating others however YOU decided was fit?? Am I YOUR Property?? What gives you a RIGHT to try and harm me in ANY way?? Is there a God?? Is He watching??


You need to get back to the basics anon.

Love Yourself and Lighten up. Please.


Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 4:35 a.m. No.6357069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7074


>Thinking about growing shrooms again. Haven't ate any for quite awhile but I think I need to recharge my spirit to keep all the negative energy at bay. If it wasn't for this place and folks like you I would go nuts.


Agreed on all counts. These are spectacular Anon. Thank You. As to mushrooms, I had a particular knack with them back in the day, my own Teq (That's what we called them Tek's or Teqs) that really brought out the best of the fungi and they were just fire. I shared with some enlightened souls and then decided it was time not to play with fire anymore as I have long made many many enemies in my hometown and so the hobby had to go. It's been 20 years. I would LOVE to work with vets and others with PTSD to microdose psilo. I made mine into powder even back then and weighed it, making sure I mixed my cracker dry (GOTTA use a HEPA for that and wait) powder up, on a 2-3 day juice fast, with some other natural herbs, just a tad, and I tell you, we WENT places.


I'm not a fan of LSD, it's too "fake" for me. I KNOW MDMA can heal a lot of peopl, but that without a speed cut, and I HATE speed, and cocaine, fugging ugh (And the few times I had to try it, to KNOW, it was fish scale type "dealer stash" (BIGLY DEALER) blow, so to any idiot who says, "You haven'r had GREAT coke then", they can step off. Coke SUCKS. What a psy-op) Anyway, without a speed element, MDMA just makes me SUPER empathetic and all I want to do is listen to very soft music with no lyrics and be in silence with a woman. And I can do 1/4 of a point, and be GOOD. There's ways to activate all these chemicals so you can have the GREAT part, without taking so much that it gets you.




Great chatting with you anon. I hope to get back out to your people's way some day. I love the vibes. It's been too long.

God Bless & Shadilay!!


Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 4:40 a.m. No.6357086   🗄️.is 🔗kun


God Bless General Flynn!!


I gotta find a MAGA gal to have all these children with so I can name them after these Patriots. We're going to have blocks with 5 "Flynns" on them, and I am FINE with that.



Anonymous ID: c59762 April 29, 2019, 4:46 a.m. No.6357110   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's my gig all the way. The bath salts, concentrates, you name it. It works for me with the right strains (High energy Sativas, including great Hazes, with Ghost Train Haze and Casey Jones being my favorite, the Arcata Trainwreck series, all the OG Trainwreck lines that are REAL are just BOOM!) but indicas put me to bed, so I have to be smart.


I sure hope POTUS drops that Decrim or Legalize EO. I'm in Colorado, and I am ALWAYS investigating, asking around, digging, and I tell you, there are a LOT of folks that don't like him, that if he were to do that, the game is over. And the SAD thing is, a LOT of people who LIVE the MJ life here, some in a very wise manner, some not so much, don't even know that Hemp, because of POTUS, was LEGALIZED. #FakeNews


We GOT to figure out how to get word out to people.


Shadilay my Fren!!


PS This company makes THE BEST tasting gear I've had. Called it from day 1 about 3 years ago, and they have never let us down. Just amazing flavor and enjoyment, something to be treasured and savored as a sacrament for Good. I know YOU understand :)