2 problems I see.
'46' has been EVERYWHERE lately. I feel it in my BONES that this is the right connection. That said, my bones have been known to be wrong.
Qclock April 29th = [28]
I think Q1415 on lower left of Qclock graphic applies to today (and 14+15=29…today 29th). I think yesterday may be the (or one of the) "they thought it was coming yesterday" dates.
Thanks. Had it mostly prepared already. Been seeing all sorts of signs pointing to yesterday thru May 1st…but what else is new… but really…this week should be BIG.
I've always thought the 'roget' and R and 46 stuff was JFKJR related, but I've got some strong opinions that this could go in a Mike Pence and/or Jared Corey Kushner direction, in terms of Pence maybe being involved in something to try to MAKE him 46? And Jared's name/birthdate offer a link to 46/18.
18=R=reverse of '81…Jared born 1981
Jared's digits make an easy 111…Jan 10, '81
'Jared Corey Kusner' Jewish gematria value is 1661–those 1's can be reflections of neighboring 6's…thus four 6's…46?
First word at under '46' is 'Greek' and first thing under 'George Papadopoulos' full name is "John the Baptist"…weird stuff.
The fact that this tweet had "Chabad" in it…well… you see why I'm thinking Jared possibilities.