>If I asked a fool to "spare" me his foolishness, what would that mean to you??
"exempt me from your foolishness". This is the only part of your post that uses "spare" in the same context as "spare the rod".
> 1. v. To refrain from treating harshly; treat mercifully or leniently.
> 2. v. To refrain from harming or destroying.
> 3. v. To save or relieve from experiencing or doing (something): spared herself the trouble of going.
and 2. make absolutely no sense in this context because the object of the verb is the rod, not the child
if it had said "spare the child" then it would be different
>You're SURE the bible told you to "whoop" your child's ass??
so, yes. see also https://biblehub.com/proverbs/13-24.htm
it's old testament though, which is full of crazy shit. to each his own. shadilay