Anonymous ID: 7760ef April 29, 2019, 5:11 a.m. No.6357189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7209

>>6356091 (pb)

>>6356180 (pb)

>>6356279 (pb)


Rome anon here. Look, I get that we're digging, looking for coverups etc., but this is complete bullshit from a joke website.


The "secret archive" in the Vatican just refers to archived papers which would have been considered "classified" by secular govts. That's all it is. Sick and tired already of all the hype around the word "secret." Everybody knows it's there, and if you are a scholar you can get library privileges and go look at the stuff yourself. Yawn. Way easier than getting access to Hussein's papers, btw.


Love this "rumor has it" and "might conceal" shit. Haven't we already heard enough of that from the likes of Adam Schitt and Nadler, as reported by CNN? There "might" be all sorts of things in the Mueller report, blah blah.


This is a slide, don't waste time