Anonymous ID: 2a0872 April 29, 2019, 8:45 a.m. No.6358681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8687 >>8699 >>8723

Kamala Harris Ignores Question About Child Sex Trafficking to Take Selfies


Turning Point USA Director of Hispanic Engagement Anna Paulina questioned Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) on Friday at the Houston International airport about the ramifications of an unsecured United States border. Harris, however, seemed more focused on taking selfies than answering the question.

Sen. Kamala Harris appeared attentive while speaking to Anna Paulina at the airport on Friday, until Paulina introduced herself as “the Hispanic engagement director with Turning Point USA,” at which point, the senator promptly turned to give her attention to somebody else standing nearby.


“I ran into Senator Kamala Harris,” said Paulina to Breitbart News, “As I approached her to talk to her about child sex trafficking at the border and how family reunification is being used by human traffickers and the Cartels to exploit and traffic children, she assumed I wanted a selfie.”


“You are directly impacting the Hispanic demographic in a negative way,” said Paulina to the senator, “you are directly impacting what is happening with the children in this country and you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing as a representative.”


Sen. Harris, who shook her head after President Donald Trump called for putting illegal drug cartels and human traffickers out of business at his 2019 State of the Union, ignored Paulina to talk to someone vying for a selfie while someone who appeared to be the senator’s handler moved to stand in front of the TPUSA director.


“Shame on you. You’re not going to win,” said Paulina to Harris, who announced her 2020 candidacy for president in January.


Paulina told Breitbart News that Harris was willing to speak with her — likely assuming that Paulina was approaching her for a selfie — but when “I started questioning her about how open border policies are directly hurting Hispanic women and children, she refused to answer,” said Paulina.


“Her assistant told me she had to take selfies with others waiting,” added the TPUSA director, “I find it deeply concerning that a woman, who is running for President of the United States, was more concerned with taking selfies than addressing the trafficking of Hispanic women and children.”


“The loopholes in our immigration systems are exploited on a regular basis,” said Paulina to Breitbart News, “Organized crime is tracking what is happening at our border and with our immigration debate. Elected officials for open borders are lethally impacting people on both sides of the border.”


“It was evident while she was smiling and laughing, and ignoring my questions that she did not care,” said Paulina, “She was more concerned with selfies than children.”

Anonymous ID: 2a0872 April 29, 2019, 9:19 a.m. No.6358988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9202

Exclusive — Jerome Corsi Claims Mueller’s Team Tried to Pressure Him Into Pleading Guilty


Author and political commentator Jerome Corsi, who was under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for potential collusion with Russia, claimed Mueller’s team tried to pressure him to plead guilty, during an interview with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight.

“I got subpoenaed on August 28. I provided my computers, my laptops, my backup devices, everything, I voluntarily gave to the Special Counsel and to his prosecutors, and from the beginning they treated me like a criminal,” he told host and Breitbart News Deputy Political Editor Amanda House in an exclusive interview on Thursday.


Corsi said prosecutors suspected he had communicated with WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange, whose website published embarrassing emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee. Corsi claimed that prosecutors tried to convince him to admit to being that link, despite his denials, so that they could establish collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

He alleged the Mueller team used aggressive tactics:


They bring you into this unmarked FBI building in southeast Washington. You come in through the garage, you have to go in and give them in this safe room your laptops, all your electronic devices, your computer, everything, and they bring you up to this internal conference room, with no windows, no clock, and it’s me and my attorney David Gray at this point, to sit across from three of the prosecutors on Mueller’s team, and six to nine FBI, and they start grilling you for hour after hour, and if you forget some emails, or if you state something different from something they have from a phone call three years ago which you didn’t remember, all the prosecutors stand up, the FBI, they stomp out of the room, they call your attorney into the next room, they say they’re going to put you in prison for the rest of your life.


He alleged this went on for 40 hours over two months, and ended because he did not have contact with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.


“The prosecutors were convinced that I had introduced Roger Stone to Julian Assange, and I was the linchpin, I was key to the prosecutors establishing collusion argument, and if I had I lied or broken down and was willing to tell the prosecutors what they wanted, to stay out of prison, his report would have said collusion, because they believed I could give them the link they were looking for,” he said.


He claimed they threatened to put him away for the rest of his life.


“They said, ‘If you don’t accept this plea deal, and plea to this one count, and say you’re guilty of it, and then you’ll get no prison time, but if you don’t do this, we’re going to indict you with multiple counts, obstruction of justice, in Washington, DC, where the jury will hate you, and we’ll put you away for 25 years.


“Well, I’m 72 years old, that would have been a life sentence. But as I point out in silent no more, my wife woke up one morning and she said, ‘I’d rather visit you in prison for the rest of your life than have you not be the man I married.'”


“I decided I was going to tell them I was not going to take their plea deal, and they were furious,” he said.


Corsi also discussed his new book, “Silent No More,” on being investigated by the Special Counsel.


“I would wake up at 4:30 in the morning, and look out to see if the FBI’s outside. It was — it’s been a nightmare,” he said.


Corsi now predicts that after the release of Mueller’s report earlier this month, the “tables are going to turn” with Attorney General William Barr looking into whether the Obama administration had an appropriate predicate to spy on the Trump campaign.


“As I point out in Silent No More, these prosecutors, we have a weaponized system of justice right now that’s very heavily politicized, and this was under Obama. Barr’s job is to restore justice, the American people’s faith in justice,” he said.


Corsi said he has filed a $350 million lawsuit against Mueller and the Justice Department, the CIA, and other agencies.


“I think we have a politically corrupt justice and intelligence system, and I think it extends into the IRS and I think the bureaucracy is very, very biased against the Constitution, against the president…and I don’t think we’re going to anywhere clear this until we really root out the bureaucracy, I think we’d like to see term limits in the bureaucracy. I’d like to see these people rotated out,” he said.