Anonymous ID: 8154dc April 29, 2019, 9:07 a.m. No.6358881   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have no fucking clue. I thought the fucking shots worked?


Measles Outbreak among Vaccinated High School Students – Illinois


This was 1983/84, btw.

Anonymous ID: 8154dc April 29, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.6359081   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What he said in the press conference is inconsistent with what's in the report


I don't know how to not get frustrated here, but what she is saying is accurate, depending on what talking heads on TV you listen to. Is it a lie for AG Barr to state something, publicly, that would be in a contradiction to what is in the report? Well, yes and no; and that depends ENTIRELY on your perspective based on what we know. What we know is this:

The second half of the report is a write up of how "obstruction" could have been charged, "potentially", but the SC decided not to go down that rabbit hole. For all the normies out there, that's the narrative. That's the "understanding".


Here's the other half of the story, though:

The Mueller report concluded no collusion; absolutely. It left the question of "obstruction" open-ended, and for the AG and DAG to decide in their release to the public. The DAG was the person that appointed Mueller to do the work in the SC. The DAG was right next to the AG in coming out and stating "No collusion, No obstruction". Unfortunately, this very specific, and very important detail is what the talking head is not mentioning in her breaking news reporting/"opinion panel".


Not to mention there is still 6% of this thing that is redacted, and arguably, those parts are the most important of the entire fucking thing. I wish Joe would have just pointed that out instead of going Conan the Judgebarian on her. Because of that, "she wins" in the optics of the argument. All Joe did was go "How dare you accuse my friend of lying!". Again, it's all in how you phrase the question, and how you phrase the answer.


Anons know these facts. Normies are still lost in the sauce.

Anonymous ID: 8154dc April 29, 2019, 9:41 a.m. No.6359167   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Funny. Tell that to the scores of elderly that caught the swine/bird flu back in the 20s, survived, and were still immune to it in the early 2000s when it made a "come back".