It took five years for the DS to find a look-alike and MK him to play muh boogeyman.
It's got NOTHING to do with a foreign power's feelz.
The US 'officially recognizing' the GH as part of Israel via FEDERAL LAW is all about JURISDICTION.
Juris. Law.
Diction. Words.
>You didn't think this was simply about words, did you?
>How do you introduce evidence 'legally'?
Show us EXACTLY where Q said that what you were told since 1969 is real.
Advanced classified tech exists.
Buttplug sold separately?
>BlueBeam and Second Coming of Christ.
The blockbuster double-feature coming soon to a theater near (You)!!!
Probably not for another fifteen minutes. (Delay).
>Uses muh 'VPN only' laptop config.
>Not a techie.
>Doesn't understand that VPN is snake oil.