>>6359457 (LB) fucking Google COCKSUCKERS.
THIS IS why phones started coming w unremoveable batts. iPhone etc. some computers and other* devices had batteries or power caps in circuits to allow for tracking or listening while phone was off.
In my opinion instead of just showing us options that a cell can do, from here on out we should DEMAND knowing what safety features the cells have to make sure we are safe from unnecessary spying. We need to have the cell engineers certify there is no backdoor 1.). 2.) need to PROVE nothing added to device that would allow for unknown remote viewing/tampering. 3.) a kill switch that does truly turn a cell/device off.
Most features are not utilized and or fuck up and do opposite they are supposed to do anyway. Make DAMN sure the cell/devices cannot do anything the actual user doesnt want done.
At some point all this survelliance needs btfo.