He ain’t no “We,” he’s not even a (You).
The Bible is real and the older you get, the more you’ll see it.
You’ll see more as you learn more.
Disinformation. The Torah came well after the Bible.
Baby rightist Auntie Fags.
The oral traditions of the ancient world prior to writing are how all ancient literature was composed. For an analogy, look into how Homers books were written down some 300 years after the events. Ancient literature was essentially oral. To understand how ancient literature came about requires more than reading a few internet blurbs. You can look into the Vedas and Gilgamesh as well.
Bye@Jack . Q jk
CIA/FBI are unconstitutional and will be dismantled if Trump is in any way serious about restoring the Republic rather than just propping up this shitty and fake corporate Govt we have now.
Most of these internet geniuses avoid actual scholarship, research or critical thinking in favor of glib YouTube posts and brief blurbs. We are in a an extremely dumbed-down, post-literate society. Idiocracy is not as far away as the movie depicts.
The demoncrats would lose half their twat followers of the fakies were eliminated.
The payment is just as fake as the bill. Fair exchange.
No, they were found in a cave . They are about 2000 years old.
Oh sorry, was thinking of the Talmud.
I guess he’s one of the few libtard newsies who’s not an actual faggot.
Judge Nap seems to have sold out to be playing an anti-Trump role v. Dershowitz On tv. Tables turned. Kind of embarrassing actually. FoxNews seems to own him ever since they cancelled his show for excessive truthiness.
Bizarre huh?
Classless libtards. When I lived in DC, my fav restaurants were Blackies Steakhouse and Cafe de Paris, and I was just a college kid with little money.
He’s 20 years too old to be on Trumps list. Duh.
Even though the kid is anti-Trump. These people are truly stupid. And evil liars to boot.
Yeah, Trump is not entirely woke, not close, he’s just the best we got.
FBI lives only by Hegelian dialectic to pertect are freedumbs.
This is false.
Sex Pistols were anarchists and anarchists are essentially anti-Govt conservatives/libertarians.
The nwo crooks over the past 30 years have stolen the birthright of the millennial gen so that they have never seen General American prosperity like I grew up in during the prior decades. Hat makes me angry. An entire generation doesn’t even know first-hand what America really is supposed to be. Fake edu, media, vaccines, junk food and medicines, gay agenda etc, just awful. Victor Davis Hanson and Henry Makow write about this tragic issue and Tucker talks about it sometimes in the context of immigration and precipitously declining marriage and birth rates since 1960. There will be no MAGA until we stop immigration, Lock up the nwo criminals, and white Americans start marrying and breeding again.
There is no constitutional authority for the fbi. It has been unlawful and crooked since it’s inception. Just a criminal gang. The entire police state must go in favor of open carry, or the Republic cannot be restored. Police are useless leeches.
Agree. If religion is just a fantasy like Pokémon, why should any nonbeliever bother with it? I don’t care about Pokémon, so why should nonbelievers care about religion?
I used to like Men’s Journal better, but I consume very little mass Media anymore.
The whole obstruction thing is a joke. If Killary gets properly prosecuted, we will learn all about what obstruction of justice really is.
An art professor told me that photoshop is the only program you need and it takes about 40 hours to get a handle on it.
I meant to say Talmud.
Mayor Buttplug is a thorough shill.
Muh police heeroes pertectin are freedumbs. Asshole statist pricks.
Muh heeroes!
Our country would be immeasurably better off if every cop ate his service weapon tonight. Then we would have more guns available for the people too!
True geniuses like Jew Behar see things that the rest of us simply cannot see. Like Einstein or Tesla.
Apparently, the US pays asylum seekers $3600 per month each and also subsidized housing? Get 3-4 together and they have a very well-off household. No wonder why they come. But the Trump Admin just allows it all. Nada.
Brainwashing. My experience is, you must order the doctors to treat you properly in all details and question everything they say. Once they see you’re woke, they treat you completely differently than the sheep. My dad died because of med malpractice and my mom was disabled. Med malpractice is one of our country’s biggest killers. Put Govt in charge of healthcare?? Simply NO.
Does this mean Trump gets another SCOTUS pick?
Iirc, the Vedas are the oldest written literature, going back to around 1400 BC?
She’s thinking of Daddy Stains death.