Hey team, I dropped this request in the planefag thread, but putting it here too.
Hey guise, have a very important planefag request which I will be happy to answer the WHY I am asking depending on the answer.
What I need to know is…were there ANY official Brit planes / helicopters that landed in / around LA from the beginning of April that went to RAF Northolt? Northolt closed for resurfacing 15 April, however I think a Helicopter could still land.
There's a rumor that RAF picked up Doria Ragland in LA and dropped her at RAF Northholt and she has been there since 12 April.
I do not know how to planefag but I am pretty sure you can turn back time and poke around if you know what you're looking for.
The reason is the end is near for the blackmail charade involving the NXIVM / MMarkle bullshit and it LOOKS like in order to wiggle out the BRF is going to claim she is mental and her mom came in to comfort her. People are making all kinds of shit up at this point. MM is NOT pregnant. BUT had hoped to pull off a home birth and present a baby. Some speculate Ragland is still in LA, or was charged with bringing a baby in…or to help cover the mentally ill bullshit story to cover the blackmail story.
Any help verifying any RAF planes in the area. I am sure it would have to be a plane unless it was Helicopter that picked her up, flew to RAF plane, flew across Atlantic, landed and transferred to Helicopter which then went on to Northholt?
Halp. Thanks.
This is more relevant to Trump, REMAIN / BREXIT than you can begin to imagine. Putting pieces together but need to verify / eliminate the bullshit about this supposed flight.