Both lb
He is a Jew.
Pics 3 4 and 5 are not the same guy but kinda related.
Kek, reminds me of pic related.
Dang you dang you fren.
But it remains a fact that 5000 hours on paint has produced master pieces like pic related.
Its the tool for the autistic connoisseur purist.
Thanks for the info btw, the 5000 hours on paint is obviously a joak.
Off course, he is an Israel first traitor, and Israel first traitors can't have any place with free speech standing.
Pics related, zionists are fucked.
He is a racialJew (and racial Jews aren't White) who supports White genocide.
Proof that racial Jews aren't White.
Barbara Specter will disagree with such blantat bigoted measures.
Retarded comments about Jews are probably made by Jews trying to false flag themselves.
Legitimate criticism of Israel and Jewish collective power is not anti-Semitism thou.
Vid and pic related, that guy is a Jew and pro-Trump.
>The quran is demonic.
Fun fact: Jews created Islam.
/pol/ used to joke about it and saying that it would not be surprising if Jews were behind it. As always, /pol/ was right.
Is that why Israel and diaspora Jews try so hard to flood the West with Muslims?