the queen is dead
dried up figs
seize the day
fruits gather
their fallen
but the winemaker
has closed
for the season
now the royal court
must choose
as a last resort
princes & princesses
leave uninvited guests
to stoke the fires
of conquest
crowns & jewels
adorn pathetic fools
tweed jackets
blast packets
where are the mules
the sombreros
of manuel paste
charles screeches
at the sight
of naked beaches
it reminds him
of his youth
all alone
with the stones
of truth
for want of a crown
he reaches for
a handkerchief
allergies have plagued him
with disbelief
dependable but expendable
ruthless and rigorous
is the way
of the pauper
who lies with dogs
sad pole
tad pole
a frog with no pond
green jelly songs
fill his peanut butter cup
toads fill his thoughts
abominable warthogs
rally the countryside
the house of lords
forgot to hide
their potions
in the chicken shack
the penal colony
where poisonous snakes
slither through the shade
in search of a hole