>Australia opens trade and defense office in Jerusalem
Thats because they cucked out on opening an embassy in Jerusalem as they had previously said. Apparently Muslim groups lobbied along with Indonesia and Malaysia and govt caved.
>Australia opens trade and defense office in Jerusalem
Thats because they cucked out on opening an embassy in Jerusalem as they had previously said. Apparently Muslim groups lobbied along with Indonesia and Malaysia and govt caved.
Sure but remember for leftists the Flag, Constitution, 1A, 2A, Freedom, Liberty, Statues, History, Christianity, 2Sexes, White Males are also offensive and proof of 'white supremacy'.
Everything offends them and they will send people to gulags if they win and have their way.
If anyone else is worried about leftists calling us names. They have keynote speakers at Harvard who think Christians should be 'locked up'.
As soon as CFR and Atlantic Council started talking about the 'dangers of 4chan' last year it was only going to be a matter of time. Rulers of this world see us as a threat.
> The year before that at bildiberg the plan was "how to stop anonymity on the internet."
Yeah again they are pretty smart and have access to data and intel we could only dream of.