"We went too deep...
"Wait until you learn...
"A Rally"
People get excited. They want to share and inspire. A 'pull-back' was probably needed for both sides.
Q has been very disciplined when talking to us. Plays by 'the rules' better that way. An Anon is 'forced' to discover context of drop to 'figure it out'
Not given fish. Taught how to fish. Can feed family now. Bible.
We should not fault Q for OUR deficits. Or the nec gap in access to intel and history.
Celebrated yesterday after long work week and from so much winning. Probably posted some weak posts; cant even find to refute or clarify @ lag from yesterday. Apologies if impatient, unclear, insulting. @FlypigeonsFly
Q knew full well their would be increased traffic at so many drops/1day. Smart to
'stress test'
The timeline is moved up. We need to be ready. OpMSMBREAK prototype coming to a thread near you. 6 days.
A bank for depositing/withdrawing articles and summaries that will thoroughly embarrass MSM/Fast news cycle and stop condition of gold-fish memory.
(X) for Y