After god created the world he had Adam and Eve and she was tricked by the snake and they were kicked off eden. Then lucifer and other fallen angels get kicked off from heaven onto earth. Lucifer wanting to be god-like had his fallen angels mix with humans and they created all kinds of things including half men/gods, half animals/men and people with superpowers. God was not pleased with lucifer and all their wrongdoings and sent the diluge and killed just about everyone. Lucifer asked God how could he do all his bidding if he was killing off all his people.
God gave him another chance but told him they could not be breeding and using superpowers. So I’m assuming this is where free will and law of nature/universe law kick in. So we have the fallen angels now working without superpowers(royal bloodlines) and they trick/manipulate people into their beliefs. So since the beginning of time they have been threading their plan to control this world, eliminate God beliefs and make it luceferian. They have chosen how we live and control what we do and had made plans when everything was supposed to be done by and how. Some of this is in the book of Enoch and the rest is my personal belief.