>Michelangelo's Pieta in the Vatican
The Left Hand Path and Canibalism
The Aghora Tantrics make a sacrament of ritual necrophagia by cannibalistically devouring human rather than animal meat (mamsha), specifically the flesh of human corpses at the cremation grounds. Although the concept of sacred cannibalism is probably one of the most startling features of traditional left-hand practice, it should be remembered that even the Catholic rite of Mass, with its ceremonial consumption of the "flesh and blood" of Christ is only a symbolic recreation of the same general idea.
Along with wine and other intoxicants, the Aghori adept drinks human blood (medha) and human urine (meha). Coprophagia or the consumption of human excrement (mala) rounds out a sacralised meal that is concluded with mehana, a word that can be taken to mean penis or semen.
None of these ritual violations of taboo are motivated by the same instincts that might inspire the contemporary profane urine, shit or blood enthusiast to partake of his or her particular fetish. Above and beyond the considerable release of magical energy freed by these actions, the Aghoric goal is to overcome all sense of conditioned fear or disgust obstructing the initiate's awareness, reaching a state of complete neutrality towards all manifestations of shakti-maya.
In many cases, the consumption of such traditionally impure substances as human urine, blood, feces, and flesh is usually confined to a one-time breakthrough in consciousness; to repeatedly break these taboos once a transcendent insight has been gained through their ritual enactment would be senseless from an initiatory perspective. Other Aghoris continue these practices for specific magical purposes unrelated to the initial transgression of taboo.
One fairly common Buddhist practice in Tibet reveals an Aghori influence. The initiate is compelled to visualize the drinking of five fluids: excrement, brains, semen, blood, and urine, which are alchemically transformed through disciplined thought control into wisdom-providing "nectars" sacred to Tibetan Buddhism. As is often the case, the Tibetan Buddhist adept – who radically rejects the reality of all apparent planes of existence – mentally imagines those taboo actions which the Indian Aghoris actually perform in keeping with the concept that maya is paradoxically real and illusory at the same time.
LOWER CASTE MENSTRUATING WOMAN - The Aghori's preferred initiatrix in sexual congress is a menstruating woman of the "untouchable" lower caste, whose menstrual blood mingled with his own semen is sometimes consumed at the conclusion of the rite.
All of the five senses are engaged in the sinister rite of the five things. The taboo foods and wine stimulate the sense of taste, and are
consumed in a formal, ritualized manner; this is not the everyday meal some Westerners have imagined. Each of the foods are consecrated with declaration of specific mantras before being shared by the shakta and shakti,
and subsequently washed down with small amounts of the wine. It is within
the circle that the taboo food and wine, said to feed the subtle body of the hidden goddess Kundalini within the physical organisms.
From Demons of The Flesh, The Complete Guide to Left Hand Path Sex Magic by Zena LaVey
http:// tikaboo.com/library/DemonsOfTheFlesh.pdf
Thanks to you anon. Don't know if you noticed that the book is the work of Zena LaVey, daughter of Anthony LaVey of the Church of Satan. Zena founded the Temple of Set (NK Hotel?), alongside Michael Aquino of US military / MKULTRA / C_A black ops fame. All connected through the left hand path it seems.