Anonymous ID: 49a235 April 29, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.6365012   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons (esp. medfags, pharmafags, preperfags), Baker



re: >>6361148, >>6361171 America’s Super-Vaccination Agenda is put on Super Steroids—Why now? (notable pb)


Relevant article from 2015 just republished on


  • Deaths from measles virtually non-existent before 1963 intro of measles vaccine


  • “Like chickenpox, measles was a common childhood infection that, after running its typically mild course, imparted lifelong immunity in those who contracted it. The risk of serious complications or death from measles has always been overwhelmingly minimal, …”


  • No US measles deaths 2003 – 2015


  • AT LEAST 108 DEATHS associated with measles vaccine in this period, 96 of which associated with MMR




NOTE: As part of DS/BIG PHARMA evil, knowledge of universal power of vitamin C has been / is being suppressed—#1 universal virucidal agent (would smoke measles):


“Klenner, in clinical practice and as per his published papers, found great success using high dose intravenous / intramuscular vitamin C as an antiviral, an antibiotic (both alone and in conjunction with other antibiotics), an anti-toxin, and (arguably) as an anti-inflammatory. What appeared to not be generally appreciated is that effective dosing was in the grams, 10s of grams, or even 100s of grams daily to achieve therapeutic effect. Generally, there were no adverse side effects over

many cases other than occasional diarrhea (one reported case of thrombosis). That is, besides being highly effective, high dose vitamin C therapy is generally safe and well-tolerated.”


(See 4 pg .pdf briefing note on vitamin C, especially protocol for use with Lyme’s disease. BN has own sauce. Worked for polio & snakebites, too.)


General Vitamin C sauce (including cardiologist Dr. Levy’s books):