Anonymous ID: 979a21 April 29, 2019, 7:51 p.m. No.6366532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6569 >>6609 >>6806 >>7013 >>7092 >>7116

Huawei: US may withhold intelligence from UK if it lets Chinese firm build 5G network, official says


‘We will have to reassess the ability for us to share information’ - USA Official


The US may withhold intelligence from the UK if Theresa May’s government uses Chinese firm Huawei to build its next-generation mobile internet infrastructure, an American official has suggested.


“It is the United States’ position that putting Huawei or any other untrustworthy vendor in any part of the 5G telecommunications network is a risk,” said Robert Strayer, the deputy assistant secretary for cyber, international communications and information policy at the US state department.


“If other countries insert and allow untrusted vendors to build out and become the vendors for their 5G networks we will have to reassess the ability for us to share information and be connected with them in the ways that we are today.


“Exactly how that will be done will depend on the risk of the equipment that is put into the networks.”


Mr Strayer was speaking during an online press briefing on Monday.


His remarks come in the wake of Theresa May reportedly approving plans to have the Chinese company build non-core parts of the UK’s 5G communications network.


The official said that the US did not distinguish between core and non-core elements and instead believed that there was no safe level of involvement for Huawei.


“Having potentially compromised equipment and software provided by vendors in any part of that network is an unacceptable risk,” he said.


“It is our position in the United States that there is no way that we can effectively mitigate the risk of having an untrustworthy vendor in the edge of the network.”


Huawei’s role in building the UK’s 5G network has divided Westminster in recent weeks.


There are concerns about whether the technology giant poses a threat to national security.


US intelligence has suggested that Huawei is directly funded by the Chinese security services, according to The Times.


In Whitehall an inquiry is under way after details emerged of a highly secretive National Security Council meeting at which Ms May reportedly gave the green light for the Chinese company’s involvement.


Multiple cabinet ministers were reported to have objected to the Huawei decision, including Jeremy Hunt, Sajid Javid, Gavin Williamson, Liam Fox and Penny Mordaunt.


They have all denied providing the details of the meeting. Cabinet ministers have been warned of the possibility of a criminal investigation into the leak.


On Monday, Jacob Rees-Mogg said the matter of the leak was trivial when compared to the issue of the Chinese company’s involvement in the 5G network.


“The whole story here is not about a leak, it’s about whether or not we’re getting into bed with the Chinese company Huawei against the advice of the US and Australians who have decided not to,” he told LBC.


“This is a fundamental issue of national security, whether somebody mentioned it in passing and leaked it is trivial in comparison.”


The US has banned Huawei from its government networks and Australia and New Zealand have also placed restrictions on the company.


Additional reporting by agencies


Anons Thoughts:

If the UK is putting short term material and economic gain (free shit and money from Chiiiiina) then they can fuck off and start defending themselves. Oh, those Trident missiles, try servicing them by yourself Theresa…..

Anonymous ID: 979a21 April 29, 2019, 8 p.m. No.6366662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6730



The city of London is in fear because there are rumors that Trump is going to make discloser of company directors and company assets mandatory, especially in places like Isle of White and other offshore havens. When that happens all the managers of the dirty money in the world will have lost their last safe haven, and the UK will lose TRILLIONS in assets.


Maybe this is their way to negotiated out of it.


From DARK (Dark Banking) to LIGHT (USA style financial disclosure)

Anonymous ID: 979a21 April 29, 2019, 8:06 p.m. No.6366740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6764


Thats the pants checker.


Posting without pants on is now banned, please wear something so the NSA doesn't have to see your willy Anon.


Have some respect and decency.

Anonymous ID: 979a21 April 29, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.6366818   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sorry, phone fagging with a puppy in one hand.



The Bahamas



The British Virgin Islands

The Cayman Islands

The Channel Islands,

The Cook Islands

Hong Kong

The Isle of Man





St. Kitts



There are more, but the City of London uses these the most.

Anonymous ID: 979a21 April 29, 2019, 8:20 p.m. No.6366942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7053





Headache is the symptom of pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. It occurs in migraines (sharp, or throbbing pains), tension-type headaches, and cluster headaches.[1] Frequent headaches can affect relationships and employment.[1] There is also an increased risk of depression in those with severe headaches.[1]


Headaches can occur as a result of many conditions whether serious or not. There are a number of different classification systems for headaches. The most well-recognized is that of the International Headache Society. Causes of headaches may include dehydration, fatigue, sleep deprivation, stress, the effects of medications, the effects of recreational drugs, viral infections, loud noises, common colds, head injury, rapid ingestion of a very cold food or beverage, and dental or sinus issues.


Treatment of a headache depends on the underlying cause, but commonly involves pain medication. A headache is one of the most commonly experienced of all physical discomforts.


About half of adults have a headache in a given year.[1] Tension headaches are the most common, affecting about 1.6 billion people (21.8% of the population) followed by migraine headaches which affect about 848 million (11.7%).[2]

Anonymous ID: 979a21 April 29, 2019, 8:31 p.m. No.6367072   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hillary Clinton mocks Donald Trump reading Mueller report: 'I'm f*'


Hillary Clinton has mocked the man who beat her in 2016, reading from a portion of the Mueller report in which Donald Trump says "I’m f*".


The former US secretary of state poked fun at Mr Trump during a brief break from a speaking tour with her husband, Bill. The two sat down with comedian Jordan Klepper to read through the report.


During their chat with Klepper – who hosts the Comedy Central show ‘Klepper’ – the trio began discussing GoFundMe causes they believed were worth $1,000 donations.


Klepper then noted that there is a campaign raising money to have Ms Clinton read the entire special counsel report.


“Gosh, I would definitely do that,” she said in response.


The video then cut to her reading the portion of the report in which the president found out that Robert Mueller would be leading the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.


“Oh my god. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m f*,” Ms Clinton said, mocking the presidents speaking pattern ever so slightly.


The Clintons have at least five more speaking dates set up for their tour, in Vancouver, Seattle, Boston, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas.


The two political titans have so far refused to put their support behind any of the candidates in the Democratic primary, where at least 20 candidates are vying for the chance to take on Mr Trump in 2020.


Q - Can you stop this shit already?