Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.6367520   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"How did I get here?" I asked myself.


Of course, the answer was easy: I'm a broke-ass idiot. When I saw an advertisement for an experimental study where each participant would be paid five-hundred dollars if they were chosen, well, I jumped on it. The initial interview and selection process was surprisinglyโ€ฆ physical. I suppose I should have expected something like that from the Institute of Sex and Attraction, but I didn't.


There was, of course, a brief mental evaluation, but the majority of the process involved me showing off my body. I mean, I work hard on it, so I'm not terribly shy about showing it off, but usually I'm not sitting in an empty white room, fluorescent lights humming above me, with three women in white lab coats staring dispassionately at my naked body. Plus, I've never taken a nude photo before, so when they did it was a bit weird and unexpected.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.6367527   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7575 >>7896

I guess they liked what they saw, though, because I was selected. The second part of the process was also weird, but it was much more enjoyable for me. I was given a small binder filled with naked pictures of thirty-two women and asked to rate how attractive I considered each woman.


These women were all stunningly beautiful. At first, I just flipped from page to page, doing my best not to drool over all them all. They really did run the whole range of possibility. From busty beauties with juicy rumps to pretty little petites; barely legal babes to full-blown milfs; redheads with creamy white skin to cocoa-colored enchantresses, and everything in between. It was shocking, in retrospect, that they managed to have such a diverse group contained within those thirty-two pages.


I flipped to the second-to-last page in the binder and felt all the air rush out of my lungs. This woman was stunning. According to the stats listed on the side of the page, she was a C-cup, twenty-five years old (same as me), and just over five-feet, six-inches tall. Her hair was the bright orange of a sunset, her eyes as blue as the Caribbean Sea. Believe it or not, I legitimately spent three minutes on that page just staring into those eyes. I didn't even look at the rest of her body until I'd finished memorizing every last freckle on her face.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.6367535   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

Of course, the rest of her was just as amazing. It had apparently been a few days since she'd last shaved, because she had a light dusting of hair above her beautiful pussy. I do personally prefer a nicely shaven pubic area, but on this beauty, it wasn't even close to a deal-breaker. It was almost endearing. Her nipples were perfect pink peaks on top of the perfect sized mounds of her breasts. I will admit, her ass was a little on the small side for my usual tastes, but just like the pubic hair, on her it just worked.


I immediately rated her a 10/10. Of course, I did my due diligence and rated all the rest of the women, but not a single one could compare to the girl on the second-to-last page. No matter what, I could not get her out of my head. Before finishing up with my ratings, I had to turn back to the page and memorize her features again. The odds of me ever meeting or seeing this woman again were extremely low, so I had to imprint this beauty on my brain as clearly as possible. She was the ideal of beauty to me, and I would remember her.


As it happened, I didn't need to worry. She and I met in person a week later, during the third and final phase of the study.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.6367539   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

I received a call from the Institute's secretary asking if I was free to come in that night. Of course, I have no job and basically no money, so I jumped at the chance to get it all done and hasten my little payday. The secretary told me to come in at 7 o'clock. I showed up, they made sure I was okay with being here for at least twenty-four hours. It was unexpected, but they assured me food and a variety of drinks would be provided, so I agreed.


They sent me to a locker room and instructed me to get naked and lock up my belongings and take the key with me into another room. At this point, I really didn't care at all, I just wanted my money. So, I followed instructions and walked to the far side of the room and through another door.


The room beyond was surprisingly pleasant. It reminded me of the small studio apartment I lived in while I was going to college. I felt myself relax easily in this comfortable little room, so I made my way to the fridge in the corner of the room. Another pleasant surprise came to me as I popped open the fridge and discovered a case of my favorite brand of beer, Guinness. There was another case of beer in there as well, Miller Lites, along with a number of fruits, vegetables, and a smattering of other foods.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.6367547   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

I grabbed a beer and closed the fridge, then turned to take in the rest of the room. That was when I noticed the two wine bottles, one red and one white. I'm not a big wine drinker, but it was nice to see they were willing to accommodate me whether I preferred red or white.


The rest of the room was pretty sparsely decorated. There was a small couch facing a TV in the corner nearest the small kitchen area I was standing in. In the opposite corner from the kitchen there was a bed made up in typical hotel fashion, in other words lots of pillows and a very fluffy and inviting comforter on top. And in the last corner was the door I had entered through.


I was about to take another drink when I noticed there were actually two doors in that corner. It was strange, but this whole thing was strange, so I just shrugged and took another sip of my beer. As I finished the beer, I tipped my head back to get the last few drops. That was when I finally noticed the cameras on the ceiling of the room. There was one in the corner over the doors, and another in the corner above the TV, along with a dome camera in the middle of the ceiling.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.6367550   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

Again, weird, but I was getting pretty used to weird with this place. I just shrugged it off again, tossed my empty beer can, grabbed a new one, then plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. I was happy to see it was a smart TV set up with several streaming services ready to go, so I went to Netflix and started browsing through the home screen. That was when I heard the sound of one of the doors behind me opening, followed by a very feminine sounding gasp.


I turned to look over my shoulder and found myself feasting on the drop-dead beauty I'd drooled over in the binder the week before. Just like me, she was completely naked, but she was doing her best to cover herself with her arms. I definitely stared way longer than I should have.


Finally, I came to my senses and turned back toward the TV. I heard the click of the door closing, then a whirr-click from the same direction. It took a moment for me to realize the second sound was the sound of the door's electronic locks engaging. I was about to break the silence, when I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat from the TV.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.6367557   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"Eh-hem. I apologize for not explaining this final phase of our experiment prior to tonight." I looked at the screen and saw the speaker was a middle-aged lady I recognized from the panel of women who had judged me at the beginning of the experiment. "It is necessary for the nature of this experiment that this portion be a surprise. The two of you will occupy this room together for the next twenty-four hours. The only rule we have is that you may not seek to clothe yourselves. Aside from that, you may enjoy this time however you choose to." The woman started to reach forward, presumably to turn off the broadcast, then she stopped and looked back toward the camera. "Oh, I almost forgot. You should both know, during the second phase of the experiment, you both rated each other as the most attractive individual in the binders you were presented." She said. Then she reached for something offscreen and the broadcast ended.


It took me a few moments to process this information. I was stuck in this room for the next twenty-four hours, naked, with my dream woman, who was also naked, and she apparently also thought I was attractive. I had no idea what to do. What does a man even do in this situation?


Then the answer came to me. A man would go and talk to the gorgeous woman in the room and at least try to get to know her. But, what was he supposed to say? "Hi, I'm Malcolm, I'm the naked dude you're gonna be spending the next super awkward twenty-four hours with. Wanna make out?"


I couldn't help shaking my head and chuckling a little. This was so stupid. What did they expect to happen? Of course we were just going to sit around, do our best to ignore each other until the experiment is over, then go our own ways and do everything we can to forget how we just passed over a potentially awesome situation.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.6367563   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

I don't know if it's because her bare feet didn't make much sound, or if I was just so engrossed in my mental defeatism that I didn't notice, but I was caught completely off guard when I heard the fridge door open. Out of habit, I glanced over at the unexpected noise and was met with the glorious sight of the woman's ass thrusting out toward me as she bent to get a beer from the fridge. Not staring at that moment was easily the most difficult thing I'd ever had to do. Or, well, not do, I guess.


"Ugh, who drinks this rat piss?" I heard her murmur as she pulled a beer from the case of Miller Lites.


"Ahem." I dramatically cleared my throat. She turned to see me holding up my can of Guinness. I affected my best angry/affronted scowl, and I was able to hold it for a whole second before a smile broke across my face. The woman looked down with a small, chagrined smile.


"I didn't realize the drinks were personalized. Sorry." She said.


"Eh, you're good. Stout isn't for everyone." I said. I made the decision then, I wans't going to let this chance pass me by. If nothing else, I was going to have a good time talking with this woman and getting to know her. The first step, of course, was introducing myself and learning her name so I could stop thinking of her as just 'the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.'

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.6367566   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

I stood and crossed the short distance from couch to kitchen and held out my hand. "I'm Malcolm Scott, it's nice to meet you." I said. I also was pleased to notice her briefly checking me out after I stood up.


She extended her hand and shook mine. Her grip was just tight enough to show confidence, but not so tight as to show dominance. She probably worked in either business or finance, then. At least, that was my guess. "It's nice to meet you Malcolm. I'm Rachel Thompson." She said.


"Well, it looks like we'll be stuck here together for the next little bit. We might as well get to know each other, eh?" I said.


"How exactly do you mean?" She asked. I noticed her covering herself with her free hand.


I chuckled a bit. "Not like that. I mean just get to know each other as people."


Rachel seemed to relax a bit at this. I went back to sit on the far side of the couch, with the wall behind me, then motioned to the other side of the couch. "Care to take a seat?" I asked.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.6367571   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

It was clear she was still wary of me. Well, the only way to fix that was for her to get to know me. Though, maybe there was something I could do to put her more at ease.


I turned around and faced the wall.


"Now you don't have to worry about me checking you out. Granted, I prefer talking face to face, but I've been meaning to get to know this wall better, too." I said. I hoped the joking smile was coming through in my tone.


"You don't have to do that, I'm just a little self-conscious. It's been a long time since I've been naked in front of someone." She said.


I didn't turn around quite yet. "I don't know if there's a non-sleazy way of saying this, but you have nothing to be self-conscious about. You're absolutely stunning." I said. Then I turned around to find her sitting on the couch and facing me.


If I thought it was hard to keep myself from staring at her ass, now I knew a truly difficult trial: keeping focused on Rachel's face when I had the entire front of her naked body sitting just a few feet away..


"So," I said, "tell me about yourself." I had to get her talking so I could actually focus on more than the sumptuous view on display before me.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.6367574   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"Well, what do you wanna know?" She said.


"How about what you do for a living?" I suggested.


"Oh, well, I used to work for a business consulting firm in town." She said.


Ha! I was right. "Used to?" I asked.


"Yeah, I quit about a month ago. A coworker was making my life there really uncomfortable and management wasn't doing anything to help. So, I left. I didn't expect it to be so hard to find a new job. That's actually why I'm here in the first place, it sounded like a fun and possibly interesting way to make some cash." She said with a quiet laugh.


"Well it is definitely interesting so far." I said.


"Yeah." She nodded. "So, what about you?"


We spent the next hour-and-a-half talking. I explained I was also unemployed and job hunting, though I was probably going to move back to my hometown soon. Cost of living there is lower, and the job market might be easier to deal with in a smaller city. That was how I discovered she actually grew up just a few hours away from me. We even went to the same college, but she had done business while I had done humanities. Not a lot of overlap between the two disciplines, so we never met each other.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.6367580   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

It seemed like we'd spent our entire lives just barely missing each other. We'd moved to the big city around the same time, we'd both signed on with the same employment agency when we first got to the city. Apparently, we were even both assigned to the same job, but a friend of mine had come to town the day before I was supposed to go to work there and we got hammered together. I slept through my alarm and my phone ringing. By the time I came to, the employer was no longer interested in me.


Somehow, we got to the subject of family, which was when I learned this Rachel was my cousin's best friend Ray-ray. My cousin, Mia, and I had grown up together until her parents moved to the city a few hours away when Mia and I were eleven. Almost immediately after the move, Mia started telling me about this super nice and awesome girl she'd become friends with who she always called Ray-ray. Mia even almost asked me to take Ray-ray to the prom when her date fell through, but she thought I wouldn't be interested in travelling that far for a stupid prom date.


"Unbelievable." I said, "It's like you and I have spent our entire lives almost bumping into each other, then missing each other at the last minute."


"Seriously." She said. She looked like something was on her mind.


"What's up?" I asked.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.6367587   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"I feel stupid saying it, but, well, it almost sounds likeโ€ฆ fate." She said. She looked down to the ground and grabbed her left arm with her right hand, something I'd noticed her doing earlier whenever she seemed insecure.


"It basically is fate. Is there any other way to explain so many near misses finally culminating in this ridiculous meetup? I mean, I believe in coincidences and all, but this feels like it goes way beyond coincidence." I said.


"Right?" She said.


The silence stretched for a few moments, so I decided it was time for another beer. "I'm gonna grab another drink, you want one?" I said as I stood.


"Sure." She said with a nod.


As I passed her, my left hand brushed her shoulder. The touch felt like it sent a shock through my arm. Immediately, I wanted more. I forced myself to continue on to the kitchen, but it was nearly impossible to restrain myself from turning around, sweeping her into my arms, and never letting her go.


Somehow, I managed it. I was about to grab the beers, when I remembered the two bottles of wine on the counter.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.6367591   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"Hey, Rachel, what kind of wine do you like?" I asked.


"Red. Why?"


"Huh, I prefer white. There are two bottles here, one of each. Wanna pop 'em open?" I said. I looked back at the couch and briefly caught her looking at my ass. It was a pretty nice confidence boost if nothing else.


"Sure, as long as you don't judge me for killing a whole bottle." She said with a little smile.


"How could I? I'm about to do the same thing." I said, returning the smile.


I searched through the drawers in the kitchen to find the corkscrew. It only took a few minutes, but the corkscrew wasn't alone in the drawer. There was a box of condoms with it.


"Man, they planned for everything." I muttered.


"What?" Rachel asked.


I pulled out the box of condoms and held it up for her to see. "I guess they like to be prepared, just in case." I said with a laugh, then threw the box back into the drawer.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.6367593   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7610 >>7896

I popped the corks from the bottles of wine, grabbed a couple of glasses, and brought the wine over to the couch. We spent the next hour poking fun at each other for being winos, since we both decided we'd just drinks straight from the bottles, and scrolling through Netflix to find something to watch.


Eventually we settled on some stupid, low-budget horror movie. About fifteen minutes into the movie, Rachel stood up. I paused the movie and looked up at her.


"Did you happen to see where the bathroom is?" She asked.


I looked around the room. The only doors in the room were the ones leading to the locker rooms. Then I noticed the small, curtained-off area on the other side of the kitchen.


"I think I might have found it." I said, standing and walking over to the corner. I pulled back the curtain and, sure enough, there was a small cube with a toilet and a shower separated from the rest of the room by a flimsy curtain.


Rachel just stared at the little cube for a moment, no doubt debating whether she could hold it or not. Finally, she sighed and said, "Can you go turn the movie back on? And turn the volume up, please."


"Sure." I said, smiling.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.6367598   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

I headed back to the couch, hit play, and turned the volume up so loud I could barely hear myself think. Then the scene changed and everything in the movie went silent. I heard a little yelp from the bathroom along with the unmistakable sound of water hitting water. Then some of the characters started talking and drowned out any more noises from the bathroom.


I heard the toilet flush, so I turned the movie back down to its previous volume. It was an extremely welcome surprise when, instead of resuming her position on the other end of the couch, Rachel sat down right next to me on the couch. For the next ten minutes of the movie, I had no idea what was happening onscreen. All I could think about was whether or not I should put my arm around this gorgeous woman next to me.


The movie made the decision for me. An unexpected scare came out of nowhere and Rachel suddenly jumped and leaned up against me. Just like before, the feel of her bare skin touching mine seemed to electrify me. This time, though, I could prolong the contact. I chuckled and put my arm around her, pulling her a little closer to me.


Rachel seemed to tense up a bit at first, but she quickly seemed to relax and lean into my side. It was heavenly. I think if I had suddenly dropped dead of some unexpected illness in that moment, then I could have died perfectly happy.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.6367608   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

We watched most of the rest of the movie without moving, just enjoying the feel of cuddling up together. At one point, during a particularly tense moment, while the killer was chasing the final girl through the house, Rachel turned toward me a bit more and I felt the unmistakable feeling of her nipple poking into my side.


Up until now I'd been able to, more or less, forget our mutual nakedness, but the sensation of Rachel's nipple on my skin brought the reality of the situation crashing back to reality. And my dick certainly got the message. I tried my best to fight it, but you can't fight biology. I just had to hope Rachel either wouldn't notice, or wouldn't think less of me for it.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.6367619   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"You're the new guy?"


I turned around and looked behind me. Oh, she's talking to me. I theatrically turned back.


"Yep, that's me."


"I'm Janet."


"Yeah, I know. My friends told me who you were."


"Oh, really? And what did they say?"


"That you were a really cute girl who could be lots of fun. And also a ball-buster."


"Sounds pretty accurate. You're a good looking guy with a sharp mouth, it seems to me. We could get along together pretty well."


"Well maybe, maybe not. Are you any good in bed?"


That set her back a few seconds.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.6367625   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"God, talk about the direct approach. Am I any good in bed? Let me think. Yeah, I think so. The bigger question, at least from my perspective is, are you any good?"


"Naturally I would have to say I'm not just good, but very good. But you haven't asked me out yet, so I guess you won't find out."


"Me ask you out? Don't you have it a little backwards? The guy is supposed to seduce the girl, take her to a movie, dinner, whatever. Kiss her, feel her up a little. Then, maybe, on the third date the guy explores the geography. That's how it works."


"Sounds about right, provided the guy wants to seduce the girl."


"And you don't?"




"Why not?"


"I'm playing hard to get."


She laughed. "That you are. Well, thanks for the chit chat. See you around."


I'm not usually good with the repartee but my friends had forewarned me about Janet. She checks out all the new guys. The guys that are duds in bed get the 'Rotten Tomatoes' report, the kiss of dating death. The better ones pant for more but then get unceremoniously dumped as she moves on.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:25 p.m. No.6367633   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

I heard she's a wildcat in bed and that would no doubt be great fun. But my strategy was to do it on my terms. I figured she wasn't used to rejection and would double down. I was proven right a week later.


"Hi, John. How's it hanging?"


"Oh, hi Janet. The babies are doing just great. How are you?"


"Peachy keen. Hey, some of the crew are going over to Murphy's Grill Friday night. It's sort of a routine every other month or so. I'd like to go. How about you taking me?"


"Sure, that would be nice. What time should I pick you up?"


I think she expected some pushback. I had put on my nice cap as a head fake.


"Right after work, maybe 6. I don't live far from you."


"OK, I need your address." She apparently already had mine. Interesting.


Now to change tactics.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:25 p.m. No.6367635   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"Janet, assuming afterwards we go to bed together, I need to ask you something."


"Yeah?" She apparently accepted the premise that we would fuck.


"I am really good at eating pussy, and I'm looking forward to tasting you. But I heard that you still have a bush down there. I like bare pussy."


"I'm natural, if that's what you mean. No one else has complained."


"Well, like I said, I'm really good at using my tongue on a bare pussy. So between now and Friday, how about shaving for me. Otherwise no tongue."


"God, I can't believe you. So if I keep my bush you won't eat me? Is that it? An ultimatum?"


"Well, yes. But we can still fuck. I have a big cock and know how to use it."


"What a pompous ass! You know, your reputation is on the line here. Pick me up at 6 and don't be late."


Murphy's was crowded with co-workers. Several eyebrows were raised as Janet and I walked in together. We mingled and shared a couple of drinks. I suspect some were curious as to our relationship, more specifically if we had fucked yet.


"Well, what did you decide?"


"About what?"

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:26 p.m. No.6367641   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"About shaving your pussy."


"Nope, haven't done it. I'm still a natural girl."


"What a shame. I was really looking forward to sticking my tongue between your pussy lips. Tasting your juices as I tongue fucked your hole. Bringing you to a huge climax as you pull my head into your crotch. That sort of thing.


"But that's all right. When we get back to my place I can help you do it."


Janet looked at me with surprise and a smirk. Before she could respond someone came up to say hello. But the seed was planted.


"Janet, what do you say that we head out?"


"Yeah, I'm ready. To your place?"


"Yes, unless you have changed your mind. By the way, can you climax more than once?"


She looked around to see if anyone could hear us.


"Sometimes. Mostly just once."


"Well, I'm pretty sure you will have at least two tonight."


"At least?"


"Maybe three or even four. I've done it before."

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:27 p.m. No.6367650   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"Pretty bold. And maybe you're all hat and no horse? You know, it's not good to oversell. Now if I manage just one you have failed royally."


"I have confidence. But you're right, probably just once unless we shave your bush. Think about it."




"Oh, nice apartment. This must set you back a pretty penny."


"It's expensive. Fortunately, I have a rather large trust fund from my grandfather. Otherwise it would be way too much for my salary."


We undressed together, Janet finishing first. "Nice body, Janet. Very nice. I like your upturned nipples, my favorite." I decided not to comment yet about her bush.


Pulling down my shorts, my half hard cock popped out. I was very proud of my eight fat inches. Janet gawked for a moment and then reached out and took it in her hand. It quickly stiffened to full length.


"Very nice, John. You said you had a big one. Very nice."


"Thank you. I look forward to sliding it into your tight pussy. I also hope to fuck you with my tongue. What do you think?" She knew what I meant.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:27 p.m. No.6367655   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"I've been thinking. Sure, why not. I was probably going to doing it anyway since most of my friends have gone bare. How do we do it?"


"Here, let me get a couple of towels. Now lay on the sofa, one leg on the sofa back, the other on the floor. That opens you up and gives me space to work.


"I'll get some scissors to trim you up first, then a razor and bowl of water. I've done this a couple of times before."


"You have? You shaved other girls? Did they like you doing it?"




I proceeded to trim her rather thick bush and then lathered her up. I carefully shaved the hair above her pussy and then moved down to her lips. I put a couple of fingers between her lips to help as I shaved. Several times my fingers "accidentally" pushed into her pussy.


The shaving took about five minutes and then I wiped her down with a warm washcloth.


"There, all done. That wasn't so bad, was it?"


"No, you were very good. Thank god, I was afraid you might cut something important."


"I have a full-length mirror in my bedroom. Come see."


"Oh, I like. Very much."


"Your pussy looks so delectable. I want to taste you."

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.6367662   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

I led her to the bed and nudged apart her legs


"Yep, I do good work. Your pussy is absolutely beautiful. Your lips are exquisite."


For about ten minutes I used my tongue and mouth to make love to her pussy. She was very responsive, her juices continuing to flow. She started to murmur and move her hips up and down as her climax approached


"Spread your lips. I want to get in deep."


My tongue dipped deep into her hole and seconds later she pulled my head into her crotch. My face was covered with her burst of love juice. I pulled away from her redden, swollen lips.


"Oh, John, that was so good. So good. The best. Come up here and kiss me."


"Better not, I taste like pussy."


"I don't care, kiss me."


"Mmm. So that's what I taste like. Now I want your big cock. Do me doggy."


"OK, but first just stay this way."


I maneuvered between her legs and pressed my cock between her lips. I moved my cock up and down between her lips, each time stopping at her hole so she would think it was about to going in. But I purposely then continued to go up and down between her lips. I wanted her to experience a bit of frustration.


"Now turn over, Janet. I want to fuck you."

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:29 p.m. No.6367671   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

My cock found her hole and I pushed half way on the first thrust. Two more and I was fully inside. I held that position for a few seconds and then started long, slow thrusts. I could only guess as to how quickly she might respond and didn't want to come too quickly. My 'Rotten Tomatoes' rating was at stake.


"John, that feels so good. God, you're so big. I'm already getting pretty close."


I had developed a technique for bringing a girl to climax. I placed my hand under her tummy so I could rub her clitoris. Then using two other fingers I could guide my cock into her hole. That allowed me to pull completely out and then push back in.


The combination of clitoris massage and a full eight-inch stroke was bringing both of us close. I increased my tempo. She shuddered and I felt her pussy walls clamp down on my cock. I shoved in deep and held as I spurted my cum. We stayed coupled for a minute, both breathing hard.


"Damn, Janet, your pussy is so snug. And I liked how your muscles sort of milked my cock."

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:30 p.m. No.6367676   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"And you were terrific, John. You seemed to know just how to play me. Our first time and you managed to time it perfectly."


"I'm so glad you liked it. Now would you like to do more?"


"What do you mean? You can't already be ready to go again."


"No, my cock will need a few minutes but my tongue is ready."


"Your tongue?"


"I'm going to eat your pussy again."


"But I'm full of your cum. All messy down there. You don't want to do that. You aren't really going to do that, are you?"


The tone of her voice suggested a combination of disbelief and anticipation.


"Karen, I've tasted my cum other times, all second hand from pussies I had just fucked. I think you will like it, especially since it is rather erotic."

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:30 p.m. No.6367682   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

I nudged her legs apart and gazed upon a swollen pussy with just a hint of cum dribbling out.


"Your pussy is swollen and gaping. Good, it is so sexy. And I see some cum already leaking."


I scooted up to her pussy and used the tip of my tongue to nudge apart her lips. A little more of our combined juices emerged which I lapped up. I continued to make love to her pussy with my tongue and mouth as her excitement started to increase. Without me asking she pulled apart her lips, giving me deep access to her pussy hole.


"I'm going to push out some cum, John. Do you see it? Oh, that feels so good. You are bad. Yes, keep fucking me with your tongue."


Once again she started bucking her hips, pushing against me. I tasted a fresh burst of juice which covered my face.


"Damn, that was unbelievable. No one has ever eaten me after sex. I had no idea it would be so exciting. You are something else. Where did you ever learn to do that?"


"Play with my cock and get it ready again, and I'll tell you.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:31 p.m. No.6367690   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7692 >>7896

"When I was eighteen my older sister fixed me up with one of her girlfriends. Susan was a wild girl who loved sex and was glad to break me in. Over the next several months we did everything. I mean everything: my first fuck, my first blow job, how to eat pussy.


"One time after we fucked she pushed my head down to her crotch and told me to eat her pussy. I had eaten her many times but never after fucking. Since she seemed to know so much more about sex than me, I didn't object and lapped away. I tasted the difference and knew it was my cum but it didn't seem bad. So I continued.


"Afterwards she complemented me on my adventuresome spirit and said I was an exciting lover."


"You are going to get lots of pussy when you get to college, John," she said. "Big cock, great tongue. Many young guys don't eat pussy and very few do it long enough to bring a girl to climax. You do it very well. And eating creampie makes you one in a thousand. The exciting girls will love that."


"Naturally that made me feel really good. One time we got together after she had a date with some other guy."


"John, my pussy's full of his cum," she said. "I want you to fuck me now, feel what it's like to be the second guy in there."

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:33 p.m. No.6367706   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"Her pussy was still red and swollen. She turned onto her stomach and I pushed my cock into her gaping hole. It easily slid in."


"Can you tell, he really stretched me out? she warned."


"Yeah, you aren't as tight as you usually are. But still feels really good," I responded. I fucked her for some ten minutes before adding my cum to her pussy."


"Oh, John, I didn't expect you to come so quickly. That must have been a turn-on for you. But I haven't come yet. How about you eat me?"


"That caught me by surprise. Now? I responded. With your pussy full of his cum and mine?"


"Come on, John. It won't taste any different than when it's just you. You know how much I like when you do it. Please. You owe me."


"Not surprisingly, I hesitated."


"Please, John. Just this one time," she implored.


"Somehow she persuaded me. I scooted between her wide-spread legs and tentatively lapped between her pussy lips. There was certainly more cum than just when I did her but the taste was as I expected. I continued to lick and suck until she exploded in a huge climax."

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:33 p.m. No.6367712   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7729

"God, that was so good. Thank you for making me come," she gushed.


"That was the only time I tasted another guy's cum. But until I went off to school I continued to eat her creampie almost every time we got together. As she predicted, throughout my four years of college I did have plenty of pussy. Word had gotten around that I could really satisfy a woman, partly because of my cock and partly because I loved eating pussy. And creampie."


Back in the present, Karen continued to stroke my cock, bringing it back to full mast.


"You have such a great cock, John. It's all ready to go again. Would you like to fuck me with it?"


"How about you getting on top and fuck me?"


I laid down and Karen got on top and lowered herself over my cock, facing away from me. She took my full length in one stroke. She rocked back and forth, giving me a great view of my cock sliding into her love tunnel. We continued for quite a while until she started to climax, slamming my cock deep into her.


She came but I didn't. But it didn't matter, it had been great. We lay together for a while, lightly petting each other.


"Well, John, I can honestly say that was the best sex I've ever had. I almost wrote you off as an arrogant bastard. I'm sure glad I didn't."

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:34 p.m. No.6367718   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"Thanks. Truth be known, I wanted to fuck you from the moment we met but wasn't willing to let you control the narrative. It worked out well, don't you think?"


"Yeah. Maybe you're not a bastard but still arrogant," she said with a laugh. "So where do we go from here?"


"Can we be 'friends with benefits'?"


"Sounds perfect to me."


We dated sporadically, usually about once a month, each time ending a nice evening in bed. She liked sex, I liked sex. There was no pretension, no strategies to make our relationship something else.


Janet put out the word that I knew how to satisfy a woman. She avoided details but others were able to fill in the blanks. I enjoyed the favors of several delightful girls. Each knew that I was not ready to settle down and accepted that I dated around.


In spite of the numerous opportunities, I still looked forward to my times with Janet. We were so at ease with each other.


"John, let's go out Friday. That ok with you?"


"Sure. I'll pick you up at 7. Dinner?"



Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:35 p.m. No.6367725   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"John, you have become as much friend as lover these past two years. You are still the best. But โ€ฆ "


"What's the matter, Janet? Tell me?"


"I'm going to get married. You don't know him. We have been dating for about six months. He knows about you and that I'm here tonight. Take me home and fuck me. Fuck me for the last time. I want the best of memories for our last time. Next week I will be married and intend to be forever faithful. But tonight is for us."


We spend almost two hours in bed, cuddling, stroking, kissing, loving. We separated, forever special friends.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:41 p.m. No.6367763   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

Zeshan's luck changed one day when his best friend Zaheed asked him to meet him at his house. When Zeshan arrived, he rang the doorbell and waited for the front door to be answered. Soon a strange voice behind the door said, "Who's it?"


Zeshan replied, "I'm Zeshan. I'm here for Zaheed."


The door opened, and a young lady, who looked too young to be the mother of a young son like Zaheed, announced, "Hello. I'm Zaheed's mother, Robina," she said. "Zaheed told me, to tell you, he tried to call you, he had to attend to some urgent work at the last minute, but you never picked up."


Even in the half-open doorway, Zeshan saw enough of her to tell that she was "his type" of woman.


"Okay, well nice meeting you," Zeshan said, as he turned to leave.


"You can wait for him if you like."


"Ok, if he is expected soon," Zeshan replied.


With that, she asked him to come inside the house. This is not a liberal society, but a very restricted society where no man can go alone into a home other than with blood relatives. Zeshan was a little reluctant to go inside his friend's house with only his mother there without his friend.


She saw his hesitation and said, "Don't be shy. Come in, You are a friend of my son and he wouldn't object," so he followed her.


They sat on the couch in the living room and started to talk. She began to ask him various questions about work, his family, and his friends. he was surprised at how friendly she was, seeing as how she'd just met him. All he could think about was how sweet and hot she looked. For him, she was like a dream woman. He was not saying that every man in the world would die for her, but he found her absolutely stunning.


She looked like a classy, conservative lady. She may have been in her late thirties or early forties. Zeshan found her to be a very beautiful Lady with nice communicative eyes, sweet smile and a very lovely face with a few extra pounds. She was tall, although a little fleshy and fluffy, but one could say slim for her age. She had a creamy white complexion, and a sexy face that was very sweet and pretty, with an overall thin frame, save for her shapely hips. She had long, black hair. Her lips were thin, the corners upturned the slightest bit, and just enough to tell that she was smiling.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:41 p.m. No.6367767   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

And her bright black eyes, they were captivating. They made her look even prettier. The fact that she had three children hadn't changed her figure much. While she didn't have large breasts, they were full and stood firm, and she possessed a beautiful, respectable ass. She was probably 5'9.


One would never believe, she was a mother of three young children. He had a crush on her from the moment he laid eyes on her, knowing nothing would ever become of it, he thought! The way she looked at him hinted that she is kind of liked him as well. So he felt uncomfortable to look at her face directly.


One of the nice things about her age is, one is much less image conscious, so if there's a physical appeal, often times one go with it. he knew she felt it, because she extended the conversation, and from the first moment she was talking to him with a wide smile.


When Zaheed still hadn't come after half an hour, Zeshan told her that he must leave, and he left to return to home.


Since Zaheed and Zeshan had a good friendship and they met frequently, he became closer to Robina and she started treating him like her own son, almost as though he was Zaheed's brother. Due to his frequent visits, she began hugging him lightly, putting her arms around him and, as was customary, whenever he came by he would greet her with a kiss.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:42 p.m. No.6367773   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

When Zaheed wasn't around, the kiss got to be far from the customary one, and she'd speak freely with him, but still seemed a little nervous.


Zeshan wondered if maybe her husband wasn't good in bed, and fearing her husband might come to her, told her he didn't want her talking to Zeshan like this.


Zeshan's mother told Zeshan, that his father wanted to sell their house, and he wants to buy a new house, she asked Zeshan to search for one in a good neighborhood.


Zeshan couldn't believe it when Zaheed solved his problem by telling him, that there was a nice house for rent just next door to them.


"It'll be nice, we could meet easily anytime." Zeshan said.


Zeshan was definitely excited to be near Zaheed, and Robina, but he was thinking more and more about Robina.


Zeshan parents approved of the house, and soon they moved.


As Zeshan was now like a member of their family, he was always trying to sneak peeks of Robina, and sometimes he would look through Robina's underwear drawers when he was there with Zaheed, and she wasn't at home. Zeshan infatuation turned into a crush on Robina, and his crush soon turned into an obsession, a desire to make love to her. He knew he could never be with her, but wishful thinking never killed anybody, so he kept on picturing her each night.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:44 p.m. No.6367794   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

Zeshan was 23 years old, and his horniness level was at an all-time high. As they came closer and closer and as he could observe her more frequently, he found that Robina had a very nice set of big tits and a heavy round ass. When she walks, it's a great pleasure to see her from back, the sight of her heavy ass makes Zeshan really horny. Over time, he got a deep desire to get more intimate, but was not sure what level of intimacy? A number of occasions when she was busy with household work, he could see her sexy cleavage, but did nothing as he was still maintaining his usual respectable distance. But while he was in his bed at night sometimes he would spend hours imagining how he would fuck her in different positions. He used to masturbate fantasizing of her. In the early days of his masturbation, Zeshan used to feel uncomfortable looking at her directly. Over time, that went away and he started fantasizing about her more frequently. While meeting her, he used to watch her, with hungry eyes more and more closely, especially her sexy parts. Sometimes he kept eyes on her lively communicative eyes and tried to read something in them to see any hint of something more, but saw nothing.


Robina also seemed to sense that, Zeshan lusted after her breasts and ass. As he was always staring at them as well.


Zeshan wanted so badly to fuck her, that it became very uncomfortable for him to talk to her, and it felt like she kept catching him stealing peeks at her nice breasts and wide hips. She became his tried and true fantasy.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:44 p.m. No.6367801   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

Zaheed's and Zeshan's mothers became friends as well, almost like sisters. Since they both spent a lot of time at each other's home. Needless to say, Robina often came up in their for conversation with his mother, in their home. Robina and Zeshan's mother also spent a lot of time together, sharing tea, shopping, and so on.


Robina was always friendly with Zeshan, and they would talk about everyday things, and this and that, when she visited their house or he went to meet them. Robina's perky breasts and ass made his cock ache whenever she walked in.


Once when Zaheed and Zeshan both were in Zaheed's room watching some movie. Zaheed asked Zeshan to stay there as he was going to get a different movie. Zaheed went without informing his mother. Zeshan was now all alone and he was imagining Zaheed's mother, soon he got a huge erection so he went to the bathroom to masturbate. In his rush, he didn't close the door completely behind him.


Robina had to go out to run some errands, so, she wanted to inform Zaheed and Zeshan before leaving the house. But, the door was closed. As it was was getting late, she knocked on the door lightly. There was no response. She presumed that maybe they were watching a movie, but there was no sound. So, she quietly pushed the door slightly open. The room was empty, but she heard some noise coming from the bathroom. Curiosity led her near the bathroom door, the door was not fully closed.


Through the crack of the door, Robina saw an outrageous sight. Zeshan was standing naked before the wash hand basin! His legs were spread. He had his cock in his hand and was stroking it. What shocked Robina, was the size of his cock! It looked too huge for his age. His whole cock was stretched tight. She got frightened. Though she wanted to quickly leave, her curiosity at the sight of his colossal cock made her continue to silently snoop through the crack of the door. Zeshan was incoherent. She tried to figure out, what he was murmuring. She listened carefully.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:45 p.m. No.6367812   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

Zeshan was mumbling, " Robina, aaaah, get ready. I am going to fill your cunt with my seed. I am going to fill your sweet pussy, aaaah "


Robina was surprised! Zeshan was fantasizing about her while masturbating. She quickly stepped back, before he ejaculated. She got a glass of cold water and sat down in the kitchen, breathing rapidly. She could not forget the sight in Zeshan's cock. She could feel her vagina get moist at the thought of Zeshan's mighty cock. After ten minutes, suddenly the door opened and Zeshan came out. She was too embarrassed to look into his eyes. With her eyes downcast, she wished something, she never thought.


She asked him, where Zaheed was, he told her that he has gone to get a movie.


"He should have told me, that he was going, anyway, you two take care of the house, I am going out,"


She went out as she did not want to stay with him alone.


After some time, she returned home and found that Zeshan has left. She continued with her housework. The thought of Zeshan's imposing cock was stuck in her mind. It made her vagina continuously wet and she was feeling sticky in between her thighs, throughout the day. That night when she went to the bed, she was still excited at the thought of the Zeshan's imposing cock. That made her horny and she tried to wake her husband, but he didn't respond. So all the night she was restless and frustrated.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:46 p.m. No.6367817   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

Every time Zeshan visited Zaheed's house, he saw Zaheed's mother Robina in a new light. Zeshan eyes constantly made their way toward her bosom and ass, a fact he knew she was aware of, but never said anything about.


The way their house was set up, all the bedrooms were on the second floor, and only one was on the ground floor. Zeshan parents' room was upstairs while Zeshan's was downstairs. It was a large house, and thus, it was possible to talk at a normal level in the hall by his room, and not be heard in his parent's room.


Every morning Zeshan's father would leave for work, and his sister and mother for school, since his mother was a school teacher, so he was left alone in the house. He didn't have to leave right away since he goes later to his job. So his mother asked Robina to help Zeshan in the morning if he needed it. She even gave her a key to the front door of their house.


Robina would usually come to Zeshan's room about 9 or 10 in the morning to make sure he was awake. She would visit with him a little, and then head off to her home if he wasn't having any problems. Sometimes when Zeshan was in a hurry, she made his breakfast. He would basically lie in bed, waiting for Robina to walk in his bedroom and talk to him. When he heard her coming, he would act sleepy and lazy like he didn't want to get up.


Once when Zeshan was still in bed she pushed open the door and stepped into his room. She was wearing a pink colored shalwar qameez.


She took a few steps towards him and said in a mock angry voice, "You're still in bed lazy boy? Hurry, get up." And then she turned around, shut the door, and came over and sat on the edge of the bed. She was so close to him that her body was touching his body and could feel her hip against his thigh.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:46 p.m. No.6367820   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"Why are you are still in bed? It is late."


"Robina, I think I am little ill," he replied.


Zeshan tried to get up, but Robina said him, "I don't want to disturb you, please lie down. Should I call the doctor?"


"No, it's not serious I'll just take some Tylenol and I'll be ok." he replied.


Zeshan turned on his side with his legs bent, facing her. She put her hands on his feet, rubbing them, and told him to relax.


As she sat there on the bed Zeshan became aware of the fact that his dick was pointing straight at her and was practically brushing her ass crack. That felt so nice and he didn't try to move.


She had a strange look on her face, she wondered what he was doing. All of a sudden she noticed, her face was a little flushed.


She looked at his dick and asked, "Zeshan, What is this? And what are you doing Zeshan?" She screamed, "You are a dirty little pervert!"


Zeshan became so nervous and looked towards her and acted surprised. "What is the problem? I don't think I have done anything wrong." He replied.


"Don't do that. You don't have to do that. I am the mother of your friend." She was acting very cool.


"Oh! If I did something wrong, I am so sorry." Now that was embarrassing!

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:47 p.m. No.6367822   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

She acted cool, but Zeshan knew she was enjoying this.


She looked down at his cock and said. "Look what you have done to yourself."


Zeshan looked down and acted surprised.


"Oh, Robina! I am so sorry!" Zeshan said.


"I didn't expect that from you. I may have talk to your mother." Robina replied!


"No! Please no, I am really sorry and I promise to be more careful in the future."


"Ok, I must go now."


"No, please don't go I want to talk to you." Zeshan pleaded her.


"No! We will talk some other time."


"There's something that I need to tell you now," Zeshan managed to say.


"Ok, I'm all ears."


"I don't exactly know how to say this," Zeshan said, impressed that he could even begin his sentence. He looked at her, not knowing how to continue. She looked beautiful to him. She always did.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:47 p.m. No.6367830   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"I've had a crush on you ever since I met you." Zeshan closed his eyes. He didn't want to see her reaction, even though he really did. He expected to feel her hand whip across his face. He was waiting for her to slap him, he was waiting for her to respond. He certainly wasn't expecting her to say the next thing she said to him.


"I know," She replied.


Zeshan couldn't believe it. He was unable to comprehend how she could possibly know what he'd been feeling for her this whole time.


"Youโ€ฆknew?" he asked. "How did you know?"


"I had a feeling," she began. "Sometimes a woman has a sixth sense about things like this." She laughed quietly.


Zeshan felt as if he'd died inside.


"How come you knew, and you've never said anything to me?" Zeshan asked.


"Because I didn't want to seem arrogant. I didn't want to embarrass you, and besides, you're half my age!"


It made sense but still didn't feel right about telling her.


Zeshan said, "I really am sorry. Did it make you uncomfortable that I was letting you see my cock?"


"Ok! Forget about it and don't worry about it. That's not the first time I have felt that, but be careful, don't repeat this!" She replied.


"What are you talking about? What do you mean, not the first time?"

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.6367837   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"A couple of times you have brushed it against me," Robina replied shy coyly.


"Oh! You have felt that?" Zeshan thought there was no way she could feel me.


"Yes, I have felt it many times!" she replied


"But did nothing, then why now?" asked Zeshan.


"Because before it was only for a flash, but now you have gone too far," Robina said.


"I want you. I love you." Zeshan pleaded this time.


"But I don't love you that way. I am the same age as your mother" she said. "Zeshan, have you gone mad? I am the mother of your friend. The mother of three young children. Don't be stupid. My body is only for my husband. This is ridiculous. I will certainly not do this." Said Robina.


"That doesn't mean we can't love each other," he put one hand on his hard dick and said, "Touch it. You have felt it but now please actually touch it." Zeshan replied.


She simply said, " No Zeshan. "


She stared at him and said, "No way! I am not going to touch it." she replied.


"Come on, touch me. It won't bite. Please."

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.6367845   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

"How can I? I am married, twice your age, the mother of your friend, and the friend of your mother. My husband and son would kill me if they found out," She whispered seductively.


"Look, I think you are absolutely beautiful. I know you want it too." They were both breathing heavily, feeling the sexual tension between them.


She simply said, "No Zeshan. This is a sin. This is simply not right. How can I face you in the future when we meet?"


Zeshan pleaded, "Robina, please I love you so much."


Robina again said, "No Zeshan, please do not ask me to do this."


He replied, "Why are you feeling so guilty? You have already honored me, by kissing me and hugging me."


As Zeshan talked, Robina still sat on his bed, not knowing what to do. Yes, even she realized that she was feeling very excited, ever since, she saw Zeshan's huge cock. But, she was nervous. She thought about her husband. Her marriage. Her children.


"How could I, a married woman from more than 20 years, go for a friend of my son, just because his penis excited me? What about my loyalty to my husband? What about my own husband's feelings?" She thought.Each second felt like a lifetime. She was trembling. Her knees were wobbling. Her throat became dry.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:50 p.m. No.6367861   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7873 >>7896

Zeshan caught her hand and stared into her eyes for a long time. She felt a kind of current shoot through her though it was not the first time they touch each other. She could feel a sudden gush of moisture seep through her cunt.


Zeshan said, "Robina, it is true that I am obsessed by your sensuous body. But it seemed that you want me too."


Robina looked down and whispered, "I don't know, what to say, Zeshan," She was feeling so shy.


Suddenly he caught her hand and placed it on his stomach. This time, she didn't resist and she kept her grip on his stomach and ran her hand over his stomach and started to feel his chest and shoulders. Then her hands moved over to his arms, and she kneaded the muscles on his arms. As she was doing this, his dick started to come to attention once again.


She was a little hesitant, but without saying a word, she reached her hand out and wrapped it around his dick.


Zeshan couldn't believe it!


She slowly slid her hand up and down. It was now a full-fledged boner, and he was proud of his 8-inch cock.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:50 p.m. No.6367865   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

Now she started to slowly stroke up and down on it. Zeshan was almost in a trance and couldn't believe his luck. he was shocked, utterly shocked, at this woman whom he lusted after for what seemed to be forever, this woman who was now sitting along side of him and stroking his dick. A voice inside of him told him to wake up, and he realized that the dream, the fantasy that he 'd been keeping secret for more than a year was finally coming true.


"You know, I almost have to say it isn't fair that you have been thinking about me like this, I am the mother of your friend," She said, looking in his eyes.


He laughed and said, "I am doing nothing just want to love you my sweet." She laughed and said they should not cross the limit.


"Please don't talk any more about this. We have crossed the line."


Zeshan started to slide his hand up toward her breasts. Then he placed his hand, in a cupping position on one of her breasts.


Zeshan could tell that she was really turned on, and he could see her beginning to enter "the mental place" where women feel so good they will let one do anything, as long as one doesn't stop!


Zeshan dick had never felt harder than it did right then, and he thought it was going to explode.


"Look at my dick. Look how hard you made my dick. All I want to do is fuck that sweet pussy of yours."


"I made it that way and I would treat it nicely, but promise me you don't tell Zaheed about this." She had a devilish smile when she looked into his eyes.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:52 p.m. No.6367893   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7896

My Descent into Anal Slavery Ch. 01


I am a very pretty, smart, ambitious woman in control of my life and I know what I want. Well, that used to be true. Let me tell you my story.


I graduated with a degree in accounting from an Ivy League college with honors. Throughout high school and college I studied enough to get mostly A's and did very well on the gymnastics teams.


I am 5'9" and weigh 145 pounds. My ass, thighs, shoulders and arms are big from years of muscle development. My abs are ripped and my waist is slim. I am very proud of my body and continue to hit the gym for 45 minutes every morning before work. It is not gymnastics but I will keep my gorgeous body. I am very proper looking and don't have any tattoos or piercings except for my ears. I have long blond hair and a patrician face. I know I am hot!


I have always loved sex and have had a few long term boyfriends and many one night stands and lovers. I never took any of them to seriously because I wanted a career and knew that I was too young for marriage. I just enjoyed sex. I had threesomes with both men and women and consider myself very bisexual. I have always kept it safe though and have never had sex without a condom. I don't need to get knocked up or contract any diseases.


Anyway a year ago I graduated and landed a great job at a top accounting firm. The pay is great and so are my colleagues. I rented a nice apartment, I go out a lot and I save about 30% of my salary.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.6367904   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Life was great! I have been promoted twice at work and I continued a great social life.


About half a year after I graduated I met Blake at my favorite bar. He is 5 years older than me and works on Wall Street as a trader. He is 6'2" and 190 pounds with great looks. He enjoys Cross Fit and for the first time in my life I was dating a guy with more going for him than I had going for myself!


Sex with Blake was like nothing that I had ever experienced before. He was great in bed, adventurous and kinky! Everything I liked. He even asked me to get a hood piercing and I agreed! I loved it! It was our secret and it made me feel special knowing that I had this taboo piercing that no one except Blake knew about!


I quickly fell in love with him and after two months of dating suggested to him that we should move in together and save on rent and expenses. Blake agreed but under a condition. He wanted us both to be sure that we were only with each other. He said that this entailed locking our sex organs away when we were not together!


I was intrigued. Blake produced a CB6000 cock cage and said that he would wear it whenever we were not together. He also said that I would keep the keys making sure that he would not be able to be with anyone else but me. I loved it!


However Blake demanded that I also wear a chastity belt whenever we were not together and let him keep the keys. When I said, I'd try he produced a real life leather and metal chastity belt with two padlocks.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:54 p.m. No.6367918   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I tried it on and got wet instantly! Just the thought of it locking my pussy away for only Blake was a turn on. However, I could not hide the outline of the thing under my tight fitting clothes. No one would notice it under sweat pants and a sweater but there was no hiding it under my tight skirts and pant suits.


It really turned me on knowing that my pussy was locked up for Blake only, but I was a professional woman with a high paying job. I had to be practical so I told Blake that I couldn't wear it to work or out of the house.


Blake then told me that there was another option. He wanted me to get ten welded vaginal piercings. Five in each labia, on both sides of my pussy in two rows. He would then fit them through a small shield that denied access to my pubic area and put a small padlock through them, when we were apart. This would lock access to my pussy even more effectively than any chastity belt. I got soaking wet just listening to Blake explain it to me! It was kinky and taboo! It would be our secret and it would be something special for the man who I loved so much!


I quickly agreed and we then had the most amazing sex ever. I was wetter than I had ever been in my life and I squirted twice! I rarely squirt so I was impressed with myself.

Anonymous ID: f0c476 April 29, 2019, 9:54 p.m. No.6367925   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

When Blake got dressed to go to work the next morning I asked to see him put on his cage. He refused and said that he would only start wearing it once I was sealed off too. I had to agree with his logic but was disappointed.


He saw it in my eyes and said, "Don't worry baby, I will make an appointment for you at a piercing studio tonight so that we can both be locked up tomorrow."


I hugged him with a passion that I never knew I had. I was so happy! I went to work riding on air and horny as hell. By midmorning my panties were soaked and I was afraid that it would leak through to my skirt. I went into the bathroom and stuffed a couple of paper towels into my panties. They felt good so I sat down on the toilet and rubbed myself off thinking of the piercings I would be getting that night! My pussy just tingled at the thought of being pierced multiple times. I looked at my waxed pussy and felt the labia and imagined the welded hoops that were going to be put in them. It drove me crazy!


I wore the paper towels in my panties for the rest of the day. I had to go to the bathroom twice more that day to change out the wet towels and rub off some more orgasms. I am a horny girl by nature but I had never masturbated at work before! I felt dirty and sexy as hell.