Anonymous ID: 0102a2 April 29, 2019, 11 p.m. No.6368415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8440 >>8525 >>8561 >>8615 >>8629

Bomb squad called to 'incident' in Phillipstown, Christchurch


A 33-year old man has been arrested after a report of suspicious items at a property in Phillipstown, Christchurch.


Police were called to an empty property in Newcastle St about 3.15pm on Tuesday.


A police statement said houses on Newcastle, Glasgow and Harrow Sts were evacuated as a precaution.


The New Zealand Defence Force Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit were at the scene. The unit deals with explosives, however police have yet to confirm if any explosives were found.


Several officers and a police dog entered a property on Newcastle St about 5pm. A drone was seen flying near the property.


Masonic 33?

Anonymous ID: 0102a2 April 29, 2019, 11:02 p.m. No.6368424   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Germany will continue to train soldiers from Saudi Arabia despite its brutal military campaign in Yemen.


Germany will continue to train soldiers from Saudi Arabia despite its brutal military campaign in Yemen, reported German news agency DPA on Monday.


Five Saudi soldiers are expected to start an officer's training course in July with the German army, while two others are to receive similar preparation with the air force. Seven more Saudi soldiers will begin German language training in July in anticipation of starting officer's training in 2020.


The training was part of an agreement made in 2016 during an official visit by German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen.


Last year, Germany imposed a temporary halt on arms exports to Saudi Arabia following the assassination of Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi in a Saudi diplomatic building. However, it has lifted restrictions on certain components following French and British pressure.




Berlin also cited the 4-year-old Yemen war when suspending arms exports to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The conflict triggered what the UN has described as currently "the biggest humanitarian disaster in the world."


Christian Blex, an opposition state lawmaker for the far-right Alternative for Germany, criticized the military cooperation in a tweet, saying: "[Angela] Merkel, [Heiko] Maas, von der Leyen — anyone with their hand in the game is a disgrace," referring to the German chancellor, foreign minister and defense minister, respectively.

Anonymous ID: 0102a2 April 29, 2019, 11:05 p.m. No.6368446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CBD Has Unique Ability to Cross Blood-Brain Barrier


The cannabis plant has over 400 chemicals and at least 60 different cannabinoids1 — chemical compounds the human body is uniquely equipped to respond to. Of the two primary chemicals, cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), only THC has psychoactive properties.


THC is the compound in cannabis triggering a “high,” whereas CBD has no psychoactive effects. Both compounds, and other phytochemicals found in medical marijuana plants, have a long list of beneficial effects on health.


Medical marijuana is a term used for the use of the whole, unprocessed plant or its chemicals to treat a medical condition.2,3 With the exception of four cannabis-containing or cannabis-related products for specific conditions with a prescription, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved any “marketing application for cannabis for the treatment of any disease or condition.”4 On the other hand, some states have gone ahead and approved it themselves for certain medical conditions.5


The number of states that have decriminalized, legalized or allowed medical marijuana sales continues to grow. In some states, cannabis is fully legal or illegal, but in others the laws are mixed, allowing medicinal use but not recreational.6


According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse,7 notable scientific study results led to the creation of two FDA-approved medications containing cannabinoid chemicals in pill form, but not the use of the whole plant. Recently scientists proved CBD can carry other chemicals across the blood brain barrier, opening up its medicinal potential even further.

The Blood-Brain Barrier Is Designed to Protect Your Brain


More than 100 years ago, scientists discovered not everything injected into the bloodstream would reach the brain or spinal cord.8 Through research, scientists discovered the blood-brain barrier is semi permeable; in other words, it allows some materials to cross into your neurological system, but prevents others.