Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 10:55 p.m. No.6368383   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Coming right up," he says. He takes the bowls to the sink. "I want you to go wait for me in my room." He nods towards a hallway.


"Okay," she says meekly.


She goes into the hallway. She finds the room with the bed in it. It's spacious. It has a couch on one side. The window is on the other side. The shades are open. Outside is an intricate city skyline.


The bed is tidy, but the room is messy. The bed is an island in a sea of junk. There's stuff on dressers and stuff on the floor. Books, DVD boxes, men's underwear. She tries not to look too closely at any of it.


She's not sure if she's allowed to touch anything, but there's so much stuff everywhere that it's hard not to. She steps carefully onto the patches where the floor is visible. She makes her way to the window.


She looks out. Some buildings are closer than others. She can see dormant lamps in other people's living rooms. She thinks of dollhouses. The street is far below. The horizon is far beyond.


She sees movement in the window reflection. He walks into the room.


She turns around. When it was just her, the room felt like a home. Now it feels like a trap.


"What are you doing all the way over there, love?" he says. "Get back here."


He kicks stuff out of the way. He clears a wide space around the foot of the bed. She walks to it. She stands in front of him.


He lifts his hand to her shoulder. He trails a finger all the way down her arm. She shivers.


"Don't you know you're too little to be going home with strange men?" he says. His voice is low.


Her voice goes back to being tremulous. "Are you…are you going to rape me, Daddy?"

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 10:56 p.m. No.6368385   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He chuckles. His laugh rumbles. He trails his finger back up her arm.


"I only rape bad girls. Are you a bad girl?"


She shakes her head.


"Are you a good girl who does as she's told?"


She nods.


"Take off your sweater."


She unbuttons her cardigan. It's difficult. Her fingers tremble. She peels the cardigan off her shoulders. She holds it in her hands. He takes it from her. He walks away and sits on the couch. He leans back, arms spread wide over the back of the couch. He looks her up and down. Lazily. Lustfully.


She stands there in her blouse and skirt.


"Keep going," he says.


She touches her hair nervously. She puts her thumbs in her waistband and slowly pushes her skirt down to her ankles. She steps out of it. Her blouse covers her hips, barely.


She looks at him. Her eyes ask him whether she really has to do this. His eyes tell her she does.


She pulls her blouse over her head. She drops it to the floor.


She stands there in her bra and panties.


"Keep going," he purrs.


She unclips her bra. She slips it off her chest. She pushes her panties down her legs and leaves them on the floor.


She's naked, restored to the first state of Adam and Eve before their first sin.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 10:57 p.m. No.6368396   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Mmm," he hums.


She freezes. She doesn't know what that means.


She stands there in her blush.


He gets up. He walks over to her. He touches her waist. He runs his hand up and down her back. His hand smooths over her bottom. He slips his fingers around and under her. They reach her sex.


She gasps.


"Did you do what I told you to do this week?"


She nods.


"Did you make yourself come?"


She shakes her head.


He puts his mouth to her ear. "You're such a good girl," he croons.


She passed the test. She completed her punishment. She starts to relax.


"I'm going to rape you now."


She gasps. She tries to back away from him, but he holds her tight.


"What? But you said—"


"That I only rape good girls," he grins.


She pushes at his chest. "I don't understand…"


"I want to use your delicious little body. Is that so hard to understand?"


She doesn't know how to answer.


He licks her ear. "This will only hurt a lot."


"No! Daddy, please—"


Suddenly, he picks her up. He throws her onto the bed. She sits up and scrambles to the head of the bed, getting far away from him even though she knows it won't help.


He quickly opens his pants. He takes out his cock. This time, she sees it. She can't miss it. It looks even bigger than in his videos. She feels a rush of fear.


He reaches over. Grabs her ankles. Yanks her towards him. She falls back on the bed.


The next moment, he's above her. She turns her head to the side. Her limbs lock up. She can't move. Her sex is pulsing. Her body is trembling.


She feels it on her thigh. His cock. She whimpers.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 10:58 p.m. No.6368402   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Mary," he says into her ear. His voice is soft. He says her name like he's asking her a question. It makes her feel in her heart that she's all right.


"Do you need to use your safeword, baby girl?"


Safeword. She knows what that is. But she doesn't think she needs it right now. She can't really think at all. She's too busy being aroused.


She shakes her head.


He grips her hair and pulls her head back. He growls into her ear. The growl makes her core clench. "So you like this?" he says. "You're such a naughty girl. You want Daddy to rape your virgin cunt?"


"No! Please…please don't rape me, Daddy…"


"Beg for it."


He pinches her nipple. She cries out.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 10:58 p.m. No.6368406   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Beg for it, slut."




"Please, what?"


She trembles.


"Mary…" he says in a warning tone.


She takes shaky breaths. She whispers, "Please rape me."


He pinches her other nipple.




"Beg harder," he demands.


"Please rape me, Daddy," she tries to say. Her voice is weak. "Please rape my virgin cunt with your big cock…"


She feels that big cock against her sex. She whimpers.


"All you had to do was ask," he breathes.


He pushes. Hard. His cock forces her sex open.


"Ahh!" she screams. She bites her own arm. "Daddy, it hurts!" she whimpers. Tears fill her eyes. She didn't know it would feel like this.


She pushes weakly at his chest.


"I know, baby girl, I know," he croons. He grips her arms and pins them to the bed. "You're being such a good girl. Giving yourself to Daddy."


"No…please take it out," she whispers.


"Like this?" He starts to pull his cock out.


She nods. "Thank you, Daddy."


"Do you want me to take it out more?"


"Yes, please…"


He pushes back in.




"But look, if I put it back in, I can take it out more."


He starts thrusting.


She cries out. The thrusting makes her lose her mind. It hurts so much. It feels so good.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 10:59 p.m. No.6368409   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Her hands flail, but her arms are pinned. He thrusts slowly. She's feeling feelings she's never felt before. He's touching parts of her that have never been touched before.


He kisses her. He starts to push his tongue past her lips. She whimpers. That feels as dirty to her as his thrusting. She turns her face away. He lets go of one arm and grips her hair. He forces her face back to his. He penetrates her mouth with his tongue. She moans.


"Mmm…I love making you moan," he groans into her mouth.


He thrusts harder. She moans more. Her free hand scrabbles at his shirt, clings to it. His thrusting revives the tension she's been building all week. Her moans get higher. Bolder. He holds her on the brink of orgasm.


"Daddy!" Her voice is urgent.


"Do you want to come?"


"Yes, please, Daddy!"


"Come for me, Mary. Come on Daddy's cock," he groans. He bites her lower lip.


She comes. Pleasure consumes her. Spasms wrack her body. She arches up against him, but he pins her down. He keeps thrusting through her orgasm. It's the biggest and longest orgasm of her life. The deepest and heaviest. She feels like she wasn't living until now.


She thinks it's over now. But no, his cock doesn't stop pumping her sex. She's delighted.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:01 p.m. No.6368419   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"No more, Daddy, please…"


"Oh, but you need more," he croons. "Daddy's not done with you. Daddy's going to rape you 'til you're sore."


He thrusts deep into her. She moans. She thought she was sensitive before. She's even more sensitive after her orgasm.


He sits up. He's still inside her. He pulls off his shirt and tosses it away. He leans back down. He makes a fist in her hair. He grips her hip and holds her in place as he thrusts. Her body still jolts.


He puts his mouth on her neck. Kisses it. Licks it. Sucks it. Nibbles it. Then he does the same to her left nipple. Then her right. The whole time, he thrusts. The whole time, she moans.


He returns his lips to her ear. "Oh, Mary," he breathes.


His cock is pleasuring her sex. But his voice pleasures her heart.


"Daddy…" she breathes.


"Come, Mary," he murmurs.


She gasps. Another orgasm crashes through her.


"Again, Mary. Again."


More orgasms strike her. Each one is like all her past orgasms combined. They blend together. They rise up. They assault her. They suffocate her. She doesn't want them to end.


He looks at her face. It's stricken with bliss. Her pleasure triggers his. He bites her neck as he comes inside her. The bite just makes her come harder. He thrusts his orgasm deep into her sex. He moans. Another moan. A sigh.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:02 p.m. No.6368421   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He keeps his cock inside her. He kisses her slack lips.


"You belong to me now," he murmurs against her lips. "Understand, little girl?"


She nods sleepily.


"Say it."


"I belong to you, Daddy. I'm yours."


He pulls out of her. Her sex still tingles. He lies next to her. He hugs her to his chest. Strokes her hair.


"I want to see you tomorrow after church, okay, love?"


She's surprised. She wonders if she'll be able being taken like this two days in a row. But she nods.


"Good girl."


She's his good girl now.




She lies awake in her bed. He didn't give her any assignments this time. But she still touches herself a bit. Her sex is sore.


She bled a little. Guilt returns to her. She could have saved that for marriage. But as she replays the day, she asks herself if she would have wanted anything to be different.


The answer?





Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:02 p.m. No.6368428   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She dips her fingers into the holy water at church. She touches the sign of the cross on herself. She genuflects at the pew. Her sex is even more sore today. It aches when she kneels.


The whole mass, she doesn't hear what the priest says. She looks up at the light slicing through the stained glass windows. God's light. She hopes her soul, however stained, is still worthy of it.




John gives her a welcome kiss. It feels uncannily familiar. Like they're a couple who's been married for years.


He picks up a beach ball from the kitchen table. He tosses it to her. She catches it in both hands.


"Let's play a game," he says. "How's your balance, love?"




He walks over to her and takes the beach ball from her.


"Hold out your arms," he says.


She does. He pulls her arms straight out in front of her. He turns her palms face-up and presses her forearms together. He balances the ball up on her wrists.


It's easy enough to balance. She looks at him questioningly.


He stands behind her. He slips his hands under her shirt. He touches her waist, her stomach.


She gasps. She drops her arms and pushes his hands away.


"Uh uh uh," he scolds. "You're being a bad girl."


He wraps his arms around her. He holds her flush against his body. She melts into his arms. It feels so good to be held by him.


"Do you know what happens to bad girls?"

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:03 p.m. No.6368433   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She shakes her head.


He puts his lips to her ear. He murmurs, "They get punished."


Suddenly, he drags her to the kitchen table. He bends her over it. He flips up her skirt.


"But, Daddy—"


"Uh uh. No buts. Except this one."


He spanks her bottom. A sharp slap slashes the air. The sound is worse than the pain. But the pain is still pretty bad.


"I'm sorry, Daddy!" she cries out.


He rips down her panties.


"No!" she whimpers.


He positions himself behind her. He leans over her body. She feels his hardness through his pants.


"You're sorry?" he croons at her ear.


"Yes!" she breathes.


He grips the hair at the back of her head. He pulls her up by her hair. She stands on unsteady feet. Her panties fall to her ankles. He pulls her backwards away from the table. She trips over her panty-shackles. She falls back against him. He catches her.


"Not very good balance at all, huh?" he grins. "This will be fun."


He kneels down and tugs her panties off of her ankles. She feels too exposed, but she's grateful to have the trip hazard removed. He puts the panties in his pocket.


"Round 2," he says. "Put 'em up."


She figures out what he means. She puts her forearms up. Now that she knows the rules, she'll be more careful about following them.


He puts the ball on her forearms.


"You'd better try hard, because I'm going to use any excuse I can to spank that sexy ass of yours again."


She holds as still as she can.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:05 p.m. No.6368444   🗄️.is 🔗kun







He stands behind her. He puts his hands under her shirt again. He touches her sides, her stomach. She gasps.


His hands move up to her back. He unclips her bra. It releases her breasts. He moves his hands around to the underside of her breasts. He traces along their outer curves.


She doesn't drop the ball. Not even when he brushes his fingers over her stiffening nipples. She gasps.


He tickles the very tips of her nipples with his pinkies. She whimpers. She squirms a little. The ball wobbles. She tries to steady herself, but it falls.


"I'm sorry!" she says.


He makes a tsk, tsk noise. He pushes her forward to the table again. He bends her over it.


He flips up her skirt. She tenses. A worried whimper leaves her lips.




The sound smacks the air and her skin. She yelps.






He spanks both sides of her bottom.


"Daddy!" she cries out. "Please stop, Daddy! I'll be good!"


>all hail fastjackoff

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:06 p.m. No.6368452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8464


"I know you will," he says in a babying voice. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll do anything Daddy says."


He rubs her bottom. Rubs the pain away.


He steps up to her. He grinds his hardness against her hips. She whimpers in shock.


She squirms to get away, but all she does is grind back against his cock. He growls and grinds harder.


She gasps and freezes.


He leans down to her ear. "What are you doing, little girl? Are you asking Daddy to fuck you right here on the kitchen table?"


She shakes her head.


"Could have fooled me, the way you're grinding on my cock. I think your little cunt needs to be reminded of what it's missing, don't you think?"


"No, please, Daddy, I'm too sore," she breathes.


"Aww," he croons in a babying voice, "you're sore?"


She nods.


He pulls away from her for a second. Then she feels his bare cock on her sex.


"No!" she yelps. "Please, Daddy!"


She squirms. Again, she grinds.


"Look at what you're making me do," he breathes.


He slides his cock up and down the outside of her sex. She whimpers.


"All I wanted to do was play a game. But you just couldn't wait to feel Daddy's cock again, could you?"


"No, Daddy!"


She tries to stand up, but she can't. He presses his body against hers. He rubs his cock on her clit. She starts to moan.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:07 p.m. No.6368456   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He groans into her ear. Then he tears himself away from her. She lies there, stunned.


"Stand up," he says. He's breathless.


She obeys.


"Put your arms up."


She does. She puts her forearms into position. He scoops the ball off the floor and puts it on her arms. She tries not to shake.


He stands behind her. He tugs down her skirt. The ball starts to wobble, but she catches it by holding it between her forearms.


He voices an exaggerated gasp. "Mary, are you cheating?"


"I'm sorry," she says. She puts the ball back.


He pushes her to the table again. She whimpers.










"Daddy, please stop!" she cries out. "I won't cheat again!"


"You'd better not," he growls.


He leaves her. He goes to his room. She stands up from the table.


He comes back. He's holding a length of rope. The sight of it thrills her.


He slings the rope over a chair. He pulls her shirt off. Her hair gets all messy. He rips her bra off of her chest. He kicks her skirt to the side and throws her clothes with them.


She's naked. She hugs her arms to her chest.


"Uh uh," he says.


He grabs her arms. He binds her forearms together, from her wrists to her elbows. The rope is now the only thing she's wearing.


He pulls her arms up into position. He puts the ball on it.


"Last chance," he warns.


She doesn't even know how she can win this game. She'll just hold on for as long as she can.


He stands behind her. His hands alight on her waist. They roam all over her body. Down the front of her thighs. Around to her bottom. Up her back. Back down. Around to her stomach. Up to her breasts. Upon her nipples. She has to try so hard not to squirm.


"Daddy, I don't want to play this game," she says.


"You don't?" he croons.


She shakes her head.


"Then let's hurry it along."


He goes to his room again. When he comes back, he's holding a feather.


Oh no, she thinks.


He smirks at the look on her face.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:08 p.m. No.6368461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8474



He takes his phone out of his pocket. "I'm going to set the timer for five minutes. If you can last five minutes, I'll be gentle with you. If you can't, I'll fuck you hard."


She suppresses a shiver.


He puts the phone on the table where they can both see it. He stands behind her. He whispers in her ear, "But you wouldn't mind that so much, would you?"


He trails the feather along the outside of her thigh. She gasps.


"Do you want Daddy to rape you again?"


She shakes her head. "No, Daddy…"


He steps back. He trails the feather up and down her spine. She shivers. She manages to keep the ball steady.


He trails the feather up and down the backs of her legs. It tickles so much. He swirls it around each side of her bottom. There are areas on her bottom that are so sensitive that she squeals. Still, she doesn't drop the ball.


"You're so sensitive," he says. "And still such a good girl."


He steps to her side. He trails the feather up her thighs, her stomach, her breasts. He swirls the tip of the feather on the tip of her left nipple. Then her right. She whimpers and moans, but she doesn't drop the ball.


He looks at the timer. She has a good shot at winning.


"Legs apart," he says.


She opens her legs.




She opens them more. Her sex is exposed to the air.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:08 p.m. No.6368468   🗄️.is 🔗kun



He brushes the tip of the feather on her clit. She cries out. "Daddy, stop," she says. "I can't take it."


"Good," he says.


He tortures her clit with the feather. She screams. She starts dripping with arousal. It's as if her sex is crying.


She looks at the timer. Twenty seconds left. She can hold on. She has to. Her sex is too sore for anything rough. But more importantly, she wants to prove that she can be obedient. A good sub.


Ten seconds left. Her clit screams for more pressure.


Five, four, three—


John hits the ball away. Before she can process what's happening, she's bent over the table. She's leaning on her bound arms.


"You naughty girl," he growls in her ear. "You think you could cheat Daddy out of raping you again?"


She whimpers. And when she feels his hard cock pressing against her sex, she cries out. "No, Daddy!" She wants to push him away, but she can't.


"You don't get to say no to me, you wet slut," he growls.


He forces his cock into her. She screams.


"Daddy!" she wails.


"That's right," he groans. "Scream for Daddy. Scream as Daddy rapes your cunt raw."


He plunges deep into her. She screams again. It's a different kind of pain compared to yesterday. It's more blunt, more broad. He withdraws almost all the way. He pushes all the way back in.


He grips her waist with his right hand. He thrusts long, deep strokes. She screams.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:09 p.m. No.6368473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He moves his hand around to her stomach, up to her breasts. He kneads both of her breasts. Her screams waver into moans and whimpers.


He puts his hand in her hair. Pulls her back against his thrusts. His thrusts get rougher. He pulls out slowly and pushes in fast. Stabs her over and over.


"Do you like this? Huh?" he breathes. "Do you like being fucked hard?"


"No," she wails. "Please stop, Daddy…"


He forces her flat onto the table. Her arms lie above her. Her breasts are pressed against the table.


He thrusts deep into her. He groans into her ear. That groan drops to the pit of her stomach. He turns her head to the side. Kisses the nape of her neck. Nibbles it. Licks it. It's a tantalizing combination of sensations. The light tickle of his tongue. The tight grip of his fist. The hard thrusts of his cock.


"Daddy," she whimpers. "Please…"


"Do you want to come?"


"No," she breathes.


"You don't? Why not?" he breathes. "Huh? Why don't you want to come, little girl?"


"It's too much, Daddy…"


"Too much?" he croons. "Too much for baby girl's sore little cunt?"


She nods.


He lets go of her hair. His hand trails down her sides. Around to her clit. She gasps. He rubs her clit.


"Come, baby girl. Come for me."


She comes. It's a brutal, exquisite orgasm.


He feels her body tense. Hears her telltale moan.


"Oh, yes," he groans in her ear. "Mmm…Good girl."


He keeps thrusting. Keeps rubbing her clit. Keeps making her come.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:10 p.m. No.6368478   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He can't hold on anymore. "Oh, Mary…" he groans.


He comes. He pours his orgasm into her sex and his moans into her ear. He shoves a few last, desperate thrusts into her.


She feels his cock pull out of her poor, raw sex. She already knows how sore she's going to be. And she thought her sex couldn't get any more sore after yesterday.


She feels his semen seeping out of her. It tickles her clit.


He spreads the lips of her sex open. Admires the view before wiping it up with a napkin.


He pulls her up off the table. He walks her over to the couch. He lies down and pulls her on top of him. They lie together. He cradles her in his arms.


He lazily unties the ropes around her arms. Her arms are striped with imprints.


He strokes her hair. He strokes from the back of her head down to her back.


"Thank you, Daddy," she murmurs.


"Mhm," he hums.


He kisses the top of her head.


He holds her for a long time. As long a time as he spent taking her.


"I want to show you something," he says.


They sit up so he can get off the couch. She watches him walk to the kitchen table. Gosh, he looks hot.


He walks back to her. She tries not to look at his cock. But she does. She can't help it.


He plops down next to her, to her right. He pulls her legs over his lap. Wraps his left arm around her. He's holding his phone in his right hand. He holds it sideways and hits play on a video.


"Oh my gosh," she says.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:11 p.m. No.6368490   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She sees herself. Her back, her bottom. His cock rubbing her sex.


"/'You naughty girl…You think you could cheat Daddy out of raping you again?'/" his voice says.


She watches in awe. She's awed at how she looks. She's awed at how she sounds. Most of all, she's awed at how hot the whole thing is. The sex, the fact that he recorded it. It's like she's watching her own rape.


She sees him force his huge cock into her. Sees it scrape in and out of her overstretched sex. The flesh on her hips ripples with every thrust.


"So, what do you think?" he asks. Like an artist showing his work.


"I…I couldn't say," is all she can say.


They keep watching. It's a long video. There are parts she doesn't even recognize because her mind was so far gone.


The angle changes. It's when she's flat on the table. He has the phone in front of her. Mary watches her own expression. In the video, her eyes are closed and her lips are open. She can't believe she looks like that. And it looks so hot to see his lips on her ear and her neck as her whole body shakes from his deep thrusts. It's making her sex tingle again.


"Wow," she says.


"Look how sexy you are, Mary," he smiles. "Did you even know I was taking a video?"


She shakes her head.


"You were just so into it, weren't you?"


"And so out of it," she says.


He chuckles. "Fucked on camera," he says. "You're a bona fide slut now." He grins at her. "Get it? 'Bonified'?"


She laughs. He's so silly.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:12 p.m. No.6368494   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Think I should put this on the website?" He's just joking. They already established that posting her online is a hard limit.


She smiles and shakes her head.


"But just imagine how many people we could make jealous! What's the point of having a great time if you're not going use it to make someone else feel bad about themselves?"


She laughs. "I don't want to make people jealous!"


"How about angry? Is that better? We could donate it to a Catholic sex-shaming organization for them to use in their educational videos. 'Listen up, brethren, this is what sin looks like.'"


She laughs.


He smiles. He keeps joking, "'Don't watch it, don't think about it, and definitely don't jack off imagining that you could be the one fucking this beautiful woman right here.'"


She blushes and smiles. "I'm yours only," she says. She kisses his cheek.


That does something to his heart, but he tries to ignore it. His only.




That night, she falls asleep with an ache in her sex and a smile on her face.




She's at work. She's staring off into space.

Report Story

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:14 p.m. No.6368504   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"You know," a voice says.


She starts and turns around. Her coworker is standing at the entrance of her cubicle.


He says, "I've been standing here waiting for you to notice me, but you're apparently too busy memorizing the pattern on the wall."


She laughs. "Sorry, Michael. What can I help you with?"


"Well, I was going to ask you for a copy of the shareholder report, but now I want to know what's got you dreamy-headed."


She smiles. "It does seem like a dream, doesn't it," she says wistfully.


He guffaws. "Wow, Mary! You've got it bad."


"What is it I got bad?"


He looks around and lowers his voice. Shields his mouth with the back of his hand as if he's about to say something forbidden. "Love."


She smiles a confused but guilty smile.




She walks through his door.


He immediately slams it and pins her against it. He grinds his hips against hers. She gasps. She can feel how hard he is. He kisses her. He pushes his tongue into her mouth. She moans.


She tries to push him away.


"Mm," he hums into her mouth. "I love it when you struggle, little girl. The harder you fight, the harder I get."


He fumbles with his pants. Then he puts his hand under her skirt.


"No…" she whimpers.


She pushes at his hand. It's no use. His hand finds her sex. He rubs her sex roughly. She moans.


He wrenches her panties to the side. He picks her up. She finds herself wrapping her legs around his waist.


"Daddy, I don't understand…"


She feels his cock against her sex. Her eyes get wide.


"No, Daddy!" she whimpers.


She holds onto his shoulders. She tries to push herself as high up as she can. Away from his spear of a cock.


"Shh, baby girl," he murmurs. "It'll be over soon, and by that time, you won't want it to end."


He lowers her onto his cock. Spears her. Her head tilts back. She cries out. She's still not used to this feeling. It's so intense. He groans against her neck. He kisses it.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:15 p.m. No.6368507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8538


He thrusts. She moans. His thrusts are slow but hard every time. Her hips bang against the wall. He's so deep inside her. The whole weight of her body is sinking her down onto his cock.


"Ugh, you feel so good," he groans against her neck. "Does this feel good to you?"


She just moans.


"Answer me, little girl," he breathes.


"Yes…" she breathes.


"Do you want to come?"


"Yes, please…" she admits.


"Too bad," he croons.


He digs his nails into her bottom. She screams.


"Ohh…" he moans. "Ugh…" He comes. He thrusts hard into her sex. Rough, urgent thrusts. He breathes hard against her neck.


He slowly lowers her to her feet. She stands unsteadily. He reaches under her and puts her panties back in place.


She's flustered. She doesn't understand why he didn't let her come. Her bottom stings. Her unfulfilled pleasure tingles in her sex.


"Did I do something wrong?" she says quietly.


"Oh, Mary" he croons. He holds her close. "Of course you didn't, baby girl."


Tears fill her eyes. They surprise her. She's not actually that sad, but the way he's soothing her is making her body respond this way. It's like she's showing her vulnerability now that she's been given permission to be vulnerable.


He strokes her hair. "You're such a good girl."

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:16 p.m. No.6368514   🗄️.is 🔗kun



She wraps her arms around him. She nuzzles her face against his chest. Her tears dry.


He kisses her forehead.


"Are you all right?"


She nods. She gives him a meek smile.


"Had to make sure you had that just-fucked look before I took you out to dinner."


Wait a second. "Out?" she says. Doesn't that break the Playeur's second rule? She thinks through her mental haze.


"It's opposite day!" he says. "Or should I say, it's not opposite day," he says with exaggerated mystique.


She giggles.


He steps away from her. He gets his coat, puts it on. He opens the door and walks out.


"Wait, we're really going out?" she asks.


"Unless you'd rather stay here by yourself. There's a vibrator in the right kitchen cabinet," he calls over his shoulder. He strides away.


"Wha—" She goes out and closes the door. Turns the handle to make sure it's locked. She trots after him.


They wait at the elevator. She looks at him. He looks back at her. He grins at her confusion.


"Let's play the quiet game," he says. "The winner gets to have sex with the loser."


She laughs.


"You've lost already!"


"I didn't know the game started already," she giggles.


The doors open. There's no one else inside.


They go in.


"Game starts now."


The doors close.


Suddenly, John pins her against the wall. It's no less thrilling for being the second time today. She gasps.


"I swear, if you do so much as whimper, I will fuck you right here."


He puts his fist in her hair. He pulls her head back and kisses her. He starts putting his hand under her skirt.


"I want to make you come," he murmurs against her lips.


He rubs her clit. She gasps. She wants to moan, but she stops herself.


Her sex answers to his touch. The orgasm he didn't let her have before now rushes through her. It's potent and powerful. Her eyes roll back. She would fall to the floor if he weren't pinning her to the wall with his body.


The doors open.


"Good work," he says. "You win. You can get your prize from me later."


He steps away from her. She steadies herself. She follows him out of the elevator. Her orgasm still buzzes in her mind.


"Wait, John," she whispers, "how did you know I'd come before we arrived?"


"I didn't," he grins.


She scoffs playfully at him.


They walk down the hallway and out to the lobby.


There's an older couple standing off to the side. They start to walk towards her and John. She's confused. She looks back and forth between them and John. Oh NO, she thinks. Her heart drops.


"Mom, Dad, this is Mary," he says cheerfully.


Her face is the reddest it's ever been. She sticks out her hand. "Hi, M—Mrs. Smith, Mr. Smith," she stumbles.


"Mary!" cheers the woman. She shakes Mary's hand. Then she gives her a hug. "Please, call me Evelyn."

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:17 p.m. No.6368518   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"And I'm Ben," the dad says. He shakes her hand and hugs her. "We're so happy to meet you," he says. "I can't tell you how long we've been waiting for our little Johnny to find a lady."


She just smiles. She has no idea what else to do. She keeps smiling and nodding all the way to the restaurant. They tell her about their little Johnny. How he put food coloring in his and his siblings' toothpaste, and they all went to school with blue teeth. How cats used to follow him home because he'd give them his lunch. How he won an award in fifth grade for being the best student in the whole class.


"Mom," he complains.


"Johnny, I carried you in my belly for ten months, and I still can't sneeze without peeing a little. The least you can do is let your mama brag about you to your first girlfriend!"


He puts his hand on his head. Mary smiles at him. He looks legitimately embarrassed.


They walk into the restaurant. They get seated. When Mary sits down, she thinks she feels John's semen spread against her sex.


Aside from that, she's feeling remarkably at ease. His parents are so nice. They smile at her. She wonders if they really think she's a prostitute. She's glad she's not dressed like one. On the outside, anyway.


"So you work in finance?" his dad asks.


"Yes," she says with relief. Thank goodness. John must have told them the truth. Or at least, the truth about her job. Maybe not about them being…like, boyfriend and girlfriend.


"What church do you go to?" his mom asks.


"Oh, St. Elizabeth's, out in the financial district," she says.


"How lovely. We go to St. Agnes. Father Isaac was the one who baptized Johnny. Though some would say Johnny baptized him!"


Both of his parents laugh. She smiles. She looks at John. John rolls his eyes but smiles.


"I can tell where John gets his great sense of humor," she says.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:17 p.m. No.6368520   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"What sense of humor?" his mom says with a serious face.


Then his parents look at each other and crack up again.


Mary laughs. This is definitely not how she was expecting to spend this evening. She loves it.


The waiter takes their orders, and soon the food arrives. John picks up his fork.


"Johnny," his mom says in a warning tone. As if he's five years old. "First we need to say grace."


John whispers to Mary, "Grace."


She giggles.


His parents hold hands and extend their hands to Mary and John. Mary holds his mom's hand. John goes along with it. In the back of her mind, Mary smiles at the fact that John is holding her hand in public.


"Oh, Lord, thank You for providing for us, Your servants. Please bless this food, that it may bless our bodies. In Jesus's name. Amen."


"Amen," Mary says.


Everyone but John makes the sign of the cross on themselves. His parents pretend not to notice.


They eat. The food is delicious. John's parents take turns telling stories. After a while, John even contributes some of his own. Mary listens happily. She knows she's being delusional, but the four of them already feel like a family. She hopes she'll get to meet his siblings someday. And maybe she'll even introduce John to her own parents…


When the bill arrives, John takes it out of the waiter's hand and thanks him.


"No, no, Johnny boy, let your old man celebrate this day," his dad says.


John hands the waiter his credit card. "Too late," John says. He doesn't owe his father anything, and he's going to keep it that way.


On the way back to the apartment building, Mary and John's mom are walking together, and John and his dad are a few paces behind them. They're chatting in pairs.


John's mom leans close to Mary. "Mary, we need your help," she says. She takes Mary's hand.


Mary looks curiously at her.


"Johnny has drifted from grace," she says. "He's lost. He hasn't been to church since he was sixteen. But I know God sent you to help him find holiness again."


Mary feels a pang of guilt that she's already slept with John.


The men in the back have gotten quiet. They're probably listening.


"Can you do that for our Johnny?" his mom asks.


Mary is taken aback, but not in a bad way. She thinks it's so sweet of his mom to ask something like this, and of her. "I will do my best. May God give me the strength for it," she says. She puts her other hand on his mom's hand and squeezes it.


"Oh, you'll definitely need strength!" the older woman laughs. "Johnny is more stubborn than Saint Peter at the gates!"


She smiles. Behind them, John's dad laughs.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:18 p.m. No.6368529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8541




They get to the apartment building.


"Where'd you park?" John asks. "I'll walk you to the car."


"And leave Mary by herself? Didn't your mama teach you better?"


"We'll go together," Mary smiles.


They walk to the parking garage. Even after they get to the car and John opens the door for his mom, his parents keep talking with them for ten minutes. They're just so excited.


"Okay, Mom, we have to go now," John says.


"Then stop holding us up," his mom says. "Mary, tell him to be a good boy."


Mary bursts out laughing. She hopes his mom doesn't know why.


John grins at her.


His parents get in their car. John and Mary watch them drive away.


Mary turns to him. "John, your parents are so delightful!"


"I think they want to trade you for me in their offspring lineup," he says.


She giggles. "You're so much like them."


He gives her a sharp look. "Don't make me go all Satan on you to prove you wrong," he says. His words would be funny if his voice weren't so low.


She looks away. Her sex wonders how sinful he can get. Her brain tells her sex to be quiet.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:19 p.m. No.6368532   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"If they only knew," he smirks.


He starts walking out of the garage. She follows him. He walks towards the apartment building. But to her surprise, he doesn't go in. She trots over to catch up to him.


"Where are we going?" she asks.


"That dinner was way too virtuous," he says. "I need some vice."


She guesses she'll find out soon enough what he means by that.


"So you didn't really tell them I was a prostitute?"


"Hell no," he says. "I don't need to give them more reasons to be disappointed with me."


"They're not disappointed with you, John," she says. "They just want the best for you."


"And you know this because you've known them your whole life?"


She's quiet. She ventures, "All I know is that a mom who brags about the award her son got in fifth grade is a proud mom."


She looks at him. He smiles.


"Hey, I worked hard for that award," he says.


She giggles.


"I divided, like, a billion fractions for it."


She laughs.


As they walk, she keeps touching the back of her hand to the back of his. First as if it were an accident, but then more insistently.


Suddenly, he pulls her into an alley.


"Stop it," he says. "We're not dating. I am not going to hold your hand."


She's startled. Tears flood her eyes. She's crying, and this time, she means it.


"Yes, Da—I mean…yes, John," she figures she should say.


He instantly regrets what he did. It's only fun to make her cry when it's a game. Now he's hurt her for real.


He puts his hands to her face. Brushes her tears away with his thumbs.


"I'm sorry, baby girl," he says.


She looks up at him. Her tearful eyes look straight into his soul. For a moment, he forgets where he is.


"It's opposite day," she says. "So that means if we're not dating, you have to hold my hand," she pouts. There's a hint of a smile behind her pout.


He smiles. "All right, love," he says, "since it's opposite day, we'll do what you want."


He picks up her hands. He folds her arms behind her back. She gasps. He holds her wrists tightly in his left hand. He pulls her body against his.


She feels a clench of arousal in her chest. This is totally worth having him be mean to her.


"How's that?" he says. "Am I holding your hands tight enough?"


She nods.


He puts his fist in her hair. Pulls her head back. She gasps.


He doesn't kiss her lips. Instead, he kisses the trails her tears traced down her cheeks. He tastes the salt of her sadness.


Her breath is shaky. From the crying, and from the being aroused.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:20 p.m. No.6368539   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He kisses her lips. He nibbles her lower lip. She whimpers.


Her panties had dried by now, but she's sure getting them wet again. Wet eyes, wet sex.


He slowly lets go of her. His hands run down her body. He takes her right hand in his left. He leads her out of the alley. He looks down at her. She's beaming up at him. He smiles. Maybe giving her what she wants isn't so bad after all.


"Just for today," he warns.


She nods. Still beaming. She can be distraught later. Right now, she's just elated to have someone holding her hand as she walks down the street. It's her first time.


They reach a part of town where people are prowling more than walking, and signs are glowing with neon reds.


"Have you ever been to a club?" he asks her.


She shakes her head.


A group of women pass them. They're wearing nothing but sequins, yet Mary is the one who feels inappropriately dressed. She looks down at her calf-length skirt. She picks at her thigh-length cardigan.


"You look great," he says.


She smiles at him.


They keep walking. Heavy beats rumble out of the open doors they pass.


He stops at a doorway. She can't tell what makes it different from the other doorways. He lets go of her hand so he can take out his wallet and pay the bouncer. He takes her hand again and leads her inside.


They enter a world of dark bodies and thick music. She feels like she's breathing in sound.


A woman walks up to them. She asks them to follow her. They walk through clusters of people. The hand-holding is a navigational necessity now. The hostess presents them with a round booth and table. He speaks to her. She nods and goes away.


John puts his hand on Mary's lower back and leads her to sit down on the booth's bench. He slides in to her right. They have a view of most of the club.


He props his left arm on the back cushion of the bench, around Mary's shoulders. He leans close to her ear. He has to, the music is so loud.


"Now this is more like it," he says.


She turns to him. "I'm definitely not dressed right."


"Do you even own a thong?"


"You mean sandals?" she says.


He laughs. He kisses the side of her head.


A server comes back with a bottle of vodka and a shot glass. She asks if they need anything else. John shakes his head. The server leaves.


"Now, one of my favorite games is Truth or Dare," John says. "But you never choose Dare. So we're going to play a different version."


He takes the shot glass and tops it off with vodka.


"Dare or Drink."


She looks nervous. The most alcohol she's drunk is the wine at church.


"Go on, pick one," he says.


She hesitates. She looks at the shot glass. She picks it up. She sips it.


She coughs. It's so strong.


He laughs.


"That's not drinking," he says. He takes the glass out of her hands. "Like this." He puts to his lips and throws his head back. It's gone in one go.


He hands the shot glass back to her. She holds it. He takes the bottle and tops off the glass.


She looks at it. She grimaces and drinks it the way he did. It burns her throat all the way down. She coughs more.


"First time?" he grins.


She nods.


He puts his lips to her ear. "You're such a naughty girl, letting Daddy corrupt you."


His voice makes her sex tingle.


"Dare or drink," he says.


She can't do another shot right now. "Dare," she concedes.


He grins. "I dare you to take off your panties."


She gives him a pleading look. She shakes her head.


"Drink, then," he says simply.


Her throat still burns. She looks around. She doesn't see how she could take her panties off without it being obvious. It's dark, and no one is watching, but still.


"May I go to the restroom to take them off?"


He smiles and shakes his head.


It was worth a try. She shifts the back of her skirt up. It's still covering her legs in the front, but this way, she can reach under it to get to her panties. She slips them off of her hips. Down her thighs, over her knees, off of her feet. She hopes she's not going to make a wet spot on the bench.


He takes them out of her hands. He puts them straight up on the table. Her eyes get wide. He grins at her. People walk by. They don't even look at them, but for all she knows, they're judging her hard.


"Dare or drink," he says.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:22 p.m. No.6368547   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She's afraid to see how much more daring his dares can get. "Drink," she says.


He tops off the shot glass. She drinks it down. She coughs.


"Good girl," he croons in her ear. "I want to make you helpless."


She feels heat in her core. It's not just the vodka.


He kisses her ear.


She's definitely going to make a wet spot.


She feels like people in the club are watching them. She doesn't look to see if she's right.


"Dare or drink," he says. He licks the crest of her ear.


Her breathing is getting shallow. "Dare," she says.


"Take off everything but your sweater," he says. "You can keep your shoes on."


She looks at him. "No, John, please," she says.


"Uh uh," he says. "Ask Daddy nicely."


"Please, Daddy, please don't make me take off my clothes," she says.


"Either you do it or I will," he warns. "And I won't stop at the sweater."


She gasps. She looks away in defeat. She looks around at the crowds of people. When she thinks she has the highest chance of everyone looking away, she starts retracting her arms in her sleeves. She could unbutton her cardigan first and take it off, but no way is she going to do that. She resorts to her middle school locker room tactic, using the cardigan as a covering while she contorts herself out of her bra and shirt. She gets them around her waist. She puts her arms back in her cardigan sleeves. She pulls her bra, shirt, and skirt down over her hips and legs. She puts them on the bench next to her.


"Impressive," John says.

Anonymous ID: 7afbff April 29, 2019, 11:25 p.m. No.6368558   🗄️.is 🔗kun



She giggles nervously. The neckline of her cardigan dips in a low V. The hem of it is long enough to cover her hips, but just barely. She feels so exposed.


He puts his right hand on her right knee under the table. She tries to push it away.


He grips her hair in his left fist. Slowly pulls her head back.


"Uh uh," he scolds her. "Are you asking to be punished?"


She can't shake her head. "No, Daddy," she breathes.


He slips his right hand up her thigh. She whimpers.


He touches the front of her sex. She gasps. He rubs her clit. She squirms on his hand.


"Moan for me, baby girl," he groans in her ear.


She moans. She blames it on the alcohol dissolving her inhibitions. Still, she hopes the music drowns out that sound for everyone but him.


He kisses her throat. "Good girl," he purrs. She can feel the vibrations of his voice on her throat, and he can feel the vibrations of her moans on his lips.


"You're so sensitive," he murmurs. "Do you want to come?"


"Yes, please, Daddy…"


"Come," he commands.


She obeys. The music and her orgasm reverberate through her body.


He doesn't stop rubbing her clit. He raises another orgasm in her. Her moans heighten. She comes again.


He lets go of her hair. Her head lolls on his shoulder. If she wasn't drunk on alcohol before, she's drunk on orgasms now.


He strokes her hair. She opens her eyes. She thinks she can see some people looking at her. She feels so red. Neon red.


"Do you like putting on a show for other men?" he says.


She immediately shakes her head.


"It's opposite day, little girl," he says. "Choose your answer carefully."


She's flustered. The one drink she had isn't helping her think.


"Look at those men out there," he says. "They're staring at you. They want to fuck you. Do you want them to fuck you?"


"No! I mean—Daddy, I…I don't know what to say."


"Opposite day, little girl. If you say no, that means yes."


She bites her lip. Then she gives him a thoughtful look. "I guess that's usually true."


He laughs. He kisses her forehead. "You are adorable."


She smiles.


He picks her up by her waist. Sits her on his lap. She can feel how hard he is. His left arm, he wraps around her waist. The right hand he slips into the V of her cardigan.


"No!" She squirms.


"Mary," he says in a warning tone. "If you keep grinding on me like that, I'm going to fuck you in front of everyone until we get kicked out."


She gasps. She stops moving. She holds onto the arm around her waist.


His hand fondles her left breast. He kneads it. Runs his fingers over her nipple.


She sees a group of men looking at her from a ways away. They smirk. They say things to each other. She turns her face away from them.


"You see that, little girl?" John murmurs. "You see how much they're enjoying your show? Wishing they could be the ones taking advantage of you?"


His words make her burn.


"Dare or drink," he says.


Such a difficult choice. She can't tell if she's had too much to drink already. But she knows that a dare would definitely be too much.


"Drink," she says.


He takes his hand out of her cardigan. He pours a drink for her and holds the shot glass to her lips. He helps her down it. She coughs again.


"Dare or drink," he says immediately.


She makes a noise of frustration. "Daddy, please, not yet."


"Dare, or drink," he says. Slowly. Ominously.


She flounders. "Drink."


He pours another glass for her. Pours it past her lips. She coughs.


"Dare or drink."


She looks around at him in desperation. She doesn't want to drink. She doesn't want to do a dare. She doesn't want to ask him to stop.


"Dare," she says.