Anonymous ID: dd925e April 29, 2019, 11:31 p.m. No.6368581   🗄️.is 🔗kun


your wish is my command


She opens the door and closes it quietly behind her.


She follows trails familiar enough that she can navigate them through blurry tears. Over to the elevator. Down the 32 floors. Lobby to sidewalk, sidewalk to cab, cab to home.


The whole time, she wonders if he's going to chase after her, but he doesn't. The whole time, she wonders if he's going to text her, but he doesn't. She agonizes over what she did wrong. Sleeping there overnight? Sleeping with him at all? Reaching out to him on his website? Being weak against temptation? Having those temptations in the first place?


Maybe it's a good thing he doesn't want to see her again. She wouldn't have the willpower to stop herself from sinning with him more. So much more. So many more times.


She goes into her apartment and takes off her tainted clothes. She quickly showers, not even waiting for the water to get completely hot first. She needs to repent. A cold shower is the least she can do.


The water flows, the crying stops. She thoroughly washes her hair and scrubs herself down. She even rinses her sex with her hand. She feels between the folds. They're very sensitive.


She dries off and throws on her clothes. She looks at the time. She can still make it to twelve o'clock Mass. New time, same sanctuary. She's starting to feel better. She heads back out the door.




She walks up to the church.


"Mary!" a cheerful voice says.


She turns to look. It's her coworker Michael.


"Michael," she says. "What a nice surprise." She didn't know he was Catholic.


"Is it your first time here?" he asks. "I haven't seen you here before."


"Oh, I usually go to the 10:15 Mass," she says. "I was…running late."


"Well, this is great," he says. "Now we can sit together."


They go in. Make their holy-water signs of the cross.


"I usually sit here," he whispers to her as he leads her to a pew near the front.


"Me too," she smiles.


"I knew I liked you for a reason," he says.


They genuflect and enter the pew. The priest begins the service. Mary feels the weights lifting from her mind. They might return later, but for now, it's nice to feel safe in God's house and have the comfort of His grace.


She doesn't want Mass to end. She doesn't want to have to carry her heart out of this shelter and into the lonely reality of the world.


When Mass ends, she thinks about going to confession. But Michael is still here, so she'll at least walk with him as he leaves.


They go to the doors of the church. More holy water. They step out onto the sidewalk.


Her stomach drops. John is waiting for her. The weights crash down again.




John's in his kitchen. He watches Mary walk out his door.


It's not the first time a girl has walked out that door. In fact, it's the thirty-second time. No big deal.


So why does he want to run after her? Why does he want to call her name and hear his name on her lips? Why does he want to sweep her off her feet and carry her back to his bed and never let her leave?


Is it because this is the first time he's seen a girl walk away crying?


Is it because this is the first time he's had a sub use her safeword?


Is it because this is the first time he's been in—


No. Don't even say it. Don't even think it.


He's a player. He's the Playeur. He's the one who does the playing. He's not going to let love play him.

Anonymous ID: dd925e April 29, 2019, 11:32 p.m. No.6368588   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mary's heart jumps at the word.


John extends his hand. Michael shakes it.


"So you're the lucky guy," Michael says. He's nothing but friendly.


John hides his surprise. Mary talked about him?


"Mary's been head over heels for weeks. Right, Mary?"


She blushes and looks away.


"You two have a good day. See tomorrow, Mary," Michael says. He walks away.


John stares at Mary. His eyes burn into her. She can't tell if their fire is of passion or anger. She guesses anger. "Head over heels?" he says quietly. "You haven't broken my third rule, have you?"


She shakes her head. If she ever wants to sleep with him again, she needs to play the part.


John hides his disappointment. Of course she hasn't broken the rule. She doesn't love you.


"You're not in love with him, are you?" He nods in the direction Michael left.


She shakes her head very surely this time.


"Because when I said you could ask someone to dance, I didn't mean you could flirt with men you actually wanted to date," he warns.


"I don't want to date Michael," she reassures him.


"Why not? He's good-looking. He's Catholic. He's probably thought about fucking you in a conference room or two."


She gasps and shakes her head.


He takes her hand. He starts walking away with her.


She's happy but confused. Telling her not to bother coming back, but then introducing himself as her boyfriend. Letting her believe he never wanted to see her again, but then holding her hand in broad daylight. What's he playing at?


"Why did you tell Michael that you were my boyfriend?" she asks.

Anonymous ID: dd925e April 29, 2019, 11:34 p.m. No.6368596   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anonymous ID: dd925e April 29, 2019, 11:35 p.m. No.6368601   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She shakes her head. "I don't want them," she says. "I love you. I need you. I need you to—I need you to need me, too."


He looks at her. His expression softens.


"Please, John. You're the only man I've ever loved, you're the only man I ever want to love."


He looks at her with passion. He kisses her. He kisses her roughly, then slowly, then roughly again. He pushes her backwards to the coffee table again. Pushes her back on it. She moans eagerly. She opens her legs for him.


"Yes, Daddy, please take me," she breathes. "Make me yours."


"You are mine," he growls. He thrusts his cock into her.


She screams. His cock razes her abused sex. It feels hellish and heavenly.


But then he takes his cock out of her. She whimpers and looks pleadingly at him.


"Ask me to fuck you," he says.


She looks at him with big eyes. She takes a deep breath. "Please…fuck me," she whispers.


"Louder. So everyone can hear you."


She hesitates.


He pinches her nipple.


"Ahh!" she screams. "Fuck me, Daddy, please!"


He does. He buries his cock into her. He pounds her with all the fury, all the jealousy, all the lust he built up from watching other men enjoy her. And even worse, from watching her enjoy them.

Anonymous ID: dd925e April 29, 2019, 11:36 p.m. No.6368604   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mary moans. Her nails dig into his back. Her legs wrap around him and pull him closer to her.


With all the other men, she's experienced extreme pleasure. Violent orgasms. A lot of new ways to feel good. But nothing compares to having John take her and make her his.


She comes. Her orgasm swells and crashes in her.


"Mary," he murmurs. "I love you."


As her orgasm drowns her, she feels his voice against her lips. Breathing life into her.




John stands in front of the church doors. He balks.


"Please, John, just this once," she smiles.


"You let your girlfriend take you to church one time, and pretty soon you're eating someone's body and blood."


She laughs.


"We don't have to come back next week if you don't want to, I mean it," she says.


"Don't you go tricking me now," he says.


She giggles, but he's only half-joking..


They walk through the doors. He's uneasy. If he weren't holding Mary's hand, his hand would be a fist.


The room is full of people. How can this many people be delusional? Fucking religion. If there's one thing he has to give it credit for, it's gaslighting more people than he ever could.


She lets go of his hand for a moment to dip her fingers in the water and make the sign of the cross. She slips her hand back into his. He can feel the remnants of the water on his skin.


"Where do you want to sit?" she asks.


"The make-out section," he grins.


"What?" she giggles.


He leads her to an empty pew off to the side and in the back. He watches her kneel and make the sign of the cross. He stands as tall as he can as he stomps into the pew. He sits down and puts his arm around her as if this were his living room.


The priest (the actual priest) begins the service. It's as boring as John remembers. He makes it as interesting as he can.


"Show us, O Lord, your mercy," the priest says.


"And grant us your salvation," the room replies.


John whispers, "You can have my salivation any time."


She playfully hits him on the shoulder.


John waits for the service to end. Talking happens. Singing happens. He puts his hand on Mary's knee, but she pushes it off. He lets her. She keeps her eyes straight ahead.


"Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again."

Anonymous ID: dd925e April 29, 2019, 11:37 p.m. No.6368606   🗄️.is 🔗kun


John whispers, "You know what else is risen?"


She smiles and shakes her head in disbelief.


"You know who else will come again?" he grins.


She has to stop herself from laughing. "Stop it, John," she whispers.


He puts his hand on her knee. She tries to push it away, but he doesn't let her. He slips his hand under her skirt. She gasps. She shakes her head, but he moves his hand higher up her thigh.


He puts his lips to her ear. "Mary, I want you to know that if this church weren't so important to you, I'd gladly get you kicked out of it." He kisses her ear. "I want to pin you down on this pew, push your panties to the side, and fuck you for hours."


She gasps.


"Would you like that?"


She shakes her head. But by now, he knows what that means.


He runs his hands over her thighs, and then he takes his hand out. She breathes a sigh of relief.


At one point, Mary kneels down on the padded bar to pray. She feels John's hand on her lower back. She whips her head around to look at him. She shakes her head and looks pleadingly at him.


His hand slips lower. She starts to sit back on the pew, but he pushes her back to her knees.


She feels his hand slip over her bottom, then under her skirt. She quickly reaches back to push at his hands, but he's too strong. His fingers reach her panties. He pushes them to the side and enters her. She suppresses a moan. She's grateful that the sound of everyone's singing is masking the sound of her whimpers.


He leans close to her ear. "Such a slut," he murmurs. "Letting a man finger-fuck you in church."


She gasps.


"Tell me what a bad girl you've been."


She covers her face with her hands.


"Say it. Say that you've been a bad girl."


"I've been a bad girl," she whispers.


"Yes, you have," he sneers. "Daddy's going to have to punish you later."


She whimpers. She relinquishes her self to the feeling of his fingers. Soon, she comes. She clasps her hands tight together and presses them to her mouth. Her eyes roll closed. Anyone looking at her would see a woman in exceptionally passionate prayer.


Her head falls forward on her hands. She catches her breath. He pulls his fingers out.


She climbs back on the pew. She looks at her feet. She's too afraid to look anywhere else. Someone might see her smiling.


He kisses her ear. "Shall I fuck you now?"


She shakes her head. "No, Daddy," she whispers.




She looks into his eyes.


"All right," he says. He holds her hand. "Not this time. We'll be back next week."


She looks at him and smiles. She smiles with all her heart.