Anonymous ID: a23780 April 30, 2019, 12:18 a.m. No.6368785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8792 >>8794 >>8797 >>8802



Of course he's comped, this has all been a scam-


heres his twitter if you want to let him know what you think

Q stops posting, BO quits, new BV censors & namefags and now this. Play capthcha monkey every post. QR is dead by design. Please all go home, we'll wind you up again for 2020 elections


What will this board have now? a few tards that have no life. Q doesnt need us anymore just been tossing balls of yarn to keep the kittys occupied. all the research here was for you fucktards that just woke up the last 2 years, youre not in an OP, youre not changing the world. youre a vote and now they dont even need that because you have no where left to go


Whole history of the world, little people get used & fucked