To make roboscript shills have a bad day.
He's still going to fondle that run up until he's physically behind bars.
If [they] got an illegal foreigner into the whitehouse, they would try to put an individual under investigation for felony there, too.
Trump's been the best thing to happen to the USA since fucking Washington crossed the river the first time.
I think I know why things are being done like they are, and I'm not saying shit ;)
I think it's funny to watch. It six characters for fucks sake, for real.
And the usuals are bitching like it's some super sekrat hashed entry key.
Funny. As. Fuck.
I've been here for a count of time too. I'm not going to bother with the appeal further than that.
The only individuals that bitch about captchas like their leg just got pulled off are the ones using scripts that just broke.
Especially if the scripts also track their online time.
kekeke i know i meant the vid.. TOP
bleh, wanted this one. .>>6369765