Der verstorbene Edgar Miles Bronfman, Vater von Clare Bronfman, ist identisch mit John Doe 2 in den Akten. Er starb im Alter von 84 jahren am 21. Dezember, 2013.
> – To dismiss various counts and racketeering acts;
> – To require the prosecution to produce a Bill Of Particulars;
> – To require the government to promptly disclose any exculpatory materials A/K/A/ Brady materials;
> – To preclude the government from utilizing its proposed expert witnesses; and
> – To allow foreign witnesses to testify via live video-conferencing.
Die inneren Schamlippen des 15-jährigen Mädchens sind auf den Bildern zu sehen.
> U.S. District Court Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis has ruled that the images of the 15-year-old girl that were found in a hard drive seized from Raniere’s sex lair at 8 Hale Drive may be introduced as evidence by the prosecution.
> The photos of the 15-year-old girl will also be the basis for the possession of child pornography charge that Raniere will likely face in the Northern District of New York (NDNY).
Am 14 Februar 2019 ist der Child Victims Act (S.2440) von Governor Andrew Cuomo unterzeichnet worden.
> - The statute of limitations for victims to file civil lawsuits has changed. Previously, victims had to file a lawsuit by age 23. Now, victims are allowed to file lawsuits up until the age of 55.
> - If a victim did not previously sue by the time they were 23, they will have a one-year window of opportunity to sue the abuser and/or institution that employed the abuser. The window begins on August 14, 2019.
> - Felony charges can now be sought against the abuser until the victim is 28 years old. Misdemeanor charges can now be sought against the abuser until the victim is 25 years old. The statute of limitations in criminal cases is no longer the time from when the criminal act occurred but relates to the age of the victim.
> - The institutions that employed the abuser are now liable. These include churches, schools, camps, Boy Scouts of America, and other institutions.
Verjährungsfrist verlängert, Institutionen wie Kirchen (oder NXIVM) jetzt haftbar
Heute begann der Prozess gegen Keith Raniere. Einige der pathetischen Versuche der Verteidigung sind abgewiesen worden, Beweise der Anklage dafür zugelassen. Parallel dazu gab es eine Gesetzesänderung zugunsten der Opfer.