Anonymous ID: af007a April 30, 2019, 7:33 a.m. No.6370406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yellow Vests & Black Blocs? France braces for possible protest perfect storm on May 1


Labor Day is the traditional date for mass protests in France, occasionally quite violent. This year the authorities fear a confluence of the radical part of the Yellow Vest movement with the dreaded Black Bloc anarchists.


On Monday evening, Didier Lallement, the freshly-appointed head of the Paris police, held a high-profile meeting with several other security-related officials to discuss the measures that need to be taken before, and on, May Day. DSPAP, the largest department of the capital’s police force, released a memo detailing preventive action against possible rioting on Wednesday, according to Libération. The special focus will be on trains arriving in Paris.


The French authorities are concerned that mass demonstrations on Labor Day will escalate due to a “yellow and black wave,” a possible alliance between the domestic Yellow Vests movement and international anarchists from the so-called ‘Black Blocs’. If it happens, the result may pale last year’s upheaval, which resulted in over 200 arrests in Paris.

Anonymous ID: af007a April 30, 2019, 7:36 a.m. No.6370435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Japanese Emperor Akihito abdicates throne after 30-year reign


Emperor Akihito of Japan formally stepped down Tuesday, the first abdication for 200 years in the world's oldest monarchy, as his son Naruhito prepared to take the Chrysanthemum Throne and usher in a new imperial era.


In the "Room of Pine" in Tokyo's Imperial Palace, the popular 85-year-old performed the abdication ritual in the presence of the imperial regalia – an ancient sword and sacred jewel that are considered to legitimise an emperor.


In his final speech, Akihito offered his "deepest heartfelt gratitude to the people of Japan" and said he would "pray for the peace and happiness of all the people in Japan and around the world."


Despite near-constant rain in Tokyo, several hundred wellwishers congregated outside the Palace during the historic ceremony attended by around 300 people, including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and around a dozen members of the royal family.

Anonymous ID: af007a April 30, 2019, 7:42 a.m. No.6370513   🗄️.is 🔗kun

500 € banknotes no longer printed


500-euro notes will disappear soon.

Germany and Austria — the last two countries in the euro zone to still print these high-denomination European banknotes — stopped printing them on Friday.


The decision to cease the production of 500 € banknotes was taken by the European Central Bank (ECB) in 2016 to fight against terrorism financing, counterfeiting and money laundering.


Apart from Germany and Austria, euro-zone countries ceased their printing on 26 January. The existing 500 € notes will still be legal and can be exchanged indefinitely.

Anonymous ID: af007a April 30, 2019, 7:56 a.m. No.6370622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0635 >>0640 >>0670


Even I am having second thoughts I scan and post news from all over the world everyday but having to do a spell check every FKing post is silly and to big a waste of time


Egypt aims to become regional digital centre for date transfer between continents: Al-Sisi


President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi stressed Egypt’s keenness on the strategic partnership with China in view of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which he said addresses vital sectors and priority areas for Egypt within the framework of Egypt 2030 Vision for Sustainable Development.


During his speech in the first session of the roundtable on the BRI annual summit in China, on Saturday, the president stressed the close relationship between the development of infrastructure and the achievement of comprehensive development.


He further called for the urgent need to provide financing for infrastructure projects in Africa in order to achieve development, explaining that Egypt is aiming to become a regional digital centre, for data transfer between continents.

Anonymous ID: af007a April 30, 2019, 8:03 a.m. No.6370696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0733 >>0788

AMAZING VIDEO: In Venezuela National Guard Troops Filmed Arresting, Attacking Other National Guard Troops in Street


On Tuesday morning Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido called on the the military to rise up and oust the Socialist Maduro regime.


Guaido appeared with activist Leopoldo Lopez who was freed from house arrest by members of the military.


Later this morning the Maduro Regime supporters fired tear gas on the Guaido protesters.


A crowd disperses after tear gas is deployed near Venezuela's La Carlota military base.


Earlier, Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido proclaimed the end of socialist President Nicolas Maduro’s regime and called for a military uprising


— TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) April 30, 2019


The violence is escalating on the streets.

Anonymous ID: af007a April 30, 2019, 8:06 a.m. No.6370723   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A thumb goes up. car goes by.. (Do I ever remember those days… cheap FKers kek )


Vanity Fare ~ Hitchin' a Ride (1969)

Anonymous ID: af007a April 30, 2019, 8:12 a.m. No.6370786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0878


Socialism is alive and kicking in South America


South America has one of the largest concentration of States in the world that would call themselves socialists. Although there are other countries with left-wing governments, this political doctrine seems to have settled more strongly in this continent. With approximately as many nations that have welcomed right wing or Christian-Democratic heads of State, as those which stand-out with a radical left-wing government, overall, South America stands as a spot with a large amount of supporters of the validity of socialism.


The key issue in finding the reason for a concentration of socialist nations in such a specific part of the globe are the arguments for which it remains to succeed amongst a part of the population, and more interestingly, the views of the rest of the world.


Amongst all South American countries seeking the proletariat’s dictatorship, one has gained particular prominence lately: Venezuela. The impact produced by Hugo Chavez in international politics may remind in short-term history of Fidel Castro’s speeches in 1959 after taking over Havana. After an attempted coup d’état in 1992 and a subsequent two-year imprisonment, Chavez ran for the 1999 national elections with the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, of Marxist ideology. During these eleven years in power, he has been as controversial for his national and foreign policies, as for his manners. A public detractor of the United States foreign policy, especially during the years of the Bush administration, and reluctant to globalisation, he has always manifested very clearly his aspirations to be a supranational organisation in South America and the Caribbean to achieve self-governing policies and independence from wealthier European and American countries.

Anonymous ID: af007a April 30, 2019, 8:17 a.m. No.6370834   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US investment fund to buy United Bank of Egypt in 3 months, CBE to maintain stake: Amer


The United Bank of Egypt will be sold to a major US investment fund within three months, the Central Bank of Egypt’s (CBE) Governor Tarek Amer revealed on Monday. Amer told Daily News Egypt that the CBE will retain a stake in the bank, without revealing the size of this stake. The CBE owns 99.9% …


The United Bank of Egypt will be sold to a major US investment fund within three months, the Central Bank of Egypt’s (CBE) Governor Tarek Amer revealed on Monday.


Amer told Daily News Egypt that the CBE will retain a stake in the bank, without revealing the size of this stake. The CBE owns 99.9% of the bank’s shares.


He added that the proposing US fund has significant banking activity, particularly with regard to SME financing, with a total capital of $104bn.


The United Bank was established in 2006. It has a capital of EGP 3.5bn and owns 54 branches across the country.

Anonymous ID: af007a April 30, 2019, 8:20 a.m. No.6370862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0920 >>0951

Biometric Smackdown: Backlash Grows Against Facial Recognition


Stories of resistance against biometric schemes are seldom seen in established media because Big Tech lawyers head off such stories by bullying outlets with legal threats. Monsanto and Big Pharma turned this into an art form. ⁃ TN Editor


A teenager is suing Apple for $1 billion. The lawsuit, filed Monday, hinges on the alleged use of an increasingly popular — and controversial — technology: facial recognition. The tech can identify an individual by analyzing their facial features in images, in videos, or in real time.


The plaintiff, 18-year-old college student Ousmane Bah, claims the company’s facial recognition tool led to him being arrested for Apple Store thefts he didn’t commit, by mistakenly linking his name with the face of the real thief. NYPD officers came to Bah’s home last autumn to arrest him at 4 in the morning, only to discover that they apparently had the wrong guy. Bah says the whole ordeal caused him serious emotional distress. Meanwhile, Apple insists its stores do not use facial recognition tech.


Whatever the truth turns out to be in this case, Bah’s lawsuit is the latest sign of an escalating backlash against facial recognition. As the tech gets implemented in more and more domains, it has increasingly sparked controversy. Take, for example, the black tenants in Brooklyn who recently objected to their landlord’s plan to install the tech in their rent-stabilized building. Or the traveler who complained via Twitter that JetBlue had checked her into her flight using facial recognition without her consent. (The airline explained that it had used Department of Homeland Security data to do that, and apologized.)

Anonymous ID: af007a April 30, 2019, 8:25 a.m. No.6370915   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Did you really think anything actually changes .. some of us know some real history


The Banana Wars: How The U.S. Plundered Central America On Behalf Of Corporations


During the Banana Wars of the early 20th century, the U.S. military toppled regimes and massacred thousands to keep U.S. business booming.

Anonymous ID: af007a April 30, 2019, 8:33 a.m. No.6370978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Venezuela Banned Private Gun Ownership Less Than A Decade Ago


Venezuela banned private citizens from owning guns seven years ago, leaving firearms solely in the hands of the army and the police. Now, as the country’s opposition attempts to oust the oppressive Maduro regime from power, it is a decision some have come to regret.


Interim President Juan Guaido called for a military uprising, dubbed Operacion Libertad, against socialist dictator Nicholas Maduro on Tuesday. Venezuelans have been protesting for months against Maduro’s “re-election,” which the United States has declared to be illegitimate in light of Maduro’s jailing of political dissidents and protesters