Libya 3.0
gotta love our government. Libya had Gold and Oil and The Manmade River
Libya 3.0
gotta love our government. Libya had Gold and Oil and The Manmade River
It's a man's world… and it would be nothing without F-35's (Israeli model - thank you) and mercenaries and rocket launchers. Where do I sign up
Seven Countries in Five Years
General Wesley Clark
We need Venezuela now
MY point - Obviously we want to control all the RARE Earth Metals and resources that we can. Simple -
Natural Resources Produced in Venezuela
Venezuela is known for its numerous natural resources which are Diamonds, gold, natural gas, gold, bauxite, iron ore, hydroelectric power. Most countries around the world with great economy and riches most likely have oil as their natural resources. And is part of the (OPEC) international organization. We generally know that in this modern age, oil is vital to any nation’s economy.
I wish I had the means. I'd go follow the leads. Someone posted a while back that she was in the desert. Arizona? This fraud being perpetrated on the American sheep has reached epic proportions.
Good ole Ruth. What court cases are being brought before the SC that she has to be there for. I think it's time for iris scans to climb the dias. No skype, No Deals
Well, well, well: it looks like the current president is just finishing up what Obama started.
Obama Hands Venezuelan Leader a Cause to Stir Support
The new boss same as the old boss