Good luck getting ANYONE to talk about that. It isn't called the Silent Service for no reason.
Good luck getting ANYONE to talk about that. It isn't called the Silent Service for no reason.
I'm the CC poaster, and I'm in NC too. Aware of that.
It's aggravating to think that open carry can be illegal anywhere - that is the foundation of what the 2A is all about. Keep arms = have them in the home. Bear arms = take them with you where you go.
No one seems to much understand this point.
Maduro's minions are about to come to grips with the reality that the best weapon left to a disarmed populace are bottles filled with gas, and stuffed with rags.
Beg pardon, small correction here.
Slave labor wasn't cheap.
Slaves were brought to the US primarily using Northern shipping, which profited on all 3 ends of the Triangle Trade (molasses to rum to slaves). Bring slaves in, sell them, make $. Pick up the cargoes they made, deliver them (lots of sugar), sell them, make $. Deliver the rum and other cargoes to Britain/elsewhere, sell them, make $. Go buy new slaves.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Look at the percentage of slave owners - small compared to the overall population.
Slavery was a wealthy Southerner issue. Northern states began to impose economic burdens that affected all Southerners, however, and the States' Rights issue was born.
Just a bit more detail to fill that in. Had family on both sides, too. Am a proud Southerner and feel no taint of slavery, as none of my ancestors ever owned. But they fought (and died) on both sides.
Someone should introduce Tit-mania to the Arabic term "behayim", which is Cairo street-slang for "So fucking stupid you can't even move."